Tagged > Internet post graduate courses |
ChristianityThe Secret of Being Able to See and Hear God
6 Posts • 3715 Views Religion Forum |
Oh my, what a wonderful reply to someone so young (we were young once, right?) who jumps in with both feet and fists flying lol. I knew everything when I was young too until years later the only sure... |
Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27337 Views Philosophy Forum |
the best way to find out is by doing.. ok well i shut off my computer thinking about how you might respond..
then i got it! the reason for being to polite is to keep the PEACE....
now why keep... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23900 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Kookie raises a good point without 'warmongers' like me, you people wouldn't have the right to post this crap now would you. It's a fact rights come from war.
Also I really don't understand why peo... |
Physics & CosmologyTeleporting Atoms as Mini-cargo...
4 Posts • 2795 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I will try and look at that if I find time, although already have plenty to read. Thanks for the suggestion...
I do tend to post a lot of stuff without researching it deeply. I just like bringing u... |
Habits & BehaviorPerfectionism
17 Posts • 14068 Views Psychology Forum |
Do you know why he feels a need to do things perfectly? Also, he won't do everything perfectly, only the things that matter. What are those things?
As for counseling, I would have no clue. Ac... |
GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12498 Views Philosophy Forum |
My belief is not based on anybody's words. For this reason I will not simply agree with you unless you can show me more than God has. My belief is based on my questions to God, I have asked and h... |
Killer instinct
1 Posts • 1945 Views Talk Talk |
Hey everyone, this is a thread about the game killer instinct. but before you post anything, it has to be the GAME BOY COLOR VERSION ONLY! ive looked all over the net and i always never find anything,... |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5866 Views Psychology Forum |
You're response is pretty lethargic(maybe you're just tired?)... It's the "everything will be better, just keep on truckin'" or "the 'right' one is out the... |
CC Promotions Guide
14 Posts • 8140 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
As a general rule of thumb, almost anything relating to one of CC's topical forums can be promoted in the Promotional section. Events, products, services, websites and even self-promotional material c... |
Relationships & LoveEvaluative Discussion: Awakend & Hedgehog
19 Posts • 5138 Views Psychology Forum |
It is definitely not in my intention to hurt you out of malice or hate.
I will post nothing that you cannot discount using logical analysis, as outlined above.
if you become hurt or distressed d... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38008 Views Psychology Forum |
Very good point wes. I am in favor of electing a new "yell button"....Basically, when you can't "yell" loud enough with caps, you can send a sound clip to go along with your p... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Althoguh terrorism is a serious issue in the american community it will always be around as long as people see the great wealth of the united states.
True - and this was realized by the 9/11 commis... |
ConsciousnessI Got A New Theory on the Human Mind
31 Posts • 10191 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ha, ha, ha!
Ooh look, what's that just flown by the window? Oh yeah, it's "The Point" followed by the wrong end of "The Stick"
Ancient, you are hilarious! :D
Summit... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122954 Views Religion Forum |
Yes, I will, because you still fear to answer my questions, you still wont humbly acknowledge your passive aggressive anonymous behavior.
You didn't come to learn or even teach, you came to ve... |
ChemistryHow do they know atoms exist?
18 Posts • 7388 Views Science & Technology Forum |
My CTL level has to reach 2 before I can post links (I'm working on that)...
In the mesntime, google, "Dr Quantum double slit rxperiment" and watch related video...
As you can see... |
Human Nature & Emotionemotional voids.
9 Posts • 5447 Views Philosophy Forum |
Pickup: Little John your a shit person -- you have to stop this type of post. If you don't you will probably be bared from this site.
Besides, it is not true. LittleJohn is a decent person fro... |
Human Nature & Emotion"simultaneous and equal cooperation of logical intuitive thinking"
6 Posts • 3306 Views Philosophy Forum |
Post, these are simply semantically different, but equivalent mathematical statements. All mathematical statements are inherently logical, deductive conclusions.
Intuitive statements are those held... |
InventionElectric Bikes
5 Posts • 2956 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Hey, this is a bit of an odd post. Normally I would be talking about something I've come up with. But this time, something I thought of has been around a while... Electric bikes!
Apparently, for... |
Song LyricsOne Song
4 Posts • 3219 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I wanted to post [No Tikkle - Elephant Man] but I can't find the lyrics.
Shown: I Love You - Leftside
Is there another way
For me to say I love you?
Is there another way
To show how m... |
Hotties evolution
49 Posts • 84321 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
There is a thread in General Discussion that's named Hotties and witch objective is to konw who do we think is hot and who do we think is not, so....
this is an evolution of that thread becaus... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13761 Views Religion Forum |
I remember a post that dates back to july of this year in which we talked about the appropriate age to educate children on different subject matters. We never reached any form of consensus on many thi... |
2 Posts • 1862 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I guess its about time I post to you fellow CC members my favorite band.
Here is Dredg. Genre? doesn't really have a genre. Its like the Mars Volta band, it is a mixture of many styles. But I... |
FIFA World Cup 2006
3 Posts • 2055 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
So the FIFA world cup 2006 is coming up soon on 9th June. The world's largest sporting event. After all it is the world game. So post videos of football/soccer that you think are good to watch.... |
Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8935 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would like to thank both Teen & Gopher for their response.
As my question may seem out of context with the thread, to me the common factor is the moral responsability of the people relating to... |
Video GamesLooking for a MMORPG 2010.
4 Posts • 3870 Views Talk Talk |
Looking around I had to post a couple posts from others that had me rolling.
__________________ ______________________________ _
Originally posted by Palebane:
Real Life is pretty epic, and awefull... |