AliensWhy do people assume Alien lifeforms are smarter than us?
24 Posts • 17298 Views Science & Technology Forum |
In our society we have technology.
In our society we have groups of technologists.
In our society we have people who understand the technology; people who are informed of the technology; peopl... |
Back from Alaska
1 Posts • 1492 Views Talk Talk |
I got back to Nashville after 6 days in Alaska. It went great except for one thing---I did not see the northern lights. That was because there was a full moon the night before I left, otherwise I woul... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34619 Views Talk Talk |
rap music is just another in the long line of scapegoats we choose to explain why we live in a violent culture. its rap, or its marilyn manson, or its quentin tarantino and oliver stone. kids today ar... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You could all sit around here and complain about your governemnt or country, and /or its leaders...or for some of you the leaders of a country of which you are not a friggin citizen. Or you could get... |
Ethics & MoralityRacism is Bad
0 Posts • 542 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've always seen racism in the person who takes offence to it.
Sure the meaning and connection to the word might be what is offensive. But the person who feels like they are victimized to i... |
Gender PsychologyYou Are Not A Feminist If...
20 Posts • 9414 Views Psychology Forum |
For a long time I have had an aversion to the term feminism. Even now, I take offence if someone were to call me a feminist. I think this aversion has been created in me over time from witnessing the... |
Immortal Technique
13 Posts • 7914 Views Talk Talk |
Kayne West has not promoted a push for anything in the rap or urban culture. Sure he came on national TV and said the most disgusting idotic thing an Afro-American could say " BUSH dosn't li... |
189 Posts • 72655 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Damn this is crazy.
You realize that classifying peadophilia as a mental disorder, and as such should not really be punishedor blamed is dangerous.
Whatever happened to self control? All of us have... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27060 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Dear Leftwood:
Love is no more a product of homosexuality than it is of heterosexuality. I could never deny that deep sincere Loving relationships exist on both sides of the equation.
Of course... |
Religion & Humanitywhat religion are you and why
25 Posts • 7633 Views Religion Forum |
I simply have faith in God, whatever that is or means. Whoever gave me life and created existence, that's where I point my faith. This mindset that I have about religion is called Agnosticism and... |
Random QuestionsInteresting Things
3 Posts • 2751 Views Talk Talk |
A few times recently, I've seen adverts, usually in print media, using one of my most loathed turns of phrase: 'Your mouth says no, but your eyes say yes.' There are a few variations, e.g. 'Your lips... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am not sure I am understanding your point?
the very thing which we are discussing: free speech and the want to be heard.
I see Free Speech coming from our more primitive culture, I was watching th... |
The God paradox
3 Posts • 2228 Views Talk Talk |
belief can be a good or a bad thing. when belief is not tempered with rational it will limit human development.
While belief in the after life can provide comfort to some people but it can also lead... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14910 Views Psychology Forum |
Jeans are too tight and constrict body movements as do heels.
I remember being anxious to try on a pair of the tight-fitting jeans all the girls wear. Oh my God, getting them on was the first probl... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43689 Views Religion Forum |
Ekimup, it is very refreshing, and welcomed, to have an intelligent debate.
Concerning the rights of gays, we will have to agree to disagree. Our morals, though so similar in many ways, do differ s... |
FuturologyProgression of Humanity
16 Posts • 9262 Views Philosophy Forum |
I couldn't disagree more on a few accounts.
Number 1) every beginning must have an end. The world will end one day
Number 2) The world is being more and more exploitative. China a good exampl... |
Is ideology the bane of intellectual sophistication in the US?
13 Posts • 4928 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is ideology the bane of intellectual sophistication in the US?
Marx is perhaps the first intellectual of great stature to coin the word 'ideology' and to study its epistemological foundations. Marx... |
An Extreme Case of Culture Shock for Your Country!!!
2 Posts • 3146 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm going to try and answer all of the questions to the best of my ability.
1. If I had supernatural powers (but not supernatural of course, completely natural ;)) I think I would slowly tell... |
SocietyThe Source of Idiocy of the Average American
0 Posts • 414 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
See, I think people from other countries think that Americans all have this pride of being an American and that we relish in our Americaniss.
I'd hardly call In God We Trust a slogan. It just... |
Famous PhilosophersNietzsche's Illness and Death
1 Posts • 3471 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't know too much in-depth about Friedrich Nietzsche' work and primarily learnt about him through popular culture and brief readings here and there.
After being in touch with the Friedrich Niet... |
EconomySix Principles of Global Manipulation
16 Posts • 6387 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Let's see, the US demobilized its military after war, until the Korean war. We did not demobilize following the Korean war, but have continually increased the military industries since then.... |
What do you think about the rascism ? Can it disappear ?
16 Posts • 6895 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that, we have a really broad spectrum on which we judge people, and, from the first impression to a more behavioural level.
There most likely will always be a difference in language, as wel... |
Are man made things to be trusted?
15 Posts • 4677 Views Philosophy Forum |
i gotto say thats a gd point, but lets forget the division of morality. No cultural, no religous just morality. Religion shouldnt be abolished cuase it gives comfort yes with all the storys of god a s... |
43 Posts • 8999 Views Talk Talk |
My psychological impression of emo is something akin to "wearing your feelings on your sleeve". These feelings generally seem expressive of (or at least desire to express) negative self-awar... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9526 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
It will be fine. Its ok, i receive love from my family members, but unconditional is another thing, its without condition, but thats life, when you hurt people they still love you perhaps but they won... |