God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12216 Views Religion Forum |
Just for some who will never ask a valid question, not you sorceress, I see potential in you, religion itself is not bad, the good parts are indeed good, the bad parts are simply ones that need consta... |
I would like your input!!
15 Posts • 4247 Views Talk Talk |
lol yeah
i figured because i saw most of them down there
btw strapless looks good on everybody, david's has these crazy bras that make everyone's boobs look good haha one bra is like 60$... |
BuddhismChristianity and Buddhism
11 Posts • 4638 Views Religion Forum |
Ethics & MoralityIs Morality an Open and Closed Matter?
3 Posts • 3011 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm not sure if I'm open or closed.
I believe that when I act upon another I should see myself in their position. I feel that a good action is about preventing pain.
A person with s... |
ChristianityWhat makes people so angry about the Christian faith?
23 Posts • 18574 Views Religion Forum |
"See I would rather act for the sake of goodness itself, instead of doing good acts under the belief that failure to do so results in hell."
Which is another thing that kinda pisses me of... |
16 Posts • 18745 Views Talk Talk |
I've been DIEING to get a tattoo, since the day I turned 18. I've been thinking about it for almost a year now, and I can't for the life of me figure out what I want to put on my skin.... |
Tell me somthing good that happen to you recently.
21 Posts • 6332 Views Talk Talk |
I think we could use some light hearted enlightening stories. I'm feeling a little bit sad because my baby just left for her long weekend to Minnesota. She's been gone for 30 minutes and Gaw... |
I like her, but how do i ask her out
8 Posts • 2563 Views Talk Talk |
*LOL @ Cynic-Al's responses* Good ones. Had me smile for a good 2 minutes there, Mister Al.
I think you're situation really depends on how well you both know each other. Because the appr... |
Societyanother school shooting
2 Posts • 4072 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
rollergirl, have you seen the movie Bowling For Columbine? It's a very good documentary by Michael Moore which gives a lot of attention to the issue of guns and the school shootings. If you'... |
Life & DeathThe balance of life
3 Posts • 2955 Views Philosophy Forum |
One day I saw a bag of Peanut Butter M&Ms hanging in a vending machine right before I was getting ready for football. I paid and selected for the Penut Butter M&Ms and got two packages for the... |
Ethics & MoralityEvil
19 Posts • 6452 Views Philosophy Forum |
I define good and evil as anything that helps or hinders me in my pursuit of self-realization.
Objective, civilization-based consequences have no real bearing on matters affecting moral judgements o... |
What's Your Favourite Food?
22 Posts • 8096 Views Talk Talk |
Sounds like hearty stuff- I love borcht it is soo gooood if made right...Perogies very good unless boiled and all slimy like unless you want to swallow them whole... For good perogies microwave the fr... |
Food Talk
4 Posts • 2754 Views Talk Talk |
See. I've been poor for about my whole life and now that I have money of my own and the means to buy food that taste somewhat normal I have no idea what good food taste like. It isn't that p... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41993 Views Religion Forum |
However, God can be God and not be good if you admit that he has the ability to do good and evil. God would not be a lie, only one that has created a world with evil in it if God exists at all. |
What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3428 Views Philosophy Forum |
you can fight against the opposite of yourself as a good person an stay that way but if you were a bad person fighting against good it would make u think about what u are doing |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19195 Views Philosophy Forum |
Most people dress to impress. A lot of people need others to them they look good in order to think that themselves. So that's why it matters who you look good to. Because it's usually not yo... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36650 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hopefully, those who think like this use what they know with good intentions. Hmm . . . isn't there an old saying 'the road to hell is praved with good intent?' |
Ethics & MoralityInherently Good or Evil?
15 Posts • 12930 Views Philosophy Forum |
yea... i think people are inherently "good" and become "evil" or gain "evil" tendencies once they grow older and begin learning about the world around them. i sorta think... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11225 Views Science & Technology Forum |
And like my bias, which used to be to hope for but lean away, but now, given an event so blunt and powerful, I am left with no doubt.
Did you describe this event already? If not, do tell. If so, r... |
What is the nature of man?
40 Posts • 10744 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't think human nature is either good or evil but a product of experiences and influences. Babies are born "neutral" and then become whatever they are. Plus, what are "good&quo... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6753 Views Talk Talk |
i really didn't mean to put so much blame on parents, some people are just stupid. as for getting out and taking the world, i can do that tomorrow [sarcasm] i do plan on getting out and seeing th... |
35 Posts • 14271 Views Philosophy Forum |
While you do have a good "motto" it is flawed in the sence that people don't have the choice of being sinners or not. The fact that even if you do pretty good things throughout your lif... |
Enherit Goodness Of Mankind
6 Posts • 3781 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe that people are not nor evil or good but they are a blank slate at birth. Then the experiences one under goes determines their out come. So there are major factors that play key roles such a... |
Last Concert You Went To
15 Posts • 4232 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
The title is pretty self-explanatory. Just talk about your last concert experience.
The last band I saw in concert was Against Me! at the Social in Orlando. Good set, lots of good songs, but it sti... |
I like her, but how do i ask her out
8 Posts • 2563 Views Talk Talk |
I was at an acreage party with the girl I was into... dead of winter. I was 16, she was 15. It was too hot inside, so I announced that I was going for a walk. She agreed and came with me. We were talk... |