Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
So let me summarize again. God loves everyone and doesn't want anyone to go to hell. We've covered that. Now also, because a certain group of those people don't believe that God is the... |
War & TerrorismIraq War Alternatives
12 Posts • 3988 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
They don't give it away, but oil production has one of the best profit to employee ratios in the world.
Than what's the problem with the oil industry?
when the people who want more lea... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
I'm not sure but thats the thing no one knows
Unless one has some sort of faith one cannot logically believe in any event that happened out of one's life time. For example I was not prese... |
Movie ReviewAnyone see Donnie Darko?
22 Posts • 14438 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Me too, and I agree the movie was great :-)
Any idea what it was about? *L*
I just saw it again the other day (gotta love kazaa). I think it's a movie that means different things to differe... |
Ipecac Prank
2 Posts • 3132 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
That really is cruel. People who have seen this and don't know what Ipecac is- it is a medicinal substance used to induce vomiting, usually when someone gets poisoned. A normal dosage of Ipecac f... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
true the amarican people are fooled, i agree with etherealmeek on his last post, but we arent working together, we arent meant to on the contrary were meant to do the opposite we cant all have the pow... |
The number 23.
5 Posts • 2990 Views Philosophy Forum |
Most people I have found believe that the number 23 and the so called "conspiracies" that surround it, are all in ones mind. And I agree to that in some degree. But how can something that ca... |
Religion & HumanityReality is NOW!!
13 Posts • 3666 Views Religion Forum |
Reality is NOW!!
Reality is all things, past present and future.
Different people focus on different things so we may know collectively what one brain and or soul cannot know on its own after li... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43058 Views Religion Forum |
imagine you feltt hat about a guy? now, should you go to hell?
If I felt that way it would be a concious choice to do something wrong so if I was unrepenting of that then yes I should goto hell. Wh... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
"love the lord your god with all your heart, soul and mind.
love your neighbor as yourself..."
I'm not even aware of a point to the first one, the second is a joke when you look at... |
Sexual PsychologyA backlash against sexual attitudes?
25 Posts • 6911 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Sex is not being controlled but pregnancy is. This idea will not limit how much sex people have it can only limit the number of unwanted pregnancies.
But sex is already partly controlled (or at least... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42276 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am saying decision is made in the brain, and if there is no brain there is no decision.
I am saying that you cannot blame people for being who they are. Stop avoiding the question, that's ex... |
The Immigration Debate
2 Posts • 1860 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Me personally, I have no concerns with Legal immigration, in fact I welcome people to do so. It's those who have crossed our borders Illegal that I take exception to.
"Undocumented... |
God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14841 Views Religion Forum |
to the best of my ability i will define God from the Christian view of Him. God is and was and will be. he has always been here, and always will be here, wherever here is. he created the earth perfect... |
3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9944 Views Philosophy Forum |
I kind of find myself in all three--alittle more in the "helpfuls" category. But I also like to just sit and watch others, I like being by myself alot of the times and I don't like to b... |
whats friendship?
14 Posts • 7622 Views Talk Talk |
Its not your fault you did stupid shit while drunk.
Its your fault you got drunk :P
Anyway, yeah laxist drinking laws are good. I find it weird people learn how to drive before learning how to drink... |
Religion & Humanityreligon
10 Posts • 3659 Views Religion Forum |
What do you think drives people to religion? I consider myself to be Agnostic. I can neither prove nor disprove any manifestation of "god" or any other being that would posses the power to &... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40602 Views Religion Forum |
The question of God's existence is irrelevant in life. For it is not the question of God's existence but it is the question of the existence of reasons. Those that believe in God will tell y... |
Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6149 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can an ethical statement be 'true'? Is it simply 'true' that 'thou shalt not kill' in the same way that 'the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second' is true?
The latter fact is a truth concerni... |
The ideology of God is bullshit
6 Posts • 2219 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Indeed. There is no rational logical reason why children nor anyone for that matter should believe in the existance of god. It is a juxtaposition of the symbolic beliefs of dogmatised religions. Its r... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16828 Views Religion Forum |
ghandi was a racist. and mother thereasa was a crook. she stole from the church and gave a place to die for the dieing. they weren't good places. she was like a little sweet scrooge. and gahndi h... |
51 Posts • 13383 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Where are all the knights in shining armor, now its just fake similes and charmers. Lack of respect, and a blatant disregard for what is correct. People with out morals, those willing to start quarrel... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
The Bible was written over hundreds of years by several different authors. But all of them wrote what God had intended.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcti... |
Philosophy and persona
6 Posts • 3176 Views Philosophy Forum |
how outgoing i am depends on the situation, i am perfectly happy to talk to a person on their own, or in a small group, but tend to take a back seat in larger conversations. i make friends easily, and... |
ElectionsWhat is Kerry trying to hide this time?
20 Posts • 5707 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
steve you speak like the people you argue against, supporting and equally bad if not worse candidate, bush did more than drink, he did coke too, his kids are typical reckless youth, and the fucker sta... |