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Tagged > Insane people
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views
Psychology Forum
But we have to remember people. The Bible was not written by God or even by Jesus, the Bible was written by Man.
THREAD Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18623 Views
Religion Forum
"we often think of places being haunted but maybe it is people that are instead haunted. " I never thought of it that way =O
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59383 Views
Philosophy Forum
because you have no right to judge Then why do we have jails? Oh people can judge afterall.
THREAD Society & SociologyGetting along with stupid/bullheaded people
0 Posts • 6389 Views
Psychology Forum
Getting along with stupid/bullheaded people Ummm...just because someone is bullheaded doesnt mean they are stupid.
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsOut of Body
14 Posts • 3567 Views
Philosophy Forum
Dream travel? Do you travel in your dream, and then can visit other people's dreams too?
THREAD GovernmentPlans for George W. Bush Presidential Library
29 Posts • 8672 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'd like to know what emotional basis you are claiming my arguments have been derived? Just because I couldn't possibly list all the info to go with my statements and wasn't worried abo...
THREAD War & TerrorismIraq War - for or against
1 Posts • 2216 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm not a war-lover and I'm no pacifist either. To analyse a war; you need to know why its being done. For Iraq; I could see that its most likely to do with the big oil reserves it sits a...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50311 Views
Religion Forum
sligthlly off topic but how do u know that"god" is a guy how do we know that "god" is not a girl or an it. The reason it was written as a guy was becouse of possible note possible...
THREAD Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23583 Views
Philosophy Forum
Most people think being civilized includes several qualities such as being religious and being part of a political culture and/or society. Otherwise, we are considered uncivilized and do not have a ci...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
just from something as simple as reading local newspapers, and yet when I mention anything of the sort to people I get called paranoid. Or a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer, right? does any...
THREAD Religion & HumanityIn Rememberance of Innocent Suffering
5 Posts • 2852 Views
Religion Forum
I can understand the machine that killed and punished these children, what I can't understand is "why these children?" Some people like to believe we are spreading Democracy or Chris...
THREAD Nature & GeographyAre natural disasters more frequently nowadays?
28 Posts • 13690 Views
Science & Technology Forum
It would be a natural disaster. To be more specific it would be a biological disaster. Right now in human beings, the bird flu virus(h5n1) kills 55 percent of the people it infects. That makes it the...
THREAD phil thinknig usually invles concious effort?
6 Posts • 3782 Views
Philosophy Forum 730's a bit ruff more than around the edges.....I just say whatever is there to say.....I explain when people don't understand or take it in a wrong way....I got no...
THREAD Warm Fuzzy Things...
15 Posts • 4983 Views
Talk Talk
Being able to talk to people about random issues... Sitting out on my Balcony, just watching life go by... The beautiful smell of a woman as she walks by... Hugs, most definetly...I love hugs.....
THREAD Independent Realization V.S. Absract Teaching
5 Posts • 2599 Views
Philosophy Forum
Not another Decius related thread. Everything I know I learn from books. My idea of education is self-education. Some people have a more oral, "proactive" style of learning. As Decius quite...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43057 Views
Religion Forum
it's perfectly possible to be responsible without having childeren to oblige your god. if that wern't true, then there would be a much higher crime rate. The crime rate is already ridicul...
THREAD SocietyBeing Politically Correct.
18 Posts • 9242 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
around friends i have no problem cracking jokes, and never worry about being PC. but when i am around people i dont know very well and also around elders, i tend to watch what i say a little more care...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersPlato,confucist,buddha
14 Posts • 7313 Views
Philosophy Forum
" technology is by no means evil in my opinion, i believe that money is the root of all evil." No material things are the problem, its the people and how they use them. Greed and corru...
THREAD DreamsMy Metaphysical Experience
17 Posts • 9574 Views
Psychology Forum
I agree Wyote if you're aware of them. But I think that people can experience out of bodies and "misinterpret" them as dreams because they don't know what an out of body is. I h...
THREAD I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8237 Views
Talk Talk
i have heard tons of people say that. Can you determine what this means? "woods can protect you from fire but at some point when the fire reaches you, you had better be out of the woods or they...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views
Religion Forum
but I get upset with myself when I think I have offended someone. Can't say about others but I wasn't offended. This is a place where people can voice their feelings & point of view (h...
64 Posts • 19308 Views
Philosophy Forum
infintie creaters (creators creating creators) is no more absurd than time and or space simply existing infinetly... the question is of the "creator" that we dont see and seem to need pu...
THREAD philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17943 Views
Philosophy Forum
I've learned a couple of things about friends. You find out which ones are really your true friends and which ones are just people you just get along with when situations get bad. It is surprisin...
THREAD DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3488 Views
Psychology Forum
What are you people missing here..............? What part do you not understand that drugs are an abuse that no good will ever come of it. I am not going to sit here and lecture over the interne...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views
Philosophy Forum
The problem is once the decision is made to go to war their is no way of knowing how many lives would be lost in each scenario. Now it also has to include all lives lost not just American. Now as for...
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