Thou shall not lie and create false hope. Now look me in the eye and tell me I'm not insane. - 1xplicit-azn
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Tagged > My beliefs on why things are the way they are
THREAD Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29837 Views
Jokes & Games
But that's the whole "be carefull what you wish for" thing It'll never be perfect But All these things shape who you are today, especially the pain. hm.. I wish.. That I could...
THREAD GodGod Life and Mind
41 Posts • 9867 Views
Philosophy Forum
when you think like this world (people) you only look at the worlds appearance, which is seen only my a blind man ( simple minded person) but if you look at it as if was poetry (see things not through...
49 Posts • 13324 Views
Philosophy Forum
is the mind all negativity? is optimism not also a creation of the mind as much as pessimism? you cannot ignore the mind, as the mind provides emotion, and our emotional responses to things control...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77238 Views
Psychology Forum
Why would you suggest that other people are stupid? Do you respond to certain people before trying to communicate with them? I suggest asking questions when something does not make since to you wh...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44887 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yes, being real and knowing you exist are two different things. Saying that I am real means that this person who I am every one else believes I am does indeed exist, however the phrase refers to the c...
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33920 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
They've been "secretly" adding to the Acts too. They often just re-issue old things thrown out or voted against by adding them to other bills, which I have no idea how they get away wit...
THREAD War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89108 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well not for Iran anyway. Its not like the USA and Russia disagree on anything they really care about (except perhaps the Baltic Republics, and Russia has accepted their independance). China and th...
THREAD Is Anything Possible?
13 Posts • 4203 Views
Philosophy Forum
a higher will like god can't even be affilated with such things like sinning.. Why not? everything is impossible in theory untill proven possible.. I disagree. Anything could be possibl...
THREAD why continue?
63 Posts • 20663 Views
Philosophy Forum
About your believing we are all one being beneficial, I would like you to elaborate. There are many things beneficial in life that one can choose to pursue. "What do you want to get enlightened...
THREAD What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13261 Views
Talk Talk
Actually no. I am responding from the meaning of innocence in the context of responsibility. We each are part of the determinants in which we form and react to our emotions. To wit, we are always resp...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsInteracting with a strangers life to make you feel better.
6 Posts • 2207 Views
Psychology Forum
I notice this all over the world and in my own life. It is what drives media, its what drives some lives, it could not interest me any less. I find it extremely unusual that so much of the populati...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131959 Views
Philosophy Forum
There doesn't appear to be a large amount of activity here. So someone comes along and livens things up a bit in a perfectly benign way with perfectly benign intent, and he's seen as a distr...
THREAD Life & DeathRules Of Life??????
18 Posts • 7442 Views
Philosophy Forum
Things balance out automaticly.. all sides label it "good" or "evil" depending on your current postion.. its all part of everything
THREAD Energy?
9 Posts • 2946 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think energy is a process. It is not some free agent that goes around creating mass. Even the examples suggest process, if you do this add that then x, y or z happens. All things have the potential...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsWhat's worth getting angry over?
14 Posts • 7470 Views
Psychology Forum
I donĀ“t get angry easily, 'cuz I control myself (maybe too much), but when someone repeats an action that's botheing me even though I've told him/her it makes me anger, I lose control...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24247 Views
Religion Forum
sometimes i feel like i am not powerful enough to do what i know im supposed to That's the whole point. One person alone will find challenges that cannot be overcome by a single person. Faith...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11356 Views
Psychology Forum
I read alot of female bashing in this thread (though when I started this bashing of the males or females was not my intention) but us women can say all the same things about men. We can't underst...
THREAD any girls wanna have some fun?
21 Posts • 4901 Views
Talk Talk
Children know things as young as 5. Seriously. Your daughter probably does know. She might be innocent. I knew someone who played with dolls until about that age maybe a little older, and she knew mor...
67 Posts • 18823 Views
Philosophy Forum
Fate follows rules that chance does not. Chance is arbitrary and therefore it enslaves us to its control. Fate puts limits on certain things but that allows us to reach maximum potential.
THREAD ChristianityElijah
7 Posts • 3097 Views
Religion Forum
Good point Sorceress. I guess im trying to say. If men wrote the bible. The same men who did these things. Like Elijah. How do we know that there not lying about anything? How do you know there...
THREAD Wierd al yankovic
2 Posts • 2065 Views
Talk Talk
I am a big fan off wierd al yankovic!! he is a parody writer post things about song's of his or music videos. my favorite is white and nerdy!!!*lol*
THREAD me and men
14 Posts • 4757 Views
Talk Talk
I'll admit I do many stupid this, in a relationship, and well almost too many stupid things out of one, but at no time do I ever want to hurt someone I care about, nor would I want someone that c...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19176 Views
Philosophy Forum
Okay-we're talking about fashion here so I'll tell the score. If a fat persons wearing a thong-I'll laugh. If a fit person is wearing a thong, I'll take note. Accept what u got...
THREAD Starting over
20 Posts • 5394 Views
Talk Talk
Are we still pure at heart, do we still have our same heart like children, do we still try to figure things out? Why do we judge if we didn't when we were little? have our eyes been open when we...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77238 Views
Psychology Forum
Not much of a reader eh, that could explain some things. But regardless, I want to again express how much more pleasant "not" speaking with you has been. Thanks for clarifying again, so...
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