The war has already begun, the shooting just has yet to start. - Adolf Hitler
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Tagged > I am back
THREAD Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 71024 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
No way I will find that picture again, I am 99.9% sure it is the same picture, just alot smaller in size. I changed back to this picture becasue of how I feel lately, the look of emotion or lack th...
THREAD Relationships & LoveMen and Women don't want the same things, so why bother?
14 Posts • 6103 Views
Psychology Forum
We all die alone. It's not so bad. Sometimes I imagine that the joke is that if everyone actually found out how blissful death is, the planet would be empty tomorrow. That's why our me...
THREAD Lady In The Water
2 Posts • 2085 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
The cereal box thing got on my nerves, especially when the kid came back and said he got it wrong. If there had been at least a sentence or two explaining how he was able to do it I probably wouldn�...
THREAD grandfather time
7 Posts • 4605 Views
Philosophy Forum
This Topic has probably been raised before but im going to pose a question anyway: Im sure most of you know the grandfather theory: What would happen if you went back in time and killed your grandfa...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 159763 Views
Talk Talk
I love indian food and I feel a certain identity with indian culture in general. I want to go to India one day. A couple years back my friend took me to an indian restaurant nearby and we ate our food...
19 Posts • 10734 Views
Philosophy Forum
lol-you just cant say"gay"without mentioning"pedaphiles&quo t; can you? for your info you cant even spell "pedaphile"right.go to the dictionary.Just like emerald said,you went...
THREAD i know of someone in here who writes songs
1 Posts • 2561 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
And who ever is willing i just wanted to see if someone could write me a love poem or somethin along those lines for my girlfriend.. i just want it to consist of like you mean everything to me and i w...
THREAD ChristianityWhy is jesus story so powerful
18 Posts • 6276 Views
Religion Forum
For the same reason there's a dude with a hook for a hand hiding in the bushes in pretty much every rural back road waiting to scare the bejeezuuus out of you and your girlfriend. People want to...
THREAD Spiritualitycoincidence or what?
9 Posts • 3742 Views
Religion Forum
i told a buddy of mine of the situation, and he says "if god wanted to make himself known, then why do little dumb things that dont even really relate to Himself anyway? Why not do something GRAN...
6 Posts • 4919 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
ah, heres that stupid thread i was looking for *lol* just wanted to add Beyond the Beyond to the list. its such a rip off of final fantasy, but its a great game :p windup - anthology was what i wa...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17185 Views
Religion Forum
ah, you mean back at the time we had an oil (embargo) shortage? So they resrticted the speed limit to 55, nation wide to conserve our dwindling oil supply? We didn't have the reserves to supply...
THREAD Freaks Speak up--LOL
15 Posts • 3824 Views
Talk Talk
i've had sex at parks, graveyards, wal mart, a laundry mat, in every room of a house, in my boyfriends back yard, cars, on a roof.....lots of places, but i dont consider ant of it that
THREAD Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers II (YouTube)
110 Posts • 23447 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Having watched the trailer I'm happy again, Oblivion had me worried, I thought it was going to be a situation like the Mummy series where the lead female left and they carried on regardless. H...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40675 Views
Psychology Forum
back from hols and ready to argue religion seriously god hasnt done anything good for (supposidly) 2000+ years Im gonna beleive in snata clause because he actually does something, oh yeh he isnt r...
9 Posts • 3956 Views
Talk Talk
lol, hi wyote. had a bit of a rough time in life of lately but i'm back to tell the tales! haha How are you? Yeah, a mini is a small british car. I widsh i could put a piccie up and show them...
THREAD ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24247 Views
Religion Forum
i grew up forcefed catholicism like a fucking doughnut and it sucked, it did much more harm for my mind and all of my classmates than it did good. However if catholics shared there faith with those wh...
THREAD What is the hardest degree course?
3 Posts • 4016 Views
Talk Talk
It's funny that you mention that because I would have never of suspected, until now, that veterinary science is so difficult. It's one thing to be able to save humans because of communicatio...
THREAD Relationships & LoveI lost the love of my life, how can I get her back
9 Posts • 24186 Views
Psychology Forum
LostLove--- seems me and you, are in the same boat my friend. I recently lost the love of my life as well, to a "friend" of mine. Although you may be in pain, I think I have fe...
THREAD War & TerrorismThe Iraq War
34 Posts • 11926 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Bush needs insurgence More death is needed to convince people that US has to stay in Mid-East as long as warmonger wish. "Insurgent" bombs made in USA Then there was this one. On...
THREAD God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11487 Views
Religion Forum
Maybe back when they first started saying 'fear god' they meant it in a way of respect. Like you respect your enemy. But know its like fear why should i fear someone that i am suppposed t...
THREAD JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62286 Views
Jokes & Games
Smell My Finger, Redneck! This guy was deer hunting in North Carolina. He shoots a deer, and as he is dragging it back to his truck, he gets stopped by this redneck Game Warden who asks to see his...
48 Posts • 12626 Views
Talk Talk
na, 2 sides to every story rule here, its only good for who it helps, cause it may hurt someone else. and if the truth hurts you but you learn from it and become a better person or whatever will chang...
THREAD Why try to understand what we can't change?
18 Posts • 5549 Views
Talk Talk
thank you. and still, i like to think that one person can change the world. just becuase it hasn't happend yet ( jesus dying and coming back anyone) doesn't meen it won't. so lets go ch...
THREAD Caramilk Secret
0 Posts • 4727 Views
Philosophy Forum
The Caramilk secret- They make them out of solid chocolate then cut them in half and bore out the centre and pour in caramilk crystals and the glue them back together with chocolate then they are mic...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsHello again
8 Posts • 5206 Views
Talk Talk
A number of months back google changed something in their search algorithm and it basically affected us negatively, pushed us down in the search results, hence less people are finding their way here....
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