The filthy riches of the filthy rich are not unrelated to the filthy poverty of others. - China Mieville
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Tagged > Life forms beyond earth
THREAD Alaska adventure where people get killed
1 Posts • 2185 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
ALASKA ADVENTURE (THE KIND THAT GETS YOU KILLED) From Unalaska, Alaska the novel By Wolf Larsen Chapter 2 The next morning the flight from Seattle to Anchorage seemed normal enough. There...
THREAD Why is Philosophy like General Motors?
4 Posts • 2459 Views
Philosophy Forum
Many non human creatures have emotions-'human emotions however have evolved to making connections to complex ideas, values, principles, and judgments'-thus human emotion is special-the impact of feeli...
THREAD GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15236 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Theory your a prole of a perverted sort your like the anti prole but so much so that you sort of are a prole, I believe that you trying to retract your incitement of genocide was more like tryng to sa...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67103 Views
Philosophy Forum
No, it wouldn't and here's why: Money is not the problem. Getting rid of money would not make everyone good and altruistic. This question is akin to asking whether the world would be a bett...
THREAD Learning
9 Posts • 3149 Views
Philosophy Forum
Distraction, loss of focus. You suddenly have new and powerful desires, very powerful. All insecurities are now hightened. You are getting some of your first tastes of a new reality requiring yo...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31380 Views
Psychology Forum
did i make it sound like i was generalizing anything? im sorry man, i claim ignorance. i know nothing. hell, inferiority complexes probably dont even exist, and if they do, people without any reason...
16 Posts • 15491 Views
Religion Forum
brann22 & XsEyes seem to be bothered because they question their own belief? Why should you not question your belief, in your questioning does not your understanding & faith grow? Is not it wr...
THREAD Law & GovernmentAnonymous
6 Posts • 3168 Views
Philosophy Forum
Though anonymous hacker group has made quite an impact on the virtual world... its greatest success has been, thus far, inflaming the imagination and the hopes of numerous youngsters that there is som...
THREAD Wishful Thinking
14 Posts • 3295 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
there isnt a page for songs/ ryhme type of things so i thought poetry is the closest thing to it :) so here it is my short verse called: 'Wishful Thinking' All these thoughts in my he...
THREAD GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14557 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Come on Dumb Teen - are you telling me that your statement of doubt was not an opinion? "Allawi is American appointed, an exile who had not been Iraq for years. He is not representative of the...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 121843 Views
Religion Forum
Thank you for your warm welcome and the thought you gave to what I wrote. Now to address your input... In respect to the OPs question, you answered that, pretty much by admitting that you needed to...
THREAD BiologyCloning
93 Posts • 25055 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Cloning has many benefits, such as the regrowing of organs (Not humans) that the body cannot reject, stem cell reserch (Politiics, three million to pay the scientists to study it and twelve million to...
THREAD Desperation, by Stephen King ***SPOILER***
4 Posts • 7717 Views
Talk Talk
This is just a general discussion for the book "Desperation" by Stephen King. Primarily, in search of some of the underlying messages in it. For example, on the hard-cover copy of the book f...
THREAD ekimups shit.
8 Posts • 3838 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
^^^"dry, human delicacy. desperation", promotes morale. this one doesnt.. i wrote this one before the other. ---------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------...
THREAD Religion & HumanityUnhealthy Confrontations
12 Posts • 5832 Views
Religion Forum
OK, here is the "Carbon Copy." Theists versus atheists: are conflicts necessary? Ludwik Kowalski, Professor Emeritus Montclair State University New Jersey, USA Abstract Mathe...
THREAD a new code processor
11 Posts • 2822 Views
Philosophy Forum
While I was reading these posts I thought it was kind of funny that you are already using the necessary code and processor to achieve exactly what you are talking about. The code is language and the p...
THREAD GodGod Life and Mind
41 Posts • 9703 Views
Philosophy Forum
Basically. religions are just natural socially constructed beliefs. They are mechanisms to answer questions in life that will never be resolved. Ideas which only come from your brain are truly inherit...
THREAD RelationshipsSoul Mate?
30 Posts • 9687 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
What about the whole Romea and Juliet scenario. What if you found some one who you could connect with so well on a certain deeper level but everything else was just too opposite and negating. My cur...
5 Posts • 3344 Views
Philosophy Forum
THEORY....inorganic=mental / emotional; organic = physical, atomic.... which came first? The chicken or the egg? answer: The chicken originated as a thought-form. Through repeated cycllic sequencing o...
THREAD Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14642 Views
Philosophy Forum
In quantum physics, scientists discuss 'alternate universes', especially when discussing time travel. Later on, scientists say that 'you're able to control everyone else in your dreams, not just yours...
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20280 Views
Psychology Forum
I believe that what you are seeking out is out there, but its not with your man right now. Im not saying to leave him or anything like that but you can't change him (im sure you know that and Im...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 66255 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
The glove compartment is inaccurately named And everybody knows it. So i'm proposing a swift orderly change. Cause behind its door there's nothing to keep my fingers warm And all i fin...
THREAD ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5825 Views
Religion Forum
I base the contribution to society as the premier standard... I'm no judge... just judgemental *lol* There are musicians I disagree with on personal levels, Dylan is not one of them......
THREAD evolutýon????
83 Posts • 20174 Views
Philosophy Forum
Summit, do you understand where I am coming from with the whole "it doesn't make sense because there is no foundation" aspect? foundation being the origin of anything with out a God....
THREAD Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 6918 Views
Religion Forum
Once again pseudoscience is used by people so terrified that God exists that they will believe anything. Anybody who doesn't think God exists has never looked for Him and real science will prove...
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