Tagged > Natural condensation |
Is It Possible To Not Judge Someone?
20 Posts • 15876 Views Philosophy Forum |
The question has room for varying contexts, there is a perfectly healthy, natural, and even necessary sizing up, assessing.
A judgement is a conclusion, a premature assessment sometimes, but its ju... |
ChristianityPaul - The 13th apostle who never met Jesus Condemns Homosexuality
4 Posts • 3495 Views Religion Forum |
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped a... |
AliensWhy do people assume Alien lifeforms are smarter than us?
24 Posts • 17364 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i think Azhrei has summed it up the best, to reach us in our current situation must of course be the result of their using more advanced technology to reach us. though of course that does only prove t... |
27 Posts • 17624 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I am trying to understand this, not justify it.
If we look to older cultures, even in England, not just places like Arabia, women were likely to be married at a younger age, and and for it to be a... |
The Amazingly Long Yet Not So Hilarious Thread
147 Posts • 32266 Views Jokes & Games |
her natural reaction was to pull the flute out of herself and started playing lovely music which mezmorized the tentacle being. |
Relationships & LoveNeed Of Companionship
6 Posts • 3906 Views Psychology Forum |
I believe that there is LOVE and INFATUATION, which are too commonly mistaken for each other. Here's my definition of INFATUATION
INFATUATION: when you start a new relationship and you feel li... |
Gender PsychologyHIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views Psychology Forum |
What is natural, awakend? How do I just ignore the dating ads on the train, at school, in people's conversations? Don't these have some kind of effect on my subconscious? |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30199 Views Religion Forum |
yes, thats what I m saying. there are perfectly resonable explainations for natural phenomena, be it secret chemical tests underground or a freak of nature |
BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11599 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Jacker what are your assumptions based on? Where is this information coming from that allows you to claim that humans have lost their natural instincts over time? |
62 Posts • 21957 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"But the constraintss to civil liberties which followed 911 have been used to promote long term escalation of such restrictions to include the War on Terrorism."
I agree, I do hope a democr... |
Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineHomemade Toothpaste
8 Posts • 9395 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Commercial store bought toothpaste may not be the best formula for cleaning your teeth. I've read that fluoride is an essential mineral which the body needs to maintain healthy bones and teeth. H... |
Reality & MetaphysicsCan inanimate objects carry expressive meaning?
6 Posts • 7846 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that there is a close association between comprehension and meaning. I also think that understanding is a work of art.
Understanding does not come easily but it can be 'a kind of e... |
Emotions & FeelingsA Love With Out Love
5 Posts • 2707 Views Psychology Forum |
I come here to love and share, but when the wheels of my chair slide closer... my mind freezes. I seek to find love, to be loved, to know love, and what prevents it. So when the mind freeze comes, I k... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30199 Views Religion Forum |
Wake up to what, what is a natural occurance, that isn't any more of an explanation.
Whether religious or not, god can be defined as powers greater than ourselves, this including nature and th... |
@tax cuts
22 Posts • 5513 Views Talk Talk |
question. If a (responsible Government) existed ,as all governments claim to be, Could they not expect more taxes from those who take to much out of the natural resources of a country than is justifya... |
Atheism & AgnosticismIs a forum for non-deists, atheists and agnostics necessary for equal consideration?
15 Posts • 4418 Views Religion Forum |
Religion seems to be a natural occurrence in some way with humanity. Being that there are almost as many as languages around the world, easing the mind with a simple answer maybe helps people get on w... |
Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views Philosophy Forum |
I simply used christianity as a reference in my own experiences. What I said was that I am confused, much like when that happens to me with christians. I did not say taht christians souls do not exist... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5975 Views Philosophy Forum |
You guys really think that children of such a young age that can't grasp basic concepts should be exposed to what ever they want.
I see more innocent children express greater understanding of... |
Life & DeathMusic theory to life theory
4 Posts • 3701 Views Philosophy Forum |
The tuning of instruments dates back to the greeks. The Pythagoreans came up with a ratio 2:1 the golden ratio. They used it to tune their lyres and harps. There is one problem with this type of "... |
Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7231 Views Religion Forum |
"Natural selection arises without the need to posit a designer' (Darwin). If Einstein truly did not believe in natural selection, I'd be surprise, very surprised. I reckon what it is he... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13222 Views Religion Forum |
I see someone's been making a Smoke sacrifice,
the only thing I have ever seen sacrficed was tobacco. In native traditions herbs & or spices have certain attributes (spiritually & physic... |
15 Posts • 5594 Views Science & Technology Forum |
otb i agree with you, there are many things in the world that go vice versa. Look at gasses liquids and solids, they all form each other, so its only natural that energy can be converted to matter. BU... |
141 Posts • 31076 Views Talk Talk |
I'm cynical of Mankind / Human Breeders.
YOU don't have moral (natural) rights to destroy Planet Earth and the other intelligent species.
Shame on YOU! *mad* |
Society & SociologyCuteness- inborn or bred?
29 Posts • 7490 Views Psychology Forum |
Jacker- thats the same as saying there are studies dedicated to the pyschology of emotion such as love. If its part of natural behaviour, then its going to be significant within ethology and neuropsyc... |
Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15090 Views Talk Talk |
one time i got a kiss on the cheek from my freind and my natural reaction was to flick rocks at her. i then ran inside my house, and when her dad came in my room, i hid under the bed.
i also once p... |