A thought, a reasonably grounded one, has been dwelling amongst theologians for some time. Is it possible Jesus was trained as a Buddhist?
Wise men sometimes travel to see the supposed new Delai Lama-and may have followed a star to find him. It is possible that from the age of about 14-28 (where there is little or no reference to Jesus that he was trained with Buddhism, possibly after being trained as a Jew. It is then believed he returned to this place, now Kashmir, where he was raised in his late teens/ twenties and known as "Yus Asaph" (The healer).
Briefly, the idea goes that resurrection isliterally, nowadays, equal to resuccitation, not literally coming back from the dead in the clinical sense. Why did they put Aloe Vera in his tomb with him, this is a healing agent?
Any how, it is believed he travelled back to Kashmir, where it is reported he returned after doing 'great things'.
Yus Asaph supposedly claimed he was Jesus before his death at 80. He was known their for his healing abilities and his ability to teach. There is a tomb that exists, quite unlike any other wherein lies the body of a man.
http://www.tombofjesus.com/news/FAQ/ On the outside lies a plaque on the tomb where there is the footprints of this man. In them there is a samll hole where, if the feet were placed over one another, a nail would in similar to how it is believed crusifictions were conducted!
Many note how similar Buddhism is to Christianity
http://www.hindunet.org/alt_hindu/1995_May_2/msg00015.html Whilst the idea that Jesus was raised with Buddhism raises questions from devout Christians:
http://jimvb.home.mindspring.com/ser1998Oct11.htm Some people even go sofar to say Krishna, Jesus and Buddah are all one:
http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Jesusand_Budda/id/52701 All makes for a fascinating story with some convincing coherence; but are these really jig-saw bits that fits together? Keep your mind open and your criticality well judged.