So let me get this straight.......Your Honda has 1.6 liters and my bottle of Mountain Dew has 2? - 68 firebird
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Tagged > How do people say fit
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40703 Views
Psychology Forum
However, the crusaders, or those in charge if you will, used Christian theology as well as the times they lived in to generate fear of the muslims, thus an excuse for war. I do not disagree that...
THREAD Climate Change - beyond bias
6 Posts • 2958 Views
Talk Talk
Yes. Most scientists think this. But I've learned that intellectual people are more easily convinced of a big lie than apparently niave people. Put an elephant in the room and the sientist will m...
THREAD Marital Cheating
10 Posts • 7608 Views
Talk Talk
I have been married for 20 odd years,,,,as far as cheating...I don't know and don't want to..he had a very close guy friend that his wife kept telling me they were... (together) but l as far...
THREAD LawDigressing to older methods of punishment
0 Posts • 2081 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The main reason they don't cut people's hands off for littering is because of the idea that the punishment should be commensurate to the crime (see the 8th Amendment "Excessive bail sha...
THREAD Illuminati
22 Posts • 11344 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think the NewWordOrder is the Illuminati. The families of Rockefeller, Rothchild, JP Morgan, etc. have there hand in every aspect of our lives and have controlled things for longer than the United S...
THREAD Poetrymy poem
12 Posts • 4712 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
There's a difference between 'a little negative feedback' and telling someone that his first poem is crap. I think if I hadn't received good feedback on my first poem or two, I mig...
THREAD Society & SociologyPoluting the gene pool and wasting tax money
9 Posts • 3372 Views
Psychology Forum
First, I totally agree it's partly the woman's fault, after all, it takes two to tango, and I really believe that people should take contraception more seriously if they're not in a sta...
THREAD Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11420 Views
Psychology Forum
Punishment, like Santa Claus is made up. Only thing is, cops and jails aren't kindly like Santa is. Jail is a monstrosity and a grotesque mar on our society! That so few people have woken up from...
THREAD Defend Your Castle, DUN Dun duuuuuuun
27 Posts • 68926 Views
Jokes & Games
Someone try and beat this! Stage = 59 Casulties = 69,820 Archers = 519 Carpenters = 120 Wizards = 703 Castle Life Points/Stamina = 180,000 Unit Upkeep = 250,400 Spendable Points = 3,990,4...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsSimple Human Emotions
4 Posts • 2765 Views
Psychology Forum
So i was watching a discovery channel special on sex and it said that people like people who are fit because that shows that they are fertile so that got me thinking, if attraction is simply a functio...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18429 Views
Philosophy Forum
I don't claim truth. Your perceptive powers of what I'm saying may be true. I'm not perfect. I don't claim laws of knowledge. I'm not here to pursue the mighty aim of find...
THREAD God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7416 Views
Religion Forum
give me your opinions, objections, questions. this is a pretty simplified version of aristotle's and anslem's proofs, fist done by my teacher, and then by me, and i admit i havnt studied it...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13260 Views
Religion Forum
Boomstick - thou shalt not kill your brethren...aight...but why would you have to kill an animal??...i'm saying God gave life to something so that you can take life from it to say you're sor...
THREAD Kallenites, x-liberals, and Neocons, oh my!
19 Posts • 7256 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Dear Phil, I really don't understand your statement. What hallucination are you referring too. After all, yours comments were rather lengthy, mine are in reference to the pledge of Allegiance. I...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Quote, "Men, whites, Catholics boost Bush in latest AP poll 12/9/2005 WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush's improved standing with whites, men, Catholics and other core supporters has been...
THREAD ElectionsThe Next President (Hopefully) Mr. Chuck Baldwin
6 Posts • 2627 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I can certainly respect that position as a legitimate complaint and as there are plenty of religious people out there that could do a lot of damage with such a position. Nor do I necessarily believe t...
14 Posts • 5682 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I went through a stage when I was about 10 years old when I was scared as hell of UFO's and aliens. The fear continued into my teenage years, and I'm over it now (at least I hope I am ;-) Last year...
THREAD Gender PsychologyBuff Man = Man - Not so buff man = Not a man at all
0 Posts • 9747 Views
Psychology Forum
The interesting thing is, the difference in people's reactions to you as a buff man versus a scrawny man is tremendous. You can be goofy as a buff man, and you are taken to be a powerfully humoro...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24972 Views
Philosophy Forum
THREAD SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11620 Views
Religion Forum
Why not just discuss how you used faith to assume knowledge? You know that you did this becuase you wrote it down. First you said know, then you said believe. "Adress" that please. Yeah,...
THREAD what is it we feel?
10 Posts • 3739 Views
Philosophy Forum
Perhaps love is just a chemical thing a part of our evollution whose purpose is to keepe people together in order to propogate the species- as child rearing can take many years pair bonding is a neces...
THREAD SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 10051 Views
Philosophy Forum
I read the first 3 posts I am absolutely certain you could be more succint! *sigh* I'll read the other ones now. (you could have said assuming free will does not exist...) And here's my...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40551 Views
Religion Forum
I have argued many times with an atheist. And the conclusion that all our argueing came to was the idea that 1) nither of us could prove God. 2)It is far better that he exist than that he doesnt. Howe...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9447 Views
Religion Forum
here are some questions for christians, that I see as problems which make Christianity quite ridiculous. (And this is just a start, I've got 100s of q's). 1. Where is the evidence that sh...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43019 Views
Religion Forum
You are more than welcome to try to tell Him that to His face but you will not succeed for at the appointed time ALL people will acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
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