This is a stern reminder - as users and active members of the site you are required to keep yourself informed of the Forum Rules:
l-forum-rules.htm Profanity towards any member of the site is not tolerated here. If the debate is getting too heated for you and find youself unable to communicate without resorting to profanity towards a user, the answer is simple - don't respond.
Anyone caught using profanity against another member will immediately have their posting ability suspended and face reduced posting rights upon reactivation. If someone uses profanity towards you, you are encouraged to contact me privately and direct me to the violating post.
If you have a CTL 2 or higher and are the subject of profanity or witness profanity occur towards another member, you can help keep Captain Cynic Forums clean by clicking on the 'Report as Inappropriate' link that is near the bottom right side of every post (you have to be logged in first.) Don't send reports for old threads that may contain profanity - they are too old to be changed. The possible presence of abusive profanity in past threads is not grounds for anyone to use profanity against another member.