The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts - Unknown
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THREAD Astronomy78,000 People Apply for One-Way Trip to Mars
0 Posts • 188 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Why didn't they decide to colonize the moon first? I mean, at least then it wouldn't take a 5 year journey just to travel there and you could train people to live there ten years at a time a...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24585 Views
Philosophy Forum
fnckoff, just for fun, write down that you believe that there is a god right now... then in 20 years when someone you know has died a tragic death and you say "there is no god!" you can look...
7 Posts • 3885 Views
Talk Talk
hummers are the ugliest cars in the are suv's.....the guzzle gas and have killed a bunch of little kids because they have such big blind spots the idiots who drive them back up and h...
THREAD GovernmentSome questions about the interworking of our government?
9 Posts • 2191 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I attended a Democratic picnic and listened to speeches from all the Democratic canadits. One of them quoted Trumen and said that there should be not war profiters, that all the profits should go back...
THREAD Random QuestionsWhat's your favorite word?
54 Posts • 25292 Views
Talk Talk
I had to plop my head back in here briefly...since it has been months since I made a post...or came in to "ruffle any feathers"... so, I guess I would have to say that my favorite word is...
THREAD Ladder Theory
5 Posts • 4333 Views
Philosophy Forum
Whoever put up that website claims to have done years of "field study," whatever that means. This person has no prrof to back the theories besides personal history and experiences. A pretty...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87280 Views
Psychology Forum
given, sarcasim is great fun. but it gets irritating when every other thing you say is thown back at you. i would agree its a security issue, also a dominance thing. they feel all high and superior wh...
93 Posts • 30374 Views
Philosophy Forum
I tend to lean toward a belief in reincarnation, more than anything else. Maybe we live lives in order to learn all that we can and reach some kind of state of "enlightenment". And maybe...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsHow did we start using time?
8 Posts • 9021 Views
Philosophy Forum
i was with some friends a while back and we got into an argument about how time got started-- here it goes-- i think that time was started to organize *man's* day... you eat in the morning when y...
THREAD Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14453 Views
Religion Forum
"so to say that "no one with a brain beieves that the bible is the word of god" is a contradicton to organizd religion" Did you read everything I said or just stop there? Go bac...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50202 Views
Religion Forum
good depends on what angle you see it from such as conquerors think what they did was good but the country they conquered didn't what Jesus did was good but by some people might not see it...
THREAD AstronomyDecember 21st 2012
9 Posts • 4904 Views
Science & Technology Forum
welcome to reality... summit you just completely proved my earlier point from previous threads about religion... which no one had actually read and payed attention to. i said i belived what i sa...
THREAD *Pigeon*
7 Posts • 3358 Views
Talk Talk
Many pigeon moments. Death is part of nature. But humans have a choice whether or not to behave like animals. Like gravity the world sucks...But all scientsists would like to find antigravity and y...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionMy Happiness Equilibrium Theory..What Do You Guys
22 Posts • 12033 Views
Philosophy Forum
I see where you are coming from Decius but when you look at yourself wouldn't you say that there is 1 feeling that is there more than the other, for instance if you are cool then that makes you h...
THREAD GamesFemale or Shemale?
19 Posts • 29737 Views
Jokes & Games
checked the link but didn't take the test. very hard to judge anything from a photo, an the quality (resolution) of those online is not high. Just look at the movies to see how a 'good m...
THREAD Writing on the subject of your Authentic Self.
14 Posts • 3844 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
You go for it Chained Wings! I know you'll be able do it right... I personally don't see why it has to be written in the third person (although I'll admit my attempt was crap, and...
THREAD RelationshipsWhen will the pain of heartache go away?
17 Posts • 26619 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Stop take a logical look at what you are doing you know that eventually you will carry on with your life and over time look back at this situation and think that was fucked knowing thi...
THREAD Relationships & LoveChrisD
16 Posts • 6288 Views
Psychology Forum
In case any of that dawnsense is pointed towards me. That poster brightened my mood while I am very lonely at the moment. I actually really like that song, takes me back to less lonely days....
THREAD ElectionsA Possible Candidate To Beat Bush
3 Posts • 3271 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Alad... Are there any rumors of him running stirring around? I know exactly what you mean about Bush not being able to run a company. He failed all of his ventures with oil, although he is rich so wh...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21640 Views
Religion Forum
I'm sorry, I don't remember you sending me an article, but I may not have been paying attention. I read part of your article: if Jesus did not rise, our faith is futile and we fall back i...
THREAD War & TerrorismFear of deployment
12 Posts • 3892 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
1st time I went was with the Navy, and I came back for R&R in the middle of my 1st 6 month tour. Now Im in the Army, and this deployment will be Most likely double to Triple the time I spent there...
THREAD SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13113 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
anarchy is a false idea... without 'government' there would be no police, don't you get that? that would be a total 'police state' and they would be able to violate any and al...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion versus God's Existence.
2 Posts • 2408 Views
Religion Forum
I have a translation of the book of the dead, it's an interesting book, unfortunately my mum is borrowing it so I can't look up the specifics, but in it it actually talks about one creation...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42210 Views
Philosophy Forum
How is speaking against the Chinese not fighting back? It's just a different method but it's still a form of "fighting". The Jews, they chose to live an existence where an enemy...
THREAD Life & DeathBeing succesful.......
26 Posts • 13949 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'll know if I were successful when the minute before I die I can look back on my life and smile instead of frown. I don't know if having a family or money or a car or a great job will ma...
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