War & TerrorismExcerp: From The U.S. Veterans For Peace on Current Conflict
1 Posts • 2083 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Veterans For Peace Statement on the Fighting in Lebanon-Gaza-Israel
After 2 Israeli soldiers were captured in a July 12 border raid by Hezbollah
guerillas, the... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17038 Views Religion Forum |
"1/3 of Central Europe died"
I'm not saying you are wrong but I think you need to check those numbers again. That sounds way huge.
"out the Enlightenment, there would be no U... |
GovernmentPolitical Views, Obama, Glenn beck, Palin, Alex jones
10 Posts • 4171 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No one ever said we shouldn't learn to terraform, that's literally the most important thing as a species we could ever do. Ever. Only problem is there are a few things out there that we can... |
Human Nature & EmotionOptimism VS happiness
13 Posts • 14185 Views Philosophy Forum |
You have some control over some of the conditions in which happiness is likely to occur, but setting the conditions you have control over doesn't guarantee happiness, but just increases the proba... |
Hobbes: Leviathan
2 Posts • 4126 Views Philosophy Forum |
As I undertake the following task I labour under a paltry weight of learning, and a feebler intellect. What, then, is my claim to the reader's attention? Surely minds more capacious, judgements k... |
HomosexualityWhat is homosexuality in humans and animals? Opposites philosophy.
2 Posts • 3316 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
All people of homosexual and transsexual orientation are "mistaken", because they don't completely understand their nature, and what the second half they need! Actually, the mankind has... |
ChristianityWhat makes people so angry about the Christian faith?
23 Posts • 18575 Views Religion Forum |
Although not directly associated with your question Petesmith, my following words are important to consider as not only focussing on Christians, but the morass of irrational doctrines. Belief in a god... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57891 Views Religion Forum |
Sorry. When I got finished with this post I didn't realise it would be this long. So please bear with me.
It's hard for the majority of people in this world who do and do not believe in G... |
IslamThe rights of black and white women in Islam
9 Posts • 3082 Views Religion Forum |
Islam gave women rights and privileges at a time when only barbaric manners and values dominated.
Yet, some people argue that Islam has alienated women in some domains. In fact, this belief is a misc... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40740 Views Psychology Forum |
True smoking has no visible benefits to the person's health. However, if you ask a smoker why they smoke you might be surprised at what they say. Yes, some smokers smoke because they can't break the h... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43981 Views Religion Forum |
'Why should they accept any other religion? Why should Muslims or Wiccans or Hindus? If they truly believe they are on the path to Heaven and that it is the only path why should they embrace paths lea... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12236 Views Psychology Forum |
Ideally, I should not allow this to affect my perception of my own feelings as being valid. Ultimately, I must constantly look within myself and somehow learn to trust that my feelings are indeed genu... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
Ok, another thought just popped in my head. I often hear the notion that ascension and religious piety come partly by controlling natural urges and instincts, that to be truly civilized and advanced a... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32931 Views Philosophy Forum |
Disclaimer: I do not believe that it is Veterans For Common Sense stand that we bring our troops home and end this thing, at least not yet - But stay tuned. It is my belief that we need to starte down... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43981 Views Religion Forum |
America is a Christian nation and it was founded on Christian principles. This is the Big Lie that is constantly being uttered from fundamentalist pulpits. This untruth has been repeated so often, tha... |
The dilemma of Choice
9 Posts • 3003 Views Philosophy Forum |
This a thought process leading to the negation of choice, please do not say you're wrong or right. Share arguments/counter arguments.
What if the nature of our mind functions in a single logic... |
Penn&Teller Bullshit!
8 Posts • 2836 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Here is some of the other points I didn't bother to take the time to post before in regards to the 9/11 show.
They mention how conspiracy theories instantly started arising, well, our governme... |
War & TerrorismMuslims for peace speak out
1 Posts • 3649 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Press Corner
We are so Sorry for 9-11
September 11, 2004
By Kamal Nawash This September 11 marks the third unforgettable anniversary of the worst mass murder in American history.
Afte... |
EconomySix Principles of Global Manipulation
16 Posts • 6450 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Let's see, the US demobilized its military after war, until the Korean war. We did not demobilize following the Korean war, but have continually increased the military industries since then.... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43981 Views Religion Forum |
Yes you have a right (in most states) to prohibit solicitation and if JW's violate your demands they can be held legally accountable. But without such a sign you do not have that right.
"... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31801 Views Talk Talk |
To Xgemstone67:
Next time you get a "hard time" from someone with opposing views, debate them in the hope that you might learn something new from them. Sadly, in all the years I have embr... |
GovernmentAmerican Union
16 Posts • 6477 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: North American Union threat gets attention of congressmen
Resolution aimed at blocking merger, funding of 'NAFTA superhighways'
World Net Daily | October 2 2006
Concerning African-American Decendants of Slaves
4 Posts • 4288 Views Philosophy Forum |
I truly welcome all views and hope to add the uniqueness in each point to my repetoir yet remaining detached and objective.
Physical bondage was not the only handicap imposed on the African in Amer... |
ChristianityClear Definition #1
0 Posts • 2363 Views Religion Forum |
tolerance: to allow to be or to be done without hinderance
bigot: one intolerantly devoted to his or her own prejudices or opinions.
empathy: as experiencing as one's own the feelings of anothe... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24729 Views Religion Forum |
Those who accepted Christ believe themselves and convince others in their own nullity and helplessness.
Well, a man is that how he thinks about himself.
If he had not hoped for himself if he is weak... |