Intelligence, Memory & Brainbrain controls the mind? or mind controls the brain?
5 Posts • 2739 Views Psychology Forum |
Very good question. So far I believe that because we are capable of looking at our brain as an instrument rather then ourselves, the mind is in control.
I have more research to do before concluding t... |
Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17689 Views Psychology Forum |
Drugs like LSD can make your mind more sensitive. So things that are usually below the threshold of your consciousness will become conscious. You can come to new realizations. |
Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12881 Views Talk Talk |
if you imprison people who have killed they just get used to their sorrounding. In years they won't mind being in a prison as long as they are alive. |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14645 Views Philosophy Forum |
allow me to answer my own question... in the time that god was created, it was a patriarcal society.... therefore everything in the bible is written by man, for man, from the mind of a man. |
Conditon of the average American
36 Posts • 9054 Views Philosophy Forum |
Enlightenment is the condtion of a single human entity, who of which, has a stronger soul then mind, in all their qualities. |
Relationships & Lovea little insight please?
27 Posts • 5407 Views Psychology Forum |
Epically... long... quotes.
Mind... melting.... out... of... boredom.
Can I think anymore? The answer is NO! |
4 Posts • 2961 Views Religion Forum |
Keep in mind the old adage, as when preparing for anything in life.
Better safe than sorry.
And hindsight is 20/20. Better to be prepared than be caught unaware. |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21922 Views Religion Forum |
The existence of the mind raises the human above the slug, as well as all other land-based lifeforms on Earth. |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 159419 Views Talk Talk |
I am addicted to playing DIABLO 2 !
Why - I am an escapist, it keeps my mind from reality, I am aware of that and still waste many hours on it.... |
Word Association- Life
16 Posts • 5835 Views Talk Talk |
A lake where I spent my childhood, a place that in my mind will never change the goods and the bad all locked away in my memories |
51 Posts • 19944 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well i always act the way i am, i dont try to be fake or anything, and ill express my mind to people. But then agian you cant be totally real with your grandma right? |
we only have what we will
30 Posts • 5798 Views Philosophy Forum |
As if that were actually possible. In your mind it may sound good but you could never practically use that theory and so you can never test it. But without ego people would be pretty mindless. |
Habits & BehaviorParanoia
13 Posts • 3818 Views Psychology Forum |
:o i tend to disagree with you there why would your mind do that unless you have a pshycological dependeance on ppl being around you, but then you would feel relaxed not tense and paranoid. |
About You / IntroductionsWhats your name?
73 Posts • 18765 Views Talk Talk |
G'day. yeah it seems that most people who use this site are from Nth America, but I don't really mind about the time difference because by the end of the day or beginning there is usually a... |
Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13270 Views Philosophy Forum |
Decius, while I haven't agreed with you on some of your other posts, I must give you props for that. It was the exact same thing going through my mind. |
258 Posts • 67184 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I once thought to ask why and sealed it with authority
And not to ask why not
Yet creativity is master to ordernance
So when the mind caves in on itself
And becomes bad
Just ask why not
And l... |
Gameshow fast can u type a-z game
62 Posts • 226098 Views Jokes & Games |
I wont repeat myself....all people here with common sense and a mind would know its a lie so....whatever u say doesnt make a difference...
and thats that =) |
Please read
15 Posts • 3583 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think there ha got to be some differentiation between body and mind. animals have much less developed minds than humans, so ideas such as lgic or numeracy, even language are purely human concepts. h... |
Society & SociologyFree Will
16 Posts • 5529 Views Psychology Forum |
There is also the truth that although we are all, in essence, the result of out environment and genetics and the moon and various other factors...
I diagree on that point. I feel we are a product o... |
How does the mind display itself to us?
11 Posts • 2970 Views Philosophy Forum |
{quote]Btw, can you please explain the relevance of you quote? I think that's where you lost me... Ya, know what ya mean your last post left me the same way?
Last thing first, I tend to be more... |
ChristianityChristianity is dead, now what ?
23 Posts • 7378 Views Religion Forum |
Decius! Sorry I've been gone so long. I didn't forget about you. I hope you don't mind, but I carried our conversation over to another forum. Maybe you can join us there? If not I'... |
ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10885 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm not sure what the actual percentage is but I do believe that we use less than 25% of our actual brain powr. I think as time progresses and humanity evolves and more and more knowledge becomes... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Subconscious Focus…
5 Posts • 2888 Views Psychology Forum |
Some things do not depend on the conscious aspect, but at other levels of consciousness.
We do not only feed and work with the conscious mind, but also the subconscious, and unconscious.
When you wo... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21257 Views Psychology Forum |
This is a message sent me by ChrisD:
"I think what you said about Josen Bo's Mind Portal was completely unfounded. Did you even bother to read the content he presented in the link in his... |
PoetryJust a poem i thought up last night
20 Posts • 7073 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i just thought if this randomly so here it be
I have many friends, many girls
With their hair straight or in curls
I am nice and always polite
I keep my cool in every light
But sometimes im a g... |