Tagged > Internet post graduate courses |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11625 Views Religion Forum |
Sorry, but I think you've jumped the gun. Yes it's generally believed that ancient hieroglyphics first appeared on tokens in order to represent possessions. But logic would dictate that as t... |
ElectionsRon Paul on Jay Leno (16 Dec 2011)
0 Posts • 672 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't need to add anything to what Decius said because he's probably more or less right. But I'm going to anyway.
I've always been a little unsure about how to handle remarks... |
No profanity towards members
2 Posts • 7451 Views Administrative Contact |
This is a stern reminder - as users and active members of the site you are required to keep yourself informed of the Forum Rules:
http://www.captaincy nic.com/thread/91587/discussio n-etiquette-and-g... |
ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views Religion Forum |
Okay, this may be against the new rules of the site (not really clear on all of them yet) but it seems to fit this thread.
I can't site the specific passage as of this post (i'll find it a... |
Ethics & MoralityThe value of a man
2 Posts • 3213 Views Philosophy Forum |
I thought of this proverb years ago and I thought I'd share it here to see what you people think. I never heard anyone else say this so I'm sure I didn't get it from someone else and th... |
27 Posts • 10725 Views Religion Forum |
ok - you might have got me on this one. My wife (a teacher with a masters degree) says I am wrong - she has never heard of such a verse, she too has read the bible. But I looked and haven't found... |
About You / IntroductionsHello from a oldie Evilia.....
1 Posts • 2009 Views Talk Talk |
Hello and how are you all!! I have been surfing or have surfed many topics on how things have been going recently here. Not today, not yesterday, but recently. I would like to start a discussion on my... |
Life & DeathHuman Life Force
7 Posts • 5592 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well James008 that is an interesting theory...I believe that the core of the universe is the most energetic & the least complex. I believe the fringe of the universe to be the least energetic &... |
Society & Sociologywhy are people so difficult
10 Posts • 3432 Views Psychology Forum |
why do people wage war
why is it so hard to do good things for yourself, but easy to do the bad things
why can't people live in harmony
why don't people accept you if you are different
w... |
Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8613 Views Psychology Forum |
And my dear Cynic, while you are embracing singledom for just a while, enjoy it! For I am quite confident when I predict hoards of sweet young things clamoring blindly in your direction, and beating u... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3808 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
621. Big plot in later January (1/16/2010)
Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the lone holdover from the Bush administration, will stay on his job for at least another year.
One year ago, I'v... |
Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16569 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm sorry, I made a post without reading, fyi, I wasn't directing my last post to anyone in particular, just everyone.
"The strange thing is, I have at least three very dependable yo... |
Starcraft 2 (no, NOT Starcraft Ghost)
12 Posts • 3354 Views Talk Talk |
SC is a classic. i dont honestly care who creates it, as long as i enjoy it. i dont see a point in criticizing the creators of the game. i say, when it comes out buy it (if you want to) and play it an... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30264 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
My last post was an answer to the original post. Looking at the dates, I see that is old news. So posting up to date with everyone else here.
I think the best government is our current government,... |
Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the internet..so what!
63 Posts • 44076 Views Psychology Forum |
im curently dating a guy who i know off the internet. when he asked me out i didnt give him a striaght answer cuz i really wasnt sure about a LDR wen i said i wasnt sure and stuff i was pretty upset i... |
GovernmentSenatorial Candidate Warns Of World Government
16 Posts • 5419 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
you know, eventually there will have to be a one world governing body of some sort because, well lets face it. You can get on a plane and be on the otherside of the world tomorrow or you can talk to t... |
Internet Safety- Exaggerated or Underrated?
10 Posts • 7144 Views Philosophy Forum |
As much as we give for dealing with those who are unstable enough to do themselves harm, which in no way can be given even an iota of culpability to a medium.
Propaganda to turn the internet into a... |
1 Posts • 3486 Views Promotional |
IndraNet is an online hub of resources - it contains hundreds of links to interesting content on the internet. Since 1995, IndraNet has been collecting informative and interesting links pertaining to:... |
Emotions & FeelingsConfess Something "Wrong" that you have done
17 Posts • 18352 Views Psychology Forum |
I have very little respect for my mother, and I just generally think she is a disgusting person. Sometimes when she speaks to me I literally get a shiver up my spine, and I am ashamed to be her daught... |
How Do I Tell Him I Need A Break?
9 Posts • 8472 Views Talk Talk |
There are times in all of our lives where sex isn't possible. If women were to say to men, "hey, take a break - go out and get laid - then we'll pick it up later" there are, unfort... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This coming form the guy ever replying to my "freakishly" persistent posting, do you even know what hypocricy is?
Thank God you make time to excite us with your riviting counters whereby... |
GovernmentIf Bush wins....
0 Posts • 2722 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Canada is doing this movie about USAMA BIN LADEN, they're making him out to be a devout religious family man? Unfortunately his children don't listen very well. I wouldn't listen very w... |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87298 Views Psychology Forum |
Anyone feeling like I'm a Know-it-all? Feeling like I need a dose of sarcasm? LOL!!!! If you do feel this way, stop and ask yourself - REALLLY dig deep (are you capable of looking this deep?), &q... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
*Looks down the list he needs to reply to and cracks his knuckles*
Thanks guys. Emerald, the hardcore trekkies know Klingon, a language that has no use in the REAL world. Need i say more? ;)
Ni... |
124 Posts • 33705 Views Talk Talk |
and here I am on the internet happy to have a life, and happy to understand the things that I do understand and to know the things that I do know, happy to be
prego and ready to hatch soon, and in th... |