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Tagged > Mental health
THREAD General Healthwhat do doctors do???
1 Posts • 3891 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Why is it that pretty much every time I go to a doctor, for anything, they always just seem like they're not really listening and it's always the same procedure? They do some physical examin...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51778 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
From a purely economic and health point of view. Legalization is the way to go. Official "massage parlours" as they're sometimes called, keep whores off the streets, allow readily avail...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 159956 Views
Talk Talk
i read...a lot i love cartoons from the 80's i've overcome a drug addiction sometimes i look at my boyfriend and think he's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen my d...
THREAD BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15218 Views
Science & Technology Forum
That is scary. I think by breeding that way we remove an important ingredient in human reproduction, LOVE. And would you and the "mate" still raise the child in a traditional manner, mother...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36645 Views
Philosophy Forum
Would we debate our own existence? I think therefore I exist> reality is a conception of our mental capacity? Thus we exist therefore existence has reason > reality is real.
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe difference between men and women.
5 Posts • 3772 Views
Psychology Forum
I would like to understand men and women better in regards to being of a different sex. The physical, biological, mental, emotional differences that are hardwired into us. The things that will make...
THREAD DrugsWhats so appeling about drink?
15 Posts • 3261 Views
Psychology Forum
*dead* the worst of efforts, it sucks the hell out of you. Some people loke feeling bad about theirselves...punish me plz, mental whip whip. meh, i don't know getting wrecked once or twice a seas...
THREAD Mental IllnessMental Disorders and Psychology
14 Posts • 8041 Views
Psychology Forum
Psychology and psychiatry are legitimate fields, it is the pharmaceutical companies that have corrupted it and try to put as many people on drugs as possible. Clinical depression and mental disorders...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMarijuana,weed,pot,mary-jane...etc
35 Posts • 20584 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
It's about 23 years I smoke weed or hasc every day. I don't smoke cigarettes, only 2 or 3 light joints a day. Sometimes 4 or 5. Just once in a while a smoke a good one, when I know I can r...
THREAD ElectionsObama is not fit!
20 Posts • 6464 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
President Obama. 'This is our moment, this is our time.' Perhaps now we can heal our ties with the world. Perhaps now we can start funding our education for our children, research for a better to...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27248 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
If homosexuality IS a choice, should it be systematically eliminated from humanity? In my opinion, no. Because it is not physically harmful. And emotional states or bad behavior from any homo...
THREAD I like girls!
24 Posts • 8082 Views
Talk Talk
no problem. i admit i've a fear of queers... reason being is they are 'wrong' for one and i think it's a 'mental defect'. never have been or will ever be "gay"...
THREAD Societyhuman condition
13 Posts • 5370 Views
Philosophy Forum
The human condition within society? Thats an all encompassing question indeed! its sad really - we measure progress by technological strides for the most part. There is so much wrong in our society...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorMonarch Conditioning
0 Posts • 715 Views
Psychology Forum
Project Monarch found this with a quick google of "monarch conditioning" bit convoluted and keeps talking about satanism and bloodlines which makes you wonder about the authors sanity, bu...
27 Posts • 9012 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Lighten up people...French Fries or Freedom Fries with lots of catchup is pretty damn good! Of course the US House of Representatives passed a dumb resolution! Isn't that why us Americans send th...
THREAD War & TerrorismNews From Iraq
14 Posts • 4291 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
We should have continued our negotiations with Saddam. Instead we knocked a pillar right out from under them. Even if it wasn't a good pillar. It was still a pillar. It has cost us and them a who...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8286 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
wow sooo many dif. opionions on drug use... I dunno. i think it depends on the person using them. I use to smoke a lot of pot, but then i quit, not because i had to but becuase it just got old.. ya kn...
16 Posts • 6185 Views
Talk Talk
Does any one else see what is goin on? Everytime someone does something stupid it takes more of our freedoms away. For example after the Columbine shootings they made it harder to own a gun. But reall...
THREAD Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14986 Views
Psychology Forum
girls look sexy in them wats wrong with that Why should looking "sexy" cost a person's health or at least comfort? Who defines what "sexy" is anyway?
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122937 Views
Religion Forum
your memory, feelings senses can creat and mix things creat whatever mental images or feelings we can label "sening god" or "sou" (continue of dumb teen) i wanna answer should have...
THREAD EconomyEuropean Union VS United States of America
7 Posts • 21148 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Having lived 25 of my 60 years in Europe (until late '98), I find the comparison silly. Europeans live in 'country-states' that have been supporting people for over 1000 years in...
THREAD ElectionsTonights Debate
24 Posts • 5500 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Obama '15 billion dollars to private insures, lobbyist shape our health care' McCain 'spending freeze to every thing except defense ' wow McCain is digging a hole Obama ' a freeze would be using hat...
THREAD Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9961 Views
Psychology Forum
Everybody has illusions… It would appear the mentally ill have these illusions at more times or at more significant (or even important) moments in time… Dreams are a source of illusionÃ...
THREAD Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5993 Views
Philosophy Forum
But it only takes one to change. It can take one instance and one person to start it, but it takes a society to change a society. Large school shooting are one of the reasons i tend to think tha...
THREAD Biotechnology Activists: ias in activism and forum
15 Posts • 5183 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Teen, ya missed the point about the friend . . . it was a matter how much of what she ate or somuch exercise she did. It was more like being diabetic, it just is in the nature of her being. Don'...
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