Tagged > Long term memory |
PerceptionBlind Peace
5 Posts • 2617 Views Psychology Forum |
I want one. I'm agraphobic enough - can you imagine what I'd be like with one of those!*lol*
As an aid to meditation I think the ilolation tank would be fantaastic.
I was just wonderin... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85904 Views Science & Technology Forum |
4 September 2012
Hurricane Paths on Planet Earth
Image Credit & Copyright: John Nelson, IDV Solutions
Should you be worried about hurricanes? To find out, it is useful to know where hurrican... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousConsciousness is just the tip of the iceberg
24 Posts • 12883 Views Psychology Forum |
Conscious vs sub-conscious.
Why do we have a sub-conscious mind to start with? Memory I understand. Maybe the mind needs references that relate so the sub-conscious? Paul |
30 Posts • 16475 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
345. Hurricane, a tool to distract (9/27/05)
I allege the recent hurricanes were practice of climate war. It was part of framed case plotted by D.O.J..
1. Motive: As I have said, the September... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I wouldn't say that Bush is stupid, but just because you graduated Harvord doesn't mean anything. I mean he could of gotten the "special treatment" or maybe he was smart. Your real... |
Gender PsychologyOf hairy backs and repelling women
14 Posts • 14027 Views Psychology Forum |
From a quick web check, you would be absolutely correct.
This particular complex seems also to have been associated with an idea of "penis envy". To understand where they are getting tha... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views Religion Forum |
Pagans are a general term from WAY BACK..and not necessarily those used now to wiccans. Etc.
Idols are a form of worship in many ways besides statues these days. Anything or one who replaces God, and... |
Arts on UGN! Submit your works!
75 Posts • 19678 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Wyote it may not be a drawing that I did, but in a certain way it is my work taking this term to judge what is yours:
what is yours isyours because, either you did it or you keep/save/conserve/buy it... |
How to annoy a co-worker
12 Posts • 4410 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
think chris has a point, though if you commit murder and when caught plead guilty it can take about a third off your sentence sometimes.
being completely dense what's a referall, i've not... |
Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12470 Views Religion Forum |
I'm agnostic, to claim to know something does or doesn't exist tends to equal ignorance of ingnorance which often leads to arrogance or complacency, where as agnostics know they are ignorant... |
FuturologyProgression of Humanity
16 Posts • 9320 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thank you for being so informative and sharing your understanding. I think I am very uneducated and naive about the world. And I can accept the points you have made, that things are getting worse at t... |
video games
7 Posts • 4175 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I think they already are. In the past few years its been known that video games are a driving force in technologies of interactivity, graphics and animation, and story telling.
With advances in mem... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
your memory, feelings senses can creat and mix things creat whatever mental images or feelings we can label "sening god" or "sou" (continue of dumb teen) i wanna answer should have... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12454 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That said, I think I should share some of my past. I left a corporation because could not do it anymore, and live with myself.
My job was to increase corporate profits by performing a reduction in... |
Human Nature & EmotionThe power of thought.
10 Posts • 5080 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would think thoughts come from ones memory, be they conscious are sub-conscious. A thought to me can be either just a thought without value or with value according to what you believe.
If w... |
4 Posts • 3500 Views Philosophy Forum |
I dunno what your trying to get at, but what I think about memory is that it's just stored in people's brains. What happened in hisotry is stored in books, and what happened that people don&... |
Questions for a basis
10 Posts • 2961 Views Philosophy Forum |
everything, in its entirity as one, the whole lot, every belief, every conceiavble thing and all infinity. Is this one whole not a law because the law would be '1'?
The term 'law'... |
258 Posts • 67439 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Are you taking Creative Writing this term? I remember that Mrs. Smith made us write a poem like that in class, where the action ws already given to you and you just had to fill in the rest and repeat... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bush was elected not by people but inside group. (11/4)
Bush probably is the worst president in US history. In his first term, civil liberty is seriously eroded; economy is in a mess; the internati... |
Child & Family PsychologyChildhood Memories
8 Posts • 4039 Views Psychology Forum |
It makes you doubt memory, the truth is infinite in diversity and allows no singular perspective of doubt or certainty. This is why it doesn't matter.
We can't seem to be able to know the... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"This point is where one ceases to accumulate excess and surplus and to compensate to keep up "profits" , begins to take the very base resources from the those which that enabled this e... |
Life & DeathIf your a clone do you have a soul?
41 Posts • 19349 Views Philosophy Forum |
Twins are a different concept than clones, twins have an individual personality and mentality, a clone is exactly the same as the person who he got cloned, and shares the same genetic factors and the... |
to hate a parent
18 Posts • 5594 Views Talk Talk |
its not wrong to hate. Although the bastard does not even deserve your hate. No dead beat dad deserves his childrens hate they deserve nothing because they will end up wtih nothing. If he know you hat... |
is this considered philosophy/izing?
13 Posts • 3791 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you or I make a conclusion about the way things are which are not obvious.. as in it may take some time to reason thorugh your memory to come up with certain conclusions.. example: like if you conc... |
GovernmentHumpty Nam Kerry Dumpty fell off the wall today.
13 Posts • 4384 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
OK, Clinton is not a commie. Commies don't exist anymore except in N. Korea.
Secondly, many of the ideas of communism aren't bad, it is the implementation of communism by most nations whi... |