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Tagged > Jersey hell
THREAD War & TerrorismNews From Iraq
14 Posts • 4291 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
right on sqatteam, just political jargons & promotings . . . hell of a thing to give your life for false pride! *clown* Heard they blew up Iraq's oil line, might be Iraq's line. ;)...
149 Posts • 38585 Views
Talk Talk
Yeah!!! Good for that asshole, lol. My Vega was great to me, it even repaired itself now and again. For example, after that dumbass friend of mine forgot to steer and brake and we hit the car, the...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem with God
13 Posts • 3374 Views
Religion Forum
Well said, perfection just does. Who is the decider of perfection? I think that is left up to the individual. Couldn't we all be perfect if we stopped comparing ourselves to other things? If what...
THREAD Weird ThingsCactus Cell Phone Towers
12 Posts • 12932 Views
Talk Talk
Does everything have to "blend in" and be aesthetically pleasing? Isn't there a point at which such plights become silly? What the hell am I going on about? Take a look at this:
THREAD Spiritualitycurious question..
10 Posts • 3833 Views
Religion Forum
If you don't listen to a calling of jesus then only in the eyes of catholics would you be sent to hell. But, catholicism is based upon their interpretation of the bible and the teachings of jesus...
93 Posts • 30393 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe in the Catholic Church teaching of a place we go that is not heaven or hell, from there, reincarnation, until we reach that place where we are able to give ourselves up to God. That would be...
THREAD What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15360 Views
Philosophy Forum
But if you are sleeping don't you also dream? Oh! What if heaven and hell is a dream that you don't wake up from? But what if this which you call life is the dream and what you call death i...
THREAD BooksThis Book Will Change Your Life
62 Posts • 17231 Views
Talk Talk
Damn I tried to do it at that time but I got caught at work and was fired I said "wyote made me do it" and they said "who the hell is Wyote" and kicked me out- thanks for nothing!...
THREAD SocietyFor Country of for Government?
14 Posts • 3577 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
You can vote - but money decides the choices you vote for, that's what is wrong. this can both ways. You can either be bribed to vote one way or another or you can chose to ignore the money and...
THREAD Investment Banker
1 Posts • 2308 Views
Talk Talk
Can someone please tell me what an investment banker does and how an investment banker actually makes money. I am watching "The Game" with Michael Douglas and in the movie hes is a Invest...
THREAD Sexual PsychologyAsexuality
26 Posts • 8157 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Heavy drug use! they were always there but it reached it's peak three years ago but i think that the drugs helped me one way or another cause it made me open doors that i never thought i would......
THREAD God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14827 Views
Religion Forum
they willingly admit that there is 2 parts to the bible, the Old Testament and New the OT is basically the torah (?), those writing which are accepted by Hebrews as being an accurate testimony (authen...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyKarma and such.
6 Posts • 3254 Views
Psychology Forum
surely thats counted as paranoia, or at least pessimism. Karma is a bit of a joke really, it appears to sometimes exis an othertimes not. many people do get what they deserve, but others appear to...
THREAD Christianitywhy hell is not eternal
15 Posts • 4558 Views
Religion Forum
The Hell of fire & brimstone is not found in the NT. Jesus spoke of a rich man seeing the approach of Lazzarous (sp) on His [laz] way to heaven. It speaks of the rich man thrist and asking for wat...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64013 Views
Religion Forum
i believe in evolution maybe it's just becuase i'm a scinetist ...... deep inside my heart and god .... hm i dunno i think religion is just a way to keep people inline - you have to scare...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29308 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
(MY OPINION) O GET WITH IT! GAYS DONT LOVE, they LUST. (WELL HERE'S MYY OPINON) *sry eliasan for this little bit Probably one of the top dumbest/ignorant things I have ever heard in my li...
THREAD Convince Me To Die
5 Posts • 2481 Views
Philosophy Forum
there is no god, there is no hell, there is only a chance to live, if your unhappy where you are run away find away, there is allways happiness to be found, allways something to see, join the peace co...
THREAD ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6706 Views
Religion Forum
I thought I heard somewhere, who knows, that muslims were actually a majority, but hell if I know. I remarked on a figurehead going against its base. "And whether it was exclusively by his...
THREAD SocietyYou & the boob tube
1 Posts • 1708 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
what know watch the democratic debate? Didn't catch it all but it was a chance to see some of those looking to run but what did you think of the candidates? One thing that bothered me was the &q...
THREAD God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11497 Views
Religion Forum
Me and my One was talking the other day...and he said that i should fear God because what he gives to me he could easially take away.... i don't have a religion i am more spirtial but I belie...
THREAD Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 20480 Views
Philosophy Forum
Renewal is a far cry from death, whether or not you believe in a higher power or eternal force, the basic fact of life is that even after your dead and gone your molecules and energy go back into the...
THREAD PoetryAnd All This Is Metaphore
40 Posts • 10677 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Drowning in the mechanical desert, mankind is computerising the soul, and the lonely man is fragmenting himself lost in the madness of mainstream hell. I am tired of being fearfull that a real...
93 Posts • 30393 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'll be the party pooper here. When you die, that's it. There is no after-life, there is no heaven, no hell, there is the death of who you were, nothing more. Frightening isn't it?...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9447 Views
Religion Forum
thats not how it works.1000 years ago, people couldnt prove that microbes existed, so when people told other people that they did they were regarded as crazy. we can now prove that microbes exist. we...
THREAD To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7372 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well if you're 19 or 20, still in school trying to figure out what the hell you're going to do in life, children seem to be the last thing on your mind. And some people don't make good...
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