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Tagged > Insane people
THREAD Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10433 Views
Philosophy Forum
what makes me mad is when peolpe are in a relationship and they're totaly being used and they just can't see it.....that stuff pisses me off.....i want to grab the person and shake them sayi...
THREAD EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Little John I am talking about saving the world here, economic greed of the ubermench and the general lack of concern for the rest of the world that thinks things are preordained and that people cant...
THREAD Gender PsychologyTips on Picking up Women / Macking a Ho
0 Posts • 889 Views
Psychology Forum
Not all sex is done drunk there for alcohol is not necessary but alcohol makes it easier. People make mistakes when drunk and usually girls would view having sex the first time they meet as a mistake....
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33990 Views
Religion Forum
Well he wouldn't have to show people perfect life if adam and eve didnt take the apple because then no one would sin and life would be perfect already.
THREAD Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16746 Views
Psychology Forum
I hate it when people can't understand that compliments are sometimes taken as cheap lines in order to be stroked themselves. I hate compliments.
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views
Religion Forum
What would happen if people were just given bibles instead of being told what they are, what would happen then? What would the stories gore and worship sound like, what do they sound like to you.
THREAD Having Kids
49 Posts • 20522 Views
Philosophy Forum
i think having a child is more selfish then not having a child Firebird, dont beat yourself up lol. people really dont think about kids enough before having them, its very unfortunate.
THREAD ChristianityGenesis
10 Posts • 3438 Views
Religion Forum
I think someone made "Genesis" up and that it has nothing to do with anything. And if god is testing people, he's probably testing their bullshit detectors, which don't seem to...
48 Posts • 12653 Views
Talk Talk
"white lies" are lies to me, and so far as I have come across, people who think they don't lie, just lie to themselves, maybe you are a special case, not trying to offend, I speak only...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24977 Views
Philosophy Forum
Karma, is a BITCH. I am a big believer in it, and so far, in what I've been put through, what I've seen other people doing, in my experience in life so far, karma is very, very real. And lik...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion?
21 Posts • 7197 Views
Religion Forum
I'm an atheist, or more accurately, an atheist-leaning agnostic. I won't completely rule out the possibility that something created the universe. Some people ask where the universe came from...
THREAD AnimalsAnimals Humans Kill For Facetious Reasons
2 Posts • 7143 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Elephants: Tusks For Ivory Chopsticks & Home Decor Tens of thousands of elephants are being wiped out every year, and currently there is a elephant-poaching frenzy as demand for ivory from China...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17394 Views
Religion Forum
No identical information matters if it was contrived to begin with. And it wasn't written when it happened meaning word of mouth came first, then written stories recalling events, nor was it writ...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ohio 2004 plays the same role of Florida in 2000 Bush was elected not by people but inside group (4) (12/7) Tasted the sweet of advantage of a pending competition, Inside group established anot...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhy I don't preach anymore
28 Posts • 7484 Views
Religion Forum
Yes that is simply what I was saying. It was important to note that because pretty much all religious problems occur with two conflicting beliefs. That many preachers assume they are right over the ot...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views
Psychology Forum
I think the disconnect in people's thought process is in understanding how women forced into a self-loathing state collect so much agression, yet often still play out a subserviant role. It'...
THREAD Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12932 Views
Talk Talk
Killing witches was an arbitrary system of judgement I am not suggesting that we shoot people in order to prove their guilt. I am suggesting that after finding someone guilty beyond any reasonable dou...
THREAD Weird ThingsHistorical curiosities
33 Posts • 14187 Views
Talk Talk
- It was in the French revolution in 1790 that they decided to adopt the decimal metrical system to avoid the disorders when people refeared to measures. Before that there was not a measuring system....
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8933 Views
Religion Forum
The real rules of the bible include some nasty stuff. No one obeys them because people only obey the bits of the bible that make vague sense. I think it was in Leviticus, things along the lines of pun...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsJealousy
17 Posts • 8160 Views
Psychology Forum
[rant] *grrrr* What a useless emotion *angry* . For heaven's sake, if you're going to not like someone, don't like them because they wronged you, or they are arrogant, or just plain...
THREAD confused and hurt..
1 Posts • 1872 Views
Talk Talk
well.. me and my guy have been dating for about a year and a half now.. we've always talked about getting married.. and starting a family.. all of a sudden about two weeks ago.. he decided that h...
THREAD GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17368 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Fine, how about Ultimacy tampered with a little bit of assassination? :-) If you fail the IQ test you shouldnt have no right to vote >=) Therefore, if only people with IQ+100 could vote, im pre...
THREAD College Freshman
2 Posts • 3197 Views
Talk Talk
This fall im going to college. i am probably the most antisocial person youll ever meet. Does anyone have any tips about interacting with people my first year? Should i try and be social and try new t...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
phew! i cant even watch tv for more than 10 minutes without getting up but i read all of this. people just kind of accept what facts are given to them. they believe the news and trust in things that a...
THREAD Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views
Psychology Forum
Well said, Wyote. I have to stop myself often when referring to people in general, because you can't possibly know the sexual lives of everyone and how they feel if they were either in author...
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