Please read through all sections of the Promotions Guide. If you are considering placing a promotion / advertisement, this guide will walk you through important information that you need to know before making your promotion / advertisement. If you have any further questions, please send us your inquiries through our contact form.
What is the 'Promotional' section for? |
The Promotional forum is essentially the advertising portion of Captain Cynic. It offers a place for anyone, including all our Captain Cynic members, the unique opportunity to advertise almost anything to anyone who visits Captain Cynic. Our Promotional section is a highly reciprocal enivironment - a two way street full of benefits. Visitors gain by finding new and useful 'things' that may enhance their lives (such as information about other websites, new products and services). And promoters gain by getting increased exposure for whatever it is that they are promoting.
What can be promoted in the 'Promotional' section? |
As a general rule of thumb, almost anything relating to one of CC's topical forums can be promoted in the Promotional section. Events, products, services, websites and even self-promotional material can be included for promotion. These are just some examples to give you an idea of the possibilities that are open to you:
• If you have a website that relates to psychology or philosophy or one of the other CC forums, you could create a promotional post about it and include a link to your site.
• If you have a product, such as exercise equipment, you could create an advertisement about it and include pictures of your product.
• If you are planning a social awareness event you could promote it by describing your plight and include date and venue information.
• If you are a freelance artist or photographer, you could post samples of your work to promote yourself.
There are many possibilities in regards to how you can utilize the unique features available on Captain Cynic. You can upload videos for your advertisment, include voice posts talking about your campaign, add high resolution images of your product - these highly interactive features all enables you to creatively grab the attention of visitors.
To ensure that Captain Cynic remains a positive environment for our visitors, there are certain rules and regulations that advertisers must follow and not everything is eligible for advertising. For full details please consult our Terms Of Use as all promotional content must comply with those terms.

How do I place my promotion? |
Our advertising system is based on credits. Without credits you cannot place any posts / advertisements in the Promotional section. Credits are used to create promotional threads and to add posts within those threads. You can only add posts to your own promotional thread - which means other users cannot make posts in your promotion and you cannot in theirs.
Once you have credits, promotional posts can be made easily in the same manner that you would post a new thread on our regular forums. A new thread is essentially a new advertisement. Once you have made an ad, you can use credits later on to 'bump' your promotion by posting a reply in your thread. This is done to prop up your thread up so that it appears higher in the Promotional section (seeing as threads are displayed from newest first to oldest.)
Bumping your post is also good way of keeping your promotion current and adding any updates or changes. With bumping, another option is that you can add new advertisements to your existing thread, instead of making a brand new one.

How long will my promotion be active? |
Once you have published your promotional thread, it will be permanently active. This means you will have a permanent advertisement on Captain Cynic for as long as Captain Cynic exists. However, if your promotional thread violates Captain Cynic Terms of Use, it will be deleted without notice and you will not be reimbursed, nor will your credits be returned to you.
How much do credits cost? How many credits do I need to post? |
You need 6 credits to create a new promotional thread. Any subsequent posts within the same thread requires 3 credits:
New thread = 6 credits
Reply = 3 credits
To purchase credits there are three packages you can choose from:
Bumper pack - $6 = 3 credits
The Bumper pack is primarily used for bumping your existing advertisement with a new reply post (i.e. adding a new post to a thread). Purchasing two bumper packs gives you exactly enough credits for one new advertisement.
Classic pack - $15 = 9 credits
The Classic pack is ideal for creating a brand new promotional thread (6 credits) and adding a reply (3 credits) to it for bumping purposes, updating or adding information to your advertisement. The Classic is equivalent to three Bumper packs, so by purchasing the Classic you save 20% off the base price.
Prime pack - $30 = 21 credits
The Prime pack is great if you want to place multiple unique advertisements. Using Prime you can create three promotional threads plus one reply. Or mix it up to fit your needs - post a thread and use your remaining credits for replies to bump your thread. There's plenty of flexibility with this package. The Prime is equivalent to seven Bumper packs, so by purchasing the Prime you save 40% off the base price.

How do I purchase credits? |
To purchase credits you need to have a Captain Cynic user account and your own Paypal account.
Creating a Captain Cynic user account free, you just need a valid email address to sign up through the Registration Page. After you register you will receive a verification email containing a link that you must click to activate your account. Once you're activated, login and go to your 'User Center' by clicking on the 'Inbox / User Center' button on the top right corner.
Once you're in your User Center, you will find a 'Promotional' section at the bottom of the left column. From here you simply:
1) Select the credit package that you want,
2) tick 'I agree to Terms of Use' (if you agree) and then
3) click on the 'Purchase Credits' button.
You will then be forwarded to the Paypal payment page where you will need to complete your purchase. After you have completed your Paypal payment, you will be redirected back to Captain Cynic. Once you're back, go to your User Center and you will see your new credits under the Promotional section.

I don't have a Paypal account - how can I pay? |
Currently, Paypal is the only payment processor we use and we cannot take payments through any other method.
How many credits do I have? |
You can check your credit balance in your User Center. Look for the 'Promotional' section at the bottom of the left column - there you will see your unused 'Credit Balance'.
Do unused credits expire? |
No - credits do not have an expiry date.
Can I transfer my credits to another user? |
Credits are strictly non-transferrable. This means you cannot buy credits using your account and then pass them on to another user.
If I delete my promotion, will my credits be returned? |
Once you have used credits for placing advertisements, or bumping threads, you will not be able to delete any of those posts. You may request to have your ad deleted, but your credits will not be returned, nor will you be reimbursed. If you wish to delete your ad you will need to PM your request to Dawn from the account that you used to create your ad.
Strictly No Refund Policy |
Please be very well informed and certain about your decision to purchase credits as once they are purchased they cannot be refunded for any reason. If you purchase credits and do not use them, they will not be refunded. If you post content that violates Captain Cynic Terms of Use, your advertisement will be deleted without notice and you will not be provided a refund. Credits are not transferable.
Important Notes About Editing Advertisements |
Before you publish your advertisement, make sure you have spent sufficient time planning your post. There are editing restrictions which you need to take into before you submit your advertisement, and any subsequent posts to your thread:
• You will not be able to change the title of your advertisement once it is published.
• You will not be able to delete your thread, or any reply posts that you publish.
• Once you have submitted a thread, or post, you have approximately 24 hours to create changes to the body of your post. You will not be able to make any more changes once this time has lapsed.
Please be very particular with the wording and content of your advertisements. We do not take requests for making changes to your submitted content. Use the Spell Checker provided to proof read, and correct spelling errors, before you publish your content. Your advertisement is your responsibility, and it doesn't hurt to take some extra time perfecting it.