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Tagged > Hypothetical question
THREAD To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7365 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I can't be a wife. I'm not that sort of person." Sarah Brightman (and me) I was molested as a child and have never had a boyfriend. Never wanted one, so kids were not a conside...
THREAD Is Anything Possible?
13 Posts • 4202 Views
Philosophy Forum
It is all debatable. I have a few questions that make the concept of God impossible under human logic. 1. God can't sin. / and remain 100% holy or even be a God worth serving anymore. 2. God...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsSimple Human Emotions
4 Posts • 2762 Views
Psychology Forum
Before we can hope to solve this very real but by no means insoluble problem, a brief preamble on the methods of science are in order. I am aware that this a vexed question, wont to draw more heat tha...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57831 Views
Religion Forum
What I am tending to sense is a kind of petty defense of religion and then an equally petty defense of science. Is it possible, per chance, that they actually help us all out. I back neither fully...I...
THREAD Religion & HumanityMorals for sale
14 Posts • 4959 Views
Religion Forum
Morals are indeed a great thing, but morals are a learned trait, not inherent in the human animal. So the question is who decides what morals are appropriate? Christian morals are founded on cultures...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131917 Views
Philosophy Forum
TO: forgottentruth Did you "completely" read my post from April 19, 2009? Did you 'properly research' (this means hours – not minutes) the VHEMT web site? http://www.vhemt.org...
THREAD God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14812 Views
Religion Forum
No, ur *definately* wrong there. whatever religion claims that only it's God is true, is a fake religion. The Quran makes it compulsory to beleive in all the prophets, and to be brotherly with th...
THREAD Osama Speaks
4 Posts • 3027 Views
Talk Talk
The thing that scares me the most is that now people who question our government's proven and speculated devious foreign policies will be seen as siding with terrorists more than before, that peo...
THREAD Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16947 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, regarding the third cause condition, I don't see why it is imposible for us to understand. It is simply instinct, like babies knowing where to find milk etc, and all ths is embedded into ou...
THREAD ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12454 Views
Religion Forum
'Because it hurts...it is not borne of love for another. In fact it is using another.' Not when both parties are consenting adults. This as opposed to the non-consenting children your own priests v...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33923 Views
Religion Forum
You're about to get the answer to your question. Your debates have kept you thinking. But debating among your selves, even if you used all of your collective minds, and all possible knowledge, yo...
THREAD SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17233 Views
Religion Forum
I must warn you,this is very long.... Let me start by introducing myself.My name is Quenton.I'm new to this site an my main purpose of coming here is to find some sort of guidance or inspirati...
THREAD More to the world than we can see
21 Posts • 5650 Views
Philosophy Forum
yes it makes a sound. but back to plato. you wanna know why i sy he is a hack. in all of his glory and philosophical originality, i thought of it, before i even knew what phlosophy was, as a child. wh...
9 Posts • 4076 Views
Philosophy Forum
When is something conscious? That's a very difficult question. For me, consciousness is basically just knowing that oneself exists. How do we know the AI (dolphin/chimp/whatever) knows it exists?...
THREAD Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15662 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Again this is to Underdawg: Consider the homosexual life (without looking at their bedroom time!!! That's private!) Homosexuals live in hiding all or most of their life. They live in fear of bei...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views
Philosophy Forum
I simply used christianity as a reference in my own experiences. What I said was that I am confused, much like when that happens to me with christians. I did not say taht christians souls do not exist...
THREAD Riddles & PuzzlesBuddhist riddles/interesting philosophies
65 Posts • 41288 Views
Philosophy Forum
Interesting, Let's see . . . what is it you are saying? That the wind does not blow or that the flag does not move correspondingly to the force upon it?? No, it is based upon the spiritual...
THREAD Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17714 Views
Psychology Forum
before i sell you my story i must admit that it sound far-fetched but it is true to the best of my unlockable knowledge because it is all i can remember of the instance at the time being. one summer...
THREAD War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6687 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The question isn't whether you feel the Iraquis wanted to keep Saadam or not, or whether Bush felt that way. If some other government felt you and I didn't want to keep Bush is that any reas...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersSocks or Socrates?
2 Posts • 5833 Views
Philosophy Forum
Congratulations you have just made the journey into philosophy. You thinking folding your socks neatly is more useful, well that's your own philosophy. Other than dealing with minor garments p...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24943 Views
Religion Forum
I hesitated to post on this topic for several reasons. Mostly because it is pointless. Most minds are already made up. This is so evident that the title is a statement, not a question, and it presuppo...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19533 Views
Religion Forum
Oh, ya right. I'll take that with a grain of salt. What I do understand that it is amazing to the extent which life will go to come into being. Consider a lowly lizard -- the cameleon. Just how...
THREAD War & TerrorismDemocrats are pushing for a draft as we speak
18 Posts • 7280 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Leftwood, To your question, "True, but do they ever extend people beyond even those terms?" No, they do not get extended beyond the pre-agreed term. To your next comment, "An...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32890 Views
Philosophy Forum
My God Leftwood - you are like talking with an answering machine. Are you this naturally indecisive in everything? Did or did Iraq not fire missiles as jets monitoring the no-fly zone? Yes of cours...
THREAD What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13259 Views
Talk Talk
Is something that can not exist without our giving it existence such as worth, a determinant to react to with dying when both the sentiment and the feeling requires our own consciousness? We are not i...
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