The power of thought is an interesting subject indeed.
There are many thoughts which arise from basic impulses because the basic impulses have been created individually throughout your life.
I believe the power of our thoughts most important, be it a positive or negative one.
The ability of humans to think, create and manifest the ideas which are born in the mind is a gift and I'm certain it really is what the imagination's for.
Has anyone read or seen Dr Bruce Lipton "the biology of belief" (utube presentations etc).
His is from a medical slant but it touches on the conscious/subconscious awareness and spirituality of life.
Words are so powerful! They are meant to be so, because they create a SPELL.
Look at the word BANK it stands either side of a river and what runs through the river CURRENCY. Water is liquidity and our monetary system must have been based on the movements of CURRENTS and it FLOWS UP & DOWN.
SPELLING words is very important and the the idea that a young child hearing negativity all through their formative years are unaffected by this, is hard to believe.
I created an ego, which had to battle against the world. I also believed what I was taught to think about myself years ago - i know now I was wrong to believe those lies, projected ill's from less than gracious creatures called family & friends.
Don't believe everything you think!