Silly face!
14 Posts • 4496 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Is this thread too embarrassing for other people to consider partaking in?
Or is that none of you have digital or inbuilt laptop cameras? |
GovernmentThis Is The Reality
30 Posts • 7211 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's your opinion xris.
Have you ever thought that some people think you're the dumbest person they have ever debated with.
Another example of what you say about others is the truth... |
Jay Z - Ugly mofo
0 Posts • 2430 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I'm pretty sure that he's dating Beyonce Knowles.... So I guess he is attractive to some people....*confused* |
SocietyCreating a society based on no money possessions ?
6 Posts • 6629 Views Philosophy Forum |
If people in that kind of society got peace in their mind and care, and sun I don't know why they would get selfish or jealous. |
Why do we search when no answers are given?
16 Posts • 5411 Views Philosophy Forum |
fine. im learning how much people in generall have to learn. about themselves. about honesty, and aabout how to think. besides that, few and far between.
and im leanring about how much different i... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26653 Views Talk Talk |
Clothing Doesn't tell anyone who you are. unless they read a book by it's cover which most people do. It's Called personality :D |
68 Posts • 15269 Views Religion Forum |
Violence is a final solution. If you must immobilize or kill him to keep him from injuring or killing other people then so be it. |
Would Anarchy mean chaos?
8 Posts • 2781 Views Philosophy Forum |
That's exactly what I was thinking.
If people can lose their love for
themselves and their greedy, power-hungry
nature then it could. |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousSubconscious
43 Posts • 10962 Views Psychology Forum |
I love people who think they're mightier because of their physical age.
It's wonderful, makes the world a little more interesting. |
Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25721 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I've just become a manager (of sorts) for this organization. Awesome concept and great group of people all around. |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
How though would you get the people to recoqnize that this is the change needed? it almost makes you think that facism, or at least the concept of irrationality could be useful for something. |
War & TerrorismAmerican Soldiers getting Owned
0 Posts • 397 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So instead of being open about your concerns you tried to antagonise people into saying something hyppocrital while being upset. That seemed to work real well. |
Human Nature & EmotionMy Happiness Equilibrium Theory..What Do You Guys
22 Posts • 12047 Views Philosophy Forum |
2 angel of death
so what you're trying to say is that there is only a certain percentage of people that can be happy at the same time ?
and you think that this number is constant ? |
57 Posts • 10423 Views Talk Talk |
no problem xloobyloox!
and my intention is not to crit CodeWarroir, I can see he was only joking, even if I didn't know about the other post.
And there is nothing wrong with your liking se... |
What is worth death?
15 Posts • 4276 Views Psychology Forum |
This question cannot be answered. It's like we're sitting here typing about taking a test. It's all talk. Life and death are just that. There's no talking about death. It just happ... |
War & TerrorismDubya: "We ain't gonna have no casualtie
2 Posts • 3175 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bush Supporter Pat Robertson Reveals: Dubya Expected No US Casualties in Iraqi War
"I met with [George W. Bush] down in Nashville before the Gulf war started. And he was the most self-assured... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70952 Views Psychology Forum |
The "complaint" itself is a rather shallow one; although many posters, fledgling philoshopers or not, are inherently shallow (as I believe every individual in the human race is attracted ((o... |
The "Void"
66 Posts • 18767 Views Philosophy Forum |
cool, im really glad i made this thread now.
ExplodingGopher - Filling that void could very well be the purpose of existence im glad somebody pointed this out. this is really the root of my thinki... |
I don't actually dislike Bush
17 Posts • 5384 Views Talk Talk |
Surely you all must know that Gorge W Bush is indeed an idiot. To cite the fact that he went to Yale and got a Masters is not a testament to his intelligence, it is a testament to the corruption of Am... |
11 Posts • 5845 Views Talk Talk |
This is one of those topics where everyone pulls on their own unique life experience, but here's what I think anyway.
I actually had/have a situation identical to yours, except I am the guy, a... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22668 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yes we know that he got an honorable discharge because he's a Senator. I could find the proof - Chaney sent everyone to the site by accident. I always wondered if it really was an accident. But a... |
Quiz for Generation X
4 Posts • 2681 Views Talk Talk |
Cool I am in generation X does that make me cool. I thought of X - men when I opened this thread. Cool Im an x person.
Quiz (The Mind)
Current mood: hyper
1. Are you in control of your thoug... |
God in ReligionWhy Worry About God?
12 Posts • 5710 Views Religion Forum |
I am Ignostic. Ignosism...similar to the word 'agnostic' just with a different prefix; Ig. As in ignorant. Agnosism is the fact that you believe there is something 'higher' out the... |
PhotographyPhotography Discussion
1 Posts • 2229 Views Art Forum |
Welp, I just want to talk about anything to do with photography here, where anyone interested in photography can talk about it here also.
I'm currently trying to start up my own fre... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39626 Views Philosophy Forum |
Theory, she covered your initial question.
Beuphema, no problem but don't discount your part.
But you must now take stock of what else you need to address.
As I told dbh and Decius and... |