Tagged > Internet post graduate courses |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14232 Views Psychology Forum |
I never really thought this through long enough, but after reading all the comments, I like the idea of: "Dreams that predict the future are just many memories and events put together to guess wh... |
15 Posts • 9235 Views Talk Talk |
I got married at age 20, and I'm still married, and still happy. A lot of people think that 20 is young to marry, but when you have kids as young as 13 having babies, then I don't really thi... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36749 Views Philosophy Forum |
what Shadow of Neo said, about if we all see the colour red as red, but that we could experience the colour in a different colour per person, but still call it both red, i have serously thought about... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43977 Views Religion Forum |
This country is not a christian nation but the most predominant religion in it is christianity. Most of our govt. leaders are christian, and most of powerful people in our nation are christian. I don&... |
Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4311 Views Talk Talk |
I sympathise with people on a day to day basis, on many levels.
I understand sympathy Im just choosing not to be sympathetic in this particular case. The reason for this is because I cant stand the m... |
StoriesFinish The Story
11 Posts • 3671 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Before the woman could reach the boy she was intervened by a moving shape of black spiders that poured towards the desk.
Gertrude watched as the boy reached his hands towards them, allowing the litt... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40573 Views Religion Forum |
But tell me why you prefer this
apperently you arent a very good listener.
we dont have any feeling towards the fact that god does not exist. we do not sit down and wiegh the conseqeunces to see whi... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60668 Views Philosophy Forum |
TO: zakary6
Last Login: 12:50 am – April 6, 2005
DATE OF POST (Topic Thread - Post #1): Why Do We Exist?
12:43: am - April 6, 2005
http://www.captaincynic. com/thread/39227/why-do-we-exi st.ht... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90731 Views Psychology Forum |
41. Anthrax crisis. Who has the resource and motive to do it?(4)
Anthrax crisis rose fast, faded fast. I review the whole case, get such conclusion.
1. The letter containing brown granular mate... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55435 Views Philosophy Forum |
I dont think your on the right path. That theory just flat out sucked. And the one before it, wasnt all that great either.Your simply stating whats in front of you. You didnt take the time to sit back... |
LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22160 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I feel a lso that Gay marrige is just fine with me. More so I feel that gay couples should have protected rights as do heterosexual couples. As stated in earlier posts I really don't understand w... |
War & TerrorismUN Bombing in Baghdad
10 Posts • 3766 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Firstly you don't care if old fuel sources go out of business, because you don't own the companies that run off of that revenue, nor do you work in a factory or refinery that depends o... |
Human Nature & EmotionLove
41 Posts • 25156 Views Philosophy Forum |
i saw this and immeadiately had to make a post.....
love doesn't exist, but the natural human need to feel wanted does, which can be replaced by a mothers love.
of course in the end there i... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10349 Views Psychology Forum |
I accept your apology Ophion. I know what you mean by it being exhilerating to come on strong in a discussion, but to other people I think it comes off as overly arrogant and unrespectful. A little ar... |
Dorney park post comments
1 Posts • 2945 Views Jokes & Games |
After a 3 hour ride to dorney park........ what ride do you want to go(x3) the bathroom
They have handi capped parking........ dude what ride did you go on?
1 of the vendors asked me what ballon ani... |
Nature & GeographyAre natural disasters more frequently nowadays?
28 Posts • 13687 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Am i the only person who finds comfort in the fact that "natural" disasters occur more frequently. i put the quote marks on natural because i believe it is purely human disaster. Action / Re... |
Society & SociologyDo you know everything?
7 Posts • 3366 Views Psychology Forum |
just to see what ur reaction is, i know i dont know everything, i know full well you dont, and im pretty sure no-one else on this site knows everything either. and as far as im aware none of them have... |
19 Posts • 10746 Views Philosophy Forum |
well i was responding to the post right above mine, not to the beginning of the thread.
i guess i did get off topic a little, but my point is that i think(and this is just my opinion, so please dont... |
ExistentialismWho am I?
21 Posts • 32788 Views Philosophy Forum |
Of course, at the time I was consiering the breach as something of a more personal nature Most of us had probably seen the movie 'Enemy of the State' so I wasn't particularly dismayed.... |
I'm kind of sad
19 Posts • 5665 Views Talk Talk |
I am new to this site. I was looking up the definition of sexuality, and there was a link that read, "how would you define sexuality?" I cliked on it and it brought me to this web site. Ther... |
ignorance is bliss
6 Posts • 2233 Views Talk Talk |
just a short little thingy i wrote, couldn't really find a good board to post it on so i chose this one:
"It's hard, you know, to think about it. To think about life, about politics, abou... |
GovernmentSecular Gov't Opinions
18 Posts • 7963 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
'Actually, not to be cruel, I'll let you find it - more fun that way. In a few days if you still cant find it Ill show you where, lol.'
Lame. You can't post an excerpt because there isn't one... |
Emotions & FeelingsThe Source of Guilt
6 Posts • 2445 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius; I prefer to post something and then get a reaction of your type sometimes; simply because it leaves it broad and then I can narrow in.
Consciousness breeds thought. It also breeds conflict... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57887 Views Religion Forum |
"Ego is a human frailty and not a virtue nor a representation of God in us. Demons believe that Christ died, but they also reject Him and have already been condemned to eternal damnation. They ar... |
EconomyN.C. Man Robs Bank of $1 to Get Health Care in Jail
0 Posts • 425 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Moonkat: Un-fucking-believable. Can you explain the pre-existing condition thing? You've actually seen/witnessed insurance companies reject treatment because they consider spousal abuse a pre-exi... |