Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13843 Views Talk Talk |
For those who argue against sparing pain, suffering, and death of non human animals, it would appear your main arguments consist of...
1. Everyone, or most everyone, does it and always have.
2.... |
Creative MusingsFar from above, just separate like any reservations held in fear
10 Posts • 3456 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
From A Pale Of Lights Below
I shy away from that upturned glare, afraid to be seen as coming down from above with all sorts of tablets and law...but I miss that glow I used to know, the shining... |
Dawn's Greeting
9 Posts • 3725 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Before you read chapter five i just want to say that even though this is a completed manuscript and I may post it all on as it currently is, it is still a work in progress and I am currently re-writin... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12268 Views Religion Forum |
Not everyone's for that would be silly of me. ;)
But... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34661 Views Psychology Forum |
1. I think he clearly stated in his first post that he was in a cycle, he said it has been happenning all his life, I don't see how or why you are missunderstanding this.
2. From his initial pos... |
Child & Family PsychologyFacing my reality of being unloved
6 Posts • 7593 Views Psychology Forum |
Emotional vulnerability: A state of being in which your brain is able to freely perceive and communicate emotions back to your conscious mind, and you are able to freely communicate those emotions to... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55444 Views Philosophy Forum |
Im not saying there is sadness. How much closer to the real worlds way of thinking can i get? Other than to support my theories with evidence. Sadness does not always have to be a factor.
The reas... |
Society & SociologyCapitalism and war exits because of females.(Male domination theory)
4 Posts • 3257 Views Psychology Forum |
Capitalism and War exits because of females.(Male domination theory)
(The topic of interest will come up)
Growing up was a very slow intellectual process for me. Especially when it came to the... |
What is Traditional Thinking?
1 Posts • 2055 Views Philosophy Forum |
What is Traditional Thinking?
If we added to traditional thinking the abstract idea of change our world becomes tremendously complex. The way we manage the complexity is that we create; we create b... |
Mental IllnessAusberb's Syndrome
6 Posts • 3890 Views Psychology Forum |
I can relate to a lot of this. The love of bright colours (especially green to purples) and techno, (also classical). The ability to recall obscure facts. (One of my friends was surpassed today that I... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15506 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Theory your a prole of a perverted sort your like the anti prole but so much so that you sort of are a prole, I believe that you trying to retract your incitement of genocide was more like tryng to sa... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27258 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
did you show me how, "homosexuality" is beneficial to even those who prefer it..over heterosexuality?
If they are born or even abused into existance and it turns out that they cannot live... |
ChristianityWhat makes people so angry about the Christian faith?
23 Posts • 18575 Views Religion Forum |
Thanks for your predisposal. For the clarification it was a
metaphor, and not to be taken literally!
So we've raised another issue- the 10 commandments. Ok so lets discuss. And before a chr... |
Does baked-in bias (ideology) always win?
8 Posts • 2932 Views Philosophy Forum |
Does baked-in bias (ideology) always win?
Let's examine one of the most perplexing and potentially dangerous problems that the world now faces.
Nuclear proliferation is high on the priority list... |
Ethics & MoralityNotes on Ethics
1 Posts • 2467 Views Philosophy Forum |
I bought and read a book on moral relativism. The protagonists of the debate resemble two people who, though travelling in opposite directions, have fallen into the same pit. Both views are expressed... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31801 Views Talk Talk |
My quote : 'This is a purpose percieved by whome?' and your response :"This is a purpose that can be readily seen, if one studies animal behavior."
I note with interest that this was the... |
Random QuestionsGirls with Tattoos
36 Posts • 65873 Views Talk Talk |
Yes, you don't just go and get a tattoo because you think it's cool or that it will make you look cool. Getting a chinese symbol just because it's 'in' is disrespectful to the... |
Religion & HumanityReligious views: are they really a reason for argument?
5 Posts • 2698 Views Religion Forum |
Love one another. Live life fully. Words everyone should live by, regardless religion.
I know, another article about religion. I apologize if anyone is sick of it. Honestly, I am a bit too. Which is... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15506 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dude your the fucking moron that WENT INTO THE MILITARY, please shut the fuck up, SHUT THE FUCK UP
Breeding doesn't solve Mental illness, look up epigenetics, I don't have anyfucking idol... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41103 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Who is your favorite, why, Whats the best Comic Flick to date. Whats the one that really needs to be made, What hero isn't there that there should be? Infinite etc.
Don't you wish you had... |
Reality & MetaphysicsOn the justification of being and non-being
1 Posts • 3022 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Values are intangibles. They are, in the final analysis, things of the mind that have to do with the vision people have of "the good life" for themselves and their fellows." (Nich... |
God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13384 Views Religion Forum |
the entire world exists in your mind? nothing exists outside of your mind? if a tree falls in the forest, and no one heard it, it didnt fall at all? one statement to that. prove it. i coul... |
16 Posts • 15602 Views Religion Forum |
Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
I really didnt want to continue on this website forum stuff (long story on why),... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11225 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Do you think my approach here is an attempt to blow off psychic phenomena?
No, but I do sense the general resistance that most people have. I still have it to a degree as well.
On the point of r... |
7 Posts • 3404 Views Psychology Forum |
The assertion of dominance is theme commonly expressed in the natural world.
The concept is flawed at its roots due to being derived from an observation that states because strength has been displ... |