Tagged > Individual truth |
Science vs ReligionScience gives proof of God.
19 Posts • 6822 Views Religion Forum |
:p I accept most of the modern Scholar Biblical Criticism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B iblical_criticism saying that the miracles as miracles are imposible.
My findings of science is that it does... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90767 Views Psychology Forum |
22. Fluorescent lamp killing (1)
In about 1992, Flea market administration installed fluorescent lamp in our container storage room. After I had experience of microwave radiation I thought there m... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62334 Views Jokes & Games |
THINGY (thing-ee) n.
female: Any part under a car's hood.
male: The strap fastener on a woman's bra.
VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj.
female: Fully ope... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19106 Views Religion Forum |
What Hitler stated as reasons for doing what he did is by no means in accordance with Christs teachings!
Petesmith: And that is one reason, why Christianity, can and has been fraudulent. I think,... |
Life & DeathLife: Is it now? Is it then? Is it to come?
7 Posts • 3800 Views Philosophy Forum |
The Word
¡§In the beginning was the word and the word was with Jah and the word was Jah.¡¨
¡V The Bible
There are two major things we need to notice here that seems to be so open but yet... |
1 Posts • 2653 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bush: ?I thought there would be weapons of mass destruction. And so did everybody else in the world. And so did people in the United States Congress from both political parties. Thought that there wou... |
Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8028 Views Religion Forum |
How-Evolution-Flunked-the-Scie nce-Test
1. Spontaneous Generation
How does the evolutionist explain the existence of that first one-celled animal from which all life forms supposedly evolved? For m... |
2 Posts • 3569 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I am a victim of beauty! It chases me like a hunter chases the wild animal in a forest. It is not that it finds me on its own: I always walk into its trap willingly like a fool. B... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90767 Views Psychology Forum |
106. Christmas day re-union (1/6/03)
My family members used to re-union on holidays. In recent years, I was estranged from them, (my parents, brother and sisters) I rarely go to San Francisco to jo... |
IslamLast Sermon Of The Prophet Muhammad (P)
8 Posts • 4484 Views Religion Forum |
I don't know what you are taking about? What I have understood from you is that there were two Muhammads. The first preached a certain religion the second is the one who preached Islam right?
If... |
War & TerrorismChomsky and WTC
0 Posts • 607 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
1. Something would have leaked, almost definitely.
Who says something hasn't. How do you notice a leak if you are swimming in openly admitted evidence that is simply not addressed or not addre... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90767 Views Psychology Forum |
121. Attempt to get hand writing note. (3/31)
In 3/21, I posted "118. The dead FBI analyst (2)" in internet. Next day(Saturday), same scene reacted. (see "117. Swift response (3/10)&... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90767 Views Psychology Forum |
131. Strong and swift reaction (5/17)
Yesterday, I posted message about SARS. At about 5 pm, I was blocked to the internet. At the same time someone put a tire at my door. My wife later found it wa... |
SocietyThe New World Order: The Final Showdown for America
7 Posts • 2705 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
CALLER: If the Federal Government would collect every Federal Reserve Note in circulation, would it be mathematically possible to pay the $4 trillion national debt?
SUPINSKI: No. (Note: Is this not p... |
Religion & HumanityThe Open Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Please stop the reprisal of the researcher of Chri
1 Posts • 2405 Views Religion Forum |
The Open Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Please stop the reprisal of the researcher of Christ's teaching
Your Majesty,
The independent researcher of Christ's teaching Ravil... |
Hobbes: Leviathan
2 Posts • 4126 Views Philosophy Forum |
As I undertake the following task I labour under a paltry weight of learning, and a feebler intellect. What, then, is my claim to the reader's attention? Surely minds more capacious, judgements k... |
IslamThe rights of black and white women in Islam
9 Posts • 3083 Views Religion Forum |
Islam gave women rights and privileges at a time when only barbaric manners and values dominated.
Yet, some people argue that Islam has alienated women in some domains. In fact, this belief is a misc... |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15289 Views Religion Forum |
"Well son, I certainly don't think I am superior or all knowing"
Good to hear, cause your not, but no one had accused you like you had, and that was the point.
"but I do beli... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90767 Views Psychology Forum |
51. Unbridle power of intelligence.
I complained persecution from secret police. They managed to turn me into their control. I couldn't go to Malaysiya and Cambodia. They made arrest at board... |
War & TerrorismExcerpt: Good morning, we're bombing Somalia, do you care?
1 Posts • 2181 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here is a perspective you won't likely hear from most news.
Listen to Africa relations expert, Emira Woods, who is the co-director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studie... |
Three Generations Fish ~An Article~
1 Posts • 2708 Views Talk Talk |
~This is an article that I submitted to a Local WIldlife/family life TV Program and they are now going to be doing a segment on it for their show as well as publish the Article. Just felt that maybe h... |
EconomyThe Rise of Africa
1 Posts • 2554 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Call for Applications
The Rise of Africa
"Africa and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment on the African Continent"
(Berlin, fr... |
Terms of Use
1 Posts • 16538 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
These Terms and Conditions of Use (the "Terms of Use") apply to the CAPTAIN C... |
Relationships & Lovea little insight please?
27 Posts • 5422 Views Psychology Forum |
From time to time in this post, I've inserted some jokes... just to keep it from being completely academic, boring or whatever...
not for the poster, but for others... this is important to her... |
ConsciousnessThe prince
7 Posts • 5661 Views Philosophy Forum |
the spiritual feel of an environment. Natural reaction of the presence, due to sense of energy.
It’s necessary in relation to conduce, but whenceforth does one conduce?
Normalcy is habitual w... |