Tagged > Internet post graduate courses |
189 Posts • 73074 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
as long as they don't act on their desires, i don't see why they should be hated or punished for something they can't control, do you?
So let me ask you a question, is a pedophile th... |
Society & Sociologyfashion
26 Posts • 8627 Views Psychology Forum |
i wouldnt quite go that far, lol. your managing to sound like an over indoctrinate redkneck vicar, and frankly if this wasnt an internet convo, i would have run off.
i think fashion is overrated. i... |
Weird ThingsHistorical curiosities
33 Posts • 14180 Views Talk Talk |
Thank you :D
You know, it is very encouraging to see people like this and that I'm not wasting my time ;)
This stuff comes from many places, but specially from the internet. When I don... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77251 Views Psychology Forum |
you must not get out much max. everyone is pretty strange in their own right.
the real "legends" of the internet are nameless, faceless. i would venture to guess that there are at least... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10346 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't actually mind that I maybe perceived as arrogant or disrespectful. Especially here. I am thrashing and flailing around in my own self-discovery like everyone else here, I think.
And yo... |
Random QuestionsWhy I come to this site?
8 Posts • 3806 Views Talk Talk |
I cant figure it out. I get mad sometimes when Im on here and then at times I laugh my ass off. Its like the black hole of the internet. Please just block me from this site so I dont get bored and com... |
Where are you from?
52 Posts • 12763 Views Talk Talk |
my apologies that my attemot at whimisical humor offend you so much it was necesary to edit my post- It is no doubt that this is the very first time a post has gone off topic. It is my woe full shame... |
SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3807 Views Religion Forum |
It started with Jacker, but I guess I wanted to write it out so that anyone who read it, including myself, might find themselves considering their reasonings behind participating in certain discussion... |
Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84757 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
hey di dyou previously post as "rotcgirlav" the age and writting style seem to match....
No I didn't. As I read on another post (don't know where), you as a user never die, so... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11360 Views Talk Talk |
the impression i get from awakened is- confrontational, and very opinionated. he's very zealous about his beliefs and wants proof and hard evidence of yours. he would be a cool dude in real life,... |
Societyshaun hannity child molester
23 Posts • 36566 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I see now the sarcasm, it is sometimes difficult to convey over the internet. I thought revolucion was foreign, and I've heard some pretty crazy things from foreigners before, so I wouldn't... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26641 Views Talk Talk |
well even if the clothing is no longer an issue there will always be those kids that get picked on the other kids will just find somethin else to bitch about like ew you didn't wash that before y... |
BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11975 Views Talk Talk |
fireflys..you do realise your answer is dodgy...right? If you read back to your post after salinger's you can see my confusion about your "opinions". Now my opinion: You were having a &... |
15 Posts • 4698 Views Psychology Forum |
So many people in the world try to get through life by being big, macho, tough guys, totally uncaring and unhurtable. Especialy on the internet.
But I don't think Ive ever been as impressed b... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional correspondance
8 Posts • 2516 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, to answer your question frankly, I think you can be able to pick up on their emotions or feelings in a way. It's done without you thinking though. disregard my opposition in the first post,... |
orangutan whore houses
1 Posts • 2769 Views Talk Talk |
I was informed recently by my girlfriend that people go to indonesia to pay for sex with orangutans. After i scoured the internet to prove her wrong and she to prove me wrong we are at a loss. Anyone... |
DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3484 Views Psychology Forum |
What are you people missing here..............?
What part do you not understand that drugs are an abuse that no good will ever come of it.
I am not going to sit here and lecture over the interne... |
SocietyUS disappointed with canada?
3 Posts • 3527 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Although there were idiots who voted for Bush, we did not elect him. Not that Kerry would have been any better.
This whole dispute will go away when our borders do, and none of us have any national... |
God in ReligionA Few Questions about God...
30 Posts • 7278 Views Religion Forum |
Nice that you join us Extropian...
I guess the answer to the first question is that I have relied on myself, although other people are often factored in, depending on the task...
The post did have l... |
SocietyAdvice for the youth...
20 Posts • 6279 Views Philosophy Forum |
but I was being sarcastic on my previous post.
arcanum, I'm not trying to directly calling you out or anything. But, as you may or may not know, it's fairly difficult to portray any sort... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9609 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Very raw and true. This reminds me of a poet I saw a couple of weeks ago. It has the same realness and need to be said. This is the best writing I've read from you.
"and udont even have t... |
Prince of persia two thrones
3 Posts • 2469 Views Talk Talk |
easier internet gaming, modding further addons easily downloaded.
prefer the controls for most games that i play eg shooting, driving. and the idea of trying to paly a strategy game on a console ju... |
GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't believe we need to bash Bush on Katrina - he has done that himself.
Who cut over 250 million in levie work that will now cost 150 billion. Now I can say, okay, can't give it the c... |
Is It Possible To Not Judge Someone?
20 Posts • 15895 Views Philosophy Forum |
yuo juding me by what i write ^^^ !!! i caught you.. like im jusdign you and everyiothe post same gores gfor everyone, and yea if yuo scroll sown or read throgh the post like a blur well of cousre you... |
cultural cycles
3 Posts • 3053 Views Philosophy Forum |
this post would probably fit better in either the psychology or politics categories, but since it has relevence to the "cesspool of our youth" thread i thought i'd post it here.
anyway... |