Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167905 Views Psychology Forum |
Mum. yeah mugen, i get pissed with her, then someone talks to me about her many virtues and sacrifices for me, then im like yeah, great mum, sleep, im cool, then i see her, and she opens her mouth. Ex... |
Emotions & FeelingsHeartbreak and Suicide
15 Posts • 14713 Views Psychology Forum |
NO. Don't even think about it!! EVER!!! No girl is worth giving up your life. You are such a smart person with a beautiful heart. You have so much to offer. I know how much you love her. You have... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
My mother was in the hospital crictical ill, so I didn't vote.
Afteward we talked, she would have voted for him & I against him. So I look at it as we would have cancelled each others vote.... |
Bad Drivers
6 Posts • 2762 Views Talk Talk |
Okay I totally agree with you, I live in Yakima, Washington.. and people are scary over here. When Im driving around Union Gap by our mall I see like tons of people breaking tons of rules. And I have... |
Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8543 Views Psychology Forum |
Actually, I used to think that most people are not open minded as well. But as Ive grown and matured I ve found that provided you get close enough to ppl, they sometimes talk some sensible stuff as we... |
124 Posts • 33726 Views Talk Talk |
ah god i hate people. all i wanted to do was watch some frikkin fireworks, but of course idiots had to try their damnedest to ruin the whole experience. this happens everywhere i go, some jackass deci... |
48 Posts • 26847 Views Jokes & Games |
timmo is stupid he is dum shit the graphics r good and everything*devil**devil**devil **devil**devil**devil**devil** devil* |
Sexual PsychologySex and Emotions
4 Posts • 4964 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Good questing.
I lost my virginity out of anger and spite. I was upset how I was laid too in regards to women and sex for the good part of my life and lead to do so. Some people consider themselves a... |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10432 Views Philosophy Forum |
i disagree to an extent. i agree with his comment about the pornstars bit, they are catering for a large male interest that female interest. but as for the millionaires thing, thats just cos women hav... |
Starter on a neon
10 Posts • 5136 Views Talk Talk |
I replaced a starter on a 98 Neon the other day, what a pain in the arse!!!!!!
Thought I would have to yank the freakin engine. No wonder the "shop" wanted $400+ to do it for this lady.... |
Religion & Humanityreligion...real?
6 Posts • 3445 Views Religion Forum |
God created man, i strongly believe, but you know through religion(I HATE RELIGION) false Gods can and have been created... the religious were the ones who lived according to law not grace, they judge... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60676 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe we humans are trapped in a world of hate and greed. A world controlled by a the " law " . Personally i do not dislike the government , but why must we be confined in a world contro... |
What do you think about the rascism ? Can it disappear ?
16 Posts • 7003 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are the forms of fear that create racism innate? If we abolish fear can we rid ourselves of hate completely? So much of fear is obtained through learned behaviors, which are passed on from generation... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167905 Views Psychology Forum |
havent wanted to kill my mum...wanted to tell her from time to time what a selfish bitch she was lol but i've wanted to kill someone elses mum for very valid reasons, you know when you hate someo... |
Society & SociologyLeft out and confused
3 Posts • 2341 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't know if I'm on the right forum, but I thought I'd give it a try as I'm desparate for some help. When I was newly divorced 3 years ago, I was offered a job to work in a smal... |
43 Posts • 9085 Views Talk Talk |
Haha ok let me explain what i said since you dont understand once again...Your problem is you only read what u want to hear u dont read it carefully.
(((You said :but what ever way you put it, they... |
GovernmentBush's Actions Fuel Recovery II
10 Posts • 3498 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
" I never called them evil, satanistic."
Its an exageration. You're obviously implying that media tycoons would somehow be dishonestly biased towards being leftist which is completely... |
5 Posts • 3644 Views Talk Talk |
i need people, they make the world go round right? :) i enjoy hearing what they have to say about anything and everything. of course, at times i hate people... a lot... thats when i play video games..... |
The "Void"
66 Posts • 18766 Views Philosophy Forum |
Not to disagree but I think that there is an unexplored aspect of this phenomena. Women come to a point of feeling of crisis as they reach the age when they may no longer can reproduce, this is especi... |
Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13315 Views Philosophy Forum |
equal but different. My wife is a school teacher. I have to say she's smarter than me. I ask her questions all the time. But that's her. I do the dishes.
I grew up through the male bashin... |
Gender PsychologyThe difference between men and women.
5 Posts • 3775 Views Psychology Forum |
Allimar, Im afraid thats a dum opinion. The actaull brain size actually has nothing to do with inteligence. If you post proof i will believe you but im pretty sure i know otherwise else i would not ha... |
Relationships & LoveMen and Women don't want the same things, so why bother?
14 Posts • 6108 Views Psychology Forum |
Actually, I apologise. It's me that's turned it into an argument. I actually agree with much you've said.
I think I'm trying to explore a feeling I have found myself within. Th... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32946 Views Philosophy Forum |
You made it in the other thread, oh well.
"Your point was that because he didnt know he was an ignorant fool. You, like Bush, could only name 1 of the 3 however are you admitting to being an i... |
how do u deal with g-ma who dont remember nothing?
4 Posts • 2803 Views Talk Talk |
I have a grandma who has early deminsia and can't remember anything. She's always asking these stupid questions like "what day is it?" Or on saturdays she asks " Don't yo... |
ChristianityBad things by Christian's
5 Posts • 2596 Views Religion Forum |
They blow up abortion clinics haha like ftw. stupid assholes "We don't use violence but we blow up abortion clinics" hahahahahaha *lol* |