Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views Psychology Forum |
I think the disconnect in people's thought process is in understanding how women forced into a self-loathing state collect so much agression, yet often still play out a subserviant role. It'... |
Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12932 Views Talk Talk |
Killing witches was an arbitrary system of judgement I am not suggesting that we shoot people in order to prove their guilt. I am suggesting that after finding someone guilty beyond any reasonable dou... |
Weird ThingsHistorical curiosities
33 Posts • 14187 Views Talk Talk |
- It was in the French revolution in 1790 that they decided to adopt the decimal metrical system to avoid the disorders when people refeared to measures. Before that there was not a measuring system.... |
Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8933 Views Religion Forum |
The real rules of the bible include some nasty stuff. No one obeys them because people only obey the bits of the bible that make vague sense. I think it was in Leviticus, things along the lines of pun... |
Emotions & FeelingsJealousy
17 Posts • 8160 Views Psychology Forum |
[rant] *grrrr* What a useless emotion *angry* .
For heaven's sake, if you're going to not like someone, don't like them because they wronged you, or they are arrogant, or just plain... |
confused and hurt..
1 Posts • 1872 Views Talk Talk |
well.. me and my guy have been dating for about a year and a half now.. we've always talked about getting married.. and starting a family.. all of a sudden about two weeks ago.. he decided that h... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17368 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Fine, how about Ultimacy tampered with a little bit of assassination? :-)
If you fail the IQ test you shouldnt have no right to vote >=)
Therefore, if only people with IQ+100 could vote, im pre... |
College Freshman
2 Posts • 3197 Views Talk Talk |
This fall im going to college. i am probably the most antisocial person youll ever meet. Does anyone have any tips about interacting with people my first year? Should i try and be social and try new t... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
phew! i cant even watch tv for more than 10 minutes without getting up but i read all of this. people just kind of accept what facts are given to them. they believe the news and trust in things that a... |
Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
Well said, Wyote.
I have to stop myself often when referring to people in general, because you can't possibly know the sexual lives of everyone and how they feel if they were either in author... |
War & TerrorismSo now the repercussions of the war in Iraq are co
2 Posts • 3559 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yes, I am happy. (I counter sarcasm with sarcasm)
And I think our next stop is Liberia. Which I made a nice post on that.
We still have guys in Afghanistan, just like we still have them in Bosni... |
Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views Psychology Forum |
The problem with name calling though is that it is inherently dishonest.
Saying "fuck" to express frustration is not dishonest because it is the manifestation of emotion.
However cal... |
I need help making a decision about a relationship
5 Posts • 3672 Views Talk Talk |
Welli it's a long story... thanks to anyone who takes the time to read it.
2 weeks ago me and my girlfriend (leah) were having problems, we have been arguing alot lately, mainly because i can&... |
Society & SociologyMorons, Morons, Morons...
5 Posts • 3492 Views Psychology Forum |
My and my friend Keith are in a Halo clan called Dark-Oni. We are pretty much the only people in it with any intelligience, and therefore on our message boards we have negative karma. Here just read a... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14846 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yes I honestly think Bush is for the people and not just rich people. However, he is not against rich people like many on the Left claim to be (even though they are often stinking rich). I come to thi... |
14 Posts • 3840 Views Talk Talk |
Thanks for the responses. :)
Cynic-Al: I enjoy computers, and spend a lot of time on them. So I guess I lied when I said I didn't want anything, because I do want to do something involving com... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeIs there a path to wisdom?
12 Posts • 3446 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is there a path to wisdom?
How can I know what I do not know? How can I trace that boundary between knowledge and ignorance?
In the dialogue 'Apology' Plato writes about Socrates while in the du... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16877 Views Psychology Forum |
If you wanna bring religion into this 730 maybe you should see how Jesus spoke to and about women. Never did he ever treat them as anything but equal to men and would often hold women up as examples t... |
Is It Possible To Not Judge Someone?
20 Posts • 15899 Views Philosophy Forum |
Actually, babies do judge people. There was a test that was done to a group of babies to see who they prefer in how a person looks like and it showed that they prefered a more attractive face. I took... |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 21150 Views Philosophy Forum |
Adam, I think that is the best one I've read from this entire list.
I do want to point out; however, that many of you have used world peace as a supporting factor for your thesis. There can n... |
The Immigration Debate
2 Posts • 1860 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Me personally, I have no concerns with Legal immigration, in fact I welcome people to do so. It's those who have crossed our borders Illegal that I take exception to.
"Undocumented... |
God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14841 Views Religion Forum |
to the best of my ability i will define God from the Christian view of Him. God is and was and will be. he has always been here, and always will be here, wherever here is. he created the earth perfect... |
3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9944 Views Philosophy Forum |
I kind of find myself in all three--alittle more in the "helpfuls" category. But I also like to just sit and watch others, I like being by myself alot of the times and I don't like to b... |
whats friendship?
14 Posts • 7622 Views Talk Talk |
Its not your fault you did stupid shit while drunk.
Its your fault you got drunk :P
Anyway, yeah laxist drinking laws are good. I find it weird people learn how to drive before learning how to drink... |
Religion & Humanityreligon
10 Posts • 3659 Views Religion Forum |
What do you think drives people to religion? I consider myself to be Agnostic. I can neither prove nor disprove any manifestation of "god" or any other being that would posses the power to &... |