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Tagged > Life forms beyond earth
THREAD Habits & BehaviorMind over Matter?
15 Posts • 4348 Views
Psychology Forum
Did some looking around last night and i couldnt find anything about the 95% thing or 8% for that matter soo idk what's goin on with that now hahha I'll keep lookin around though.. Its th...
THREAD TV Show ReviewsFamily Guy-Funniest Show Ever?
9 Posts • 7730 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Family Guy is a damn good show. One of the best in my opnions. It's funny that it turns out we all like the same shows. This leads me to a funny thought. Old people (generally) hate that show. An...
THREAD For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11499 Views
Psychology Forum
No consequences means no Hell, no hell means no heaven, no heaven means no after life. So there is a consequence of pure guilt. I have damned someone to a world of darkness where they'll never th...
THREAD Hearing with an Eye to Detail
5 Posts • 2224 Views
Philosophy Forum
I did read Restless Mind's post on the Restless Mind… Although I didn't get much of it… Although it was interesting… I guess the main thrust of what I was saying is based on a hypo...
THREAD ElectionsObama is not fit!
20 Posts • 6344 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Really? Obama not fit? Surly not as fit to lead as George W. Bush Jr. who has done wonders to America. Finding those WMD in Iraq proved how honest, noble and true we are as the USA. Putting our econom...
THREAD A very good night
6 Posts • 2939 Views
Talk Talk
It was the best experience I've ever had in my life. It really was. Oh and I spent most of the day looking online for a reference and the closest and general direction I know where that gal...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 62977 Views
Religion Forum
Well - I don't really think I was too nice. I tried to be nice. In my time I was once a fundamental christian, and I would witness to people hoping to save their soul, when in fact I was hoping t...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40207 Views
Religion Forum
"really, if u look at the facts, evolution has no more scientific proof than creation does." Nonesense, you need only look at the fossil record for one. It clearly shows a gradual transform...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 41531 Views
Philosophy Forum
I did say that. But I never said they "shouldn't have chosen". There's a difference. If... the circumstances would have been different, how they could live their life would have be...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyThe Big Bang
6 Posts • 2866 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Could a big bang exist at the stroke of a piano key? Could the impact from the hammer hitting the string create a universe for life just like us? The longer you allow the string to resonate, the longe...
THREAD 3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9837 Views
Philosophy Forum
i just found this descusion randomly whilst "surfing the net" and im thinking why the hell is it needed for people to be limited to a specific group that somebody has made up whilst being bo...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15401 Views
Religion Forum
What do you mean by taken up, Okck? Do you mean like, the truth was taken off the planet for a time? Prophesy about the disciples of Christ would be taken up before some of those who were eye witness...
THREAD Food sleep Exercise for philosphy
5 Posts • 3088 Views
Philosophy Forum
the level of activity varies widely from person to person. if you are "moderately" active in your every day life i think it is possible to achieve your "maximum philosophical potential&...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 18874 Views
Philosophy Forum
know what ya mean? broke my back at 16, then hurt it bad a while back when I was coming down a ladder with a steel beam over my head. The point is I found that my life long habit of sticking my wall...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19208 Views
Religion Forum
Now it would be appreciative if you could give reasoning for my questions (for the 3rd time!) Am I on trial here. I think I explained myself very well, obviously the answer wasn't satisfactory...
THREAD Drugson drinking
8 Posts • 3164 Views
Psychology Forum
so many people i know.. mainly people ages 21-25 drink alot.. maybe 2-4 times a week. they go to parties and say theyre just having a good time and living it up. but im just wondering why people at th...
THREAD Do chicks like guys with huge muscles?
41 Posts • 37776 Views
Talk Talk
Well i respect jims admiration and respect for body building. I started training when i was around 15 years old, and yes it is true that body building requires alot of self-involvement. But u get so m...
THREAD Life & Deathpreventing death
9 Posts • 3000 Views
Philosophy Forum
In a sense, we are getting better and better at preventing death. 45 use to be considered very very old. Our lifespan is continually increasing with rapid growth in technology. It is theorized that ev...
THREAD SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 12983 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It seems to me that this thread is going in circles and we just won't see eye to eye. What makes me sadder than anything is that I recognize the mindset. Instead of punishing bad behavior and rew...
THREAD God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14405 Views
Religion Forum
things could have happened anyway whatsoever and we would say "wow isnt life so amazing nd complex" we just get customed and get attached to things.. first of all "complex" is only...
THREAD Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35500 Views
Psychology Forum
(I didn't read thru all the posts so I don't know if this was said already) Not all terrorists are muslim. I remember 9/11 and they read this note that said those who sacrifice themsel...
THREAD The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11167 Views
Talk Talk
the impression that i get from attolia is an innocent one. she is a good girl. she never gets in trouble and she loves her daddy. she smoked weed one time at a party that a guy invited her to. he was...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21127 Views
Religion Forum
ahoy all firstly, religion is a mans (most) vision and guide through life so he may better himself, most religions are very similar in mst cases except for the finer detail on their chosen god itse...
6 Posts • 3102 Views
Jokes & Games
> I should not use government resources to 'waterproof' dirty magazines. > > Radioactive material should not be stored in the barracks. > > I should not teach other soldie...
THREAD ConsciousnessDifferents Forms of Consciousness
5 Posts • 3014 Views
Philosophy Forum
I saw this post and it stuck out to me. This is my understanding as I have learned it. A letter for HOPE (Helping other peoples experience) In the past year, I have undertook various journeys;...
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