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Tagged > Large hadron collider
THREAD Religion & HumanityIntelligence and value
6 Posts • 2985 Views
Religion Forum
if i understand what your saying, i agree with you. ethical values do not need a religous standpoint to come from. most ethical values are just the logical basic rules needed for humaqns to peacefully...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views
Religion Forum
Well, I will agree that science and religion are different, but there are times when they can join together. Whatever we learn, we are learning about God (I believe). You the non-believer may just cal...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Intolerance
4 Posts • 3217 Views
Religion Forum
Like with any religion or collection of people, there are those who simply react, generally out of insecurities and fear. And yes, they do so in such a way that they completely contradict themselve...
THREAD Breakdown
7 Posts • 3045 Views
Talk Talk
"social skills" as defined by society, seem to me like simply who can bullshit the best. i see guys prattle on and on about their various accomplishments and how cool they are... women flock...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsThe goodness in humans
0 Posts • 2168 Views
Psychology Forum
What a great thread. Decius your original post described it beautifully and simply. The first time I had that feeling was when I was on acid. Looking at everyone's faces. Everyone was beautiful a...
THREAD Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8916 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Wizard'sLogic, I've told you this before: Kant did NOT say that space and time are 'mere' categories of the mind! Read Critique of Pure Reason again! Heyjme, I agree with your...
THREAD Pro Life vs. Pro Choice
35 Posts • 15100 Views
Talk Talk
i am pro choice. in the most purest form of the definition. that means i think verybody has the right to do whatever they want. i mean that. anything. anything what so ever. if you want to kill someon...
THREAD Is Wal Mart Good For America?
7 Posts • 3478 Views
Talk Talk
I for one am glad they didn't build the proposed site in my area. They require large scale highways (6 lane) access for their superstores, so I am glad not to have the traffic snarls, noise &...
THREAD Movie ReviewThe Butterfly Effect
19 Posts • 31774 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
i thought the movie was still good with the theatre ending. question: the movie is about the choices the main character makes and how those choices affect the people directly connected to him. isn&...
THREAD Random QuestionsGirls with Tattoos
36 Posts • 65876 Views
Talk Talk
in general i feel cause i have been there done that, tattoos hurt to get period. But I will tell you I have a tattoo on the front of my angle and that did not hurt nearly as much as the on on the side...
THREAD IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3833 Views
Religion Forum
I used to have a dislike for Muslims. I used to think Israel was pretty good. If we had never had gone to war with Iraq I probably would have continued believing that. I don't I have to talk...
THREAD IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 77121 Views
Religion Forum
Respect for people is respect in their own, not yours. In Japan, if you are pausing from taking in more food; never stick your chopsticks into the rice. It is a curse upon the house. Don't res...
THREAD JokesYo' Mama Jokes?
163 Posts • 103726 Views
Jokes & Games
"Yo' mamas so ugly, your father kisses her with a stuntman." lmao!*lol* *lol* *lol* ok here are mine *Your mom is so stupid she tried to use substitution to find the definite...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views
Philosophy Forum
This idea was pursued in the hippie communes of the 60's. Some were successfull while others were not. Some (like Findhorn) are still in existence today and successfully living their idealisti...
THREAD Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18623 Views
Religion Forum
When i used to trip on acid, I would think of this universe having an infinate amount of space, and there were aliens that could travel to Earth, but just havent made it to us yet. Then I put a spin...
93 Posts • 30410 Views
Philosophy Forum
I was thinking about your post last night, and can see that I had been blind sided by my own disbelief. Past life regression is based upon this life regression, returning to memory held within the bra...
THREAD Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301164 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
While orbiting the planet during their June 1998 mission, the crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery photographed this view of two moons of Earth. Thick storm clouds are visible in the lovely blue planet...
THREAD ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6711 Views
Religion Forum
Lefty, notice I said 'the Pope', and not Pope John Paul. And no, I have not met him personally, but his apology for his predecessors' actions made me sit up and take notice, and follow him somewhat in...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32945 Views
Philosophy Forum
What you are oblivious to is the import of factions in a successful democracy. The differences between the American North and South were just as large as the differences between the Sunnis and Shiites...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views
Science & Technology Forum
No sir, I believe you are talking about a 2-particle system which has the basic 4-dimensional position in space-time, and some extra free variables due to the orbiting electron. There is an interes...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views
Philosophy Forum
I've been asking this same question a lot of people and I encountered a large amount of cynism regarding this same question. However, I believe it's definetely possible in todays world. T...
THREAD Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12843 Views
Psychology Forum
much of what your original post said was quite thought provoking from a psychological perspective. particularly the incerse relationship between thinking and emotion, iq and eq. i must also admit that...
THREAD SocietyFacts and spins
9 Posts • 3712 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Yes - TV media is - but the point of my response and why I am hopeful is because of the rise of the New Media. Yes the MSM (mainstream media) was owned by large multinational companies but the New Med...
THREAD your animals
28 Posts • 9205 Views
Talk Talk
So what kind of pets do you guys have, or want to have? I have....... 2 dogs, 1 american eskimo, 1 malumte/husky cross 2 cats , 1 persian cross (crazy mofo...ask Decius) and a long haired somet...
THREAD Obama a thread about Hope and Change.
9 Posts • 2704 Views
Talk Talk
Sorry kid, it wasn't meant to be spite full, I just found it funny because I had the opposite impression when I joined this site (I found it it very pro-conservative) and I wasn't sure what...
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