RE: pumpkinlove
12 Posts • 2832 Views Talk Talk |
I think Awakened is pretty cool to have opened a dialogue asking for constructive criticism when somebody tells him his work is lame.
And Decius is right. He did try to defend himself eventhough he... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29261 Views Religion Forum |
I seem to remember something about receiving a prefect body?
A body that would not corrupt?
By definition then the Christian belief is in a reincarnation,
verified by Christ's resurrection?... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15263 Views Religion Forum |
Firstly, regarding the deduction example I gave, your reponse to me is just specifying that most probable deductions are more complicated than the one I gave. But overall it appears you do agree that... |
LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22160 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
lol. This is my opinion - not forced - just stated. Surely in a free democracy voicing your opinion is one of the most importat things?
Or maybe not...perhaps if I don't like something I shou... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55439 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ha..its funny that you refer to my posts as essays. I do consider them brilliant peices of work, from my limited perception. But brilliance is domesticate insanity.
And i'm not at all proud of... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We don't necessarily know that he would do any better for our country than Bush is doing as of now! I'm not worried anyways.. I considered this point that past presidents having come to seco... |
Dog Mind Tricks
2 Posts • 4331 Views Jokes & Games |
1. After your humans give you a bath, DON'T LET THEM TOWEL DRY YOU ! Instead, run to their bed, jump up and dry yourself off on the sheets.
This is especially good if it's right before yo... |
Society10 Years After Apartheid, South Africa in a Crisis
4 Posts • 56555 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
How can you even say this?
They never asked to be forced into civilization! They were happy as primitive tribes.
If the dutch settled there and started civilizing them in a humane way, the current... |
Ethics & MoralityEvil
19 Posts • 6452 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would actually agree with most about what you say about me; except on the matter of happiness. I believe that there is true happiness, although I do not know its true definition (and quite frankly,... |
GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14063 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dim memory of the UN coming out of some sort of post-WW11 organization, wasn't that bacisally an American effort from the beginning? Well, like they say if you start with bitter fruit then you wi... |
BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10578 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"The small farmer has been put out of business. Farmers all over the world are being forced out of business. "
That is free market capitalism, and its nasty side-effects. However, free mark... |
15 Posts • 4687 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Room 24C: USERS
"Well, who the gagglefuck woke me up at noon?! Can't a guy sleep in this free country?"
FBI leader Kenneth Ramsey looked up at the young specialist over... |
Women will NEVER say...
2 Posts • 4038 Views Jokes & Games |
A woman will never say:
1. Could our relationship be more physical? I'm tired of just being friends.
2. Go ahead and leave the seat up, it's easier for me to douche that way.
3. I think... |
Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9267 Views Religion Forum |
I don't know how you could be multi-religious without creating your own religion.
For instance - If a Jew was a Christian, he or she would be a Christian and no longer of the Jewish faith.... |
Writing on the subject of your Authentic Self.
14 Posts • 3850 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Me and my roomate at college are very different. He's kind of a jock (works out and plays sports and all that) and seems to like everything that's loud. As for me, I'm skinny and really... |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14675 Views Philosophy Forum |
Damn I wrote this then sent it and I'd been logged out!
Okay in shortened form!
Right I have read the Bible in parts...not all but I sense that it doesnt actually say God is a man with a b... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Nature has many examples of individual sacrifice for the groub, as well as cooperative organization instead of competative?"
I don't mean that capitalist societies in nature are the m... |
Seeking Advice About an Online Friend
7 Posts • 2828 Views Talk Talk |
I am torn. I have a friend online who I respect and care for a great deal. I believed the feeling is mutual since that is what she has told me before. Now I am not so sure.
We really got to know e... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11625 Views Religion Forum |
Firstly I would like to say that I have not had a religious debate with some one for some time. The reason why is because theists get so angry at me for what I have to say to them, and, aswell, how cl... |
EconomyStock market and social security
23 Posts • 8174 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
3. The stock price depends on the amount of investment fund.
If monthly trade stock is 100 shares, ($1.00 each) the investment fund in that month is $110, then the share price will be 1.10 each, i... |
Rehab & AddictionDual diagnosis treatment centers
9 Posts • 5964 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
After reading a few articles, what I understand about dual diagnosis is that it's a condition that can occur as a result of an untreated mental condition. A person has a psychological condition,... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33962 Views Religion Forum |
If God existed why would it have to hide behind stupid 'signs' and miracles, its about fucking time it stepped down from its throne in the sky and took responsibilty for the mess its ego cre... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32928 Views Philosophy Forum |
You are the one that wants to now twist the rules. The rules are on the books and now you want to change Geneva so that terrorists will be protected. That's insane - the point of Geneva is to pro... |
Emotions & FeelingsSkepticism, Fear, and Anger
24 Posts • 7423 Views Psychology Forum |
Glad to know that I'm not the only one who feels skeptic.
I don't know what's with me. I think it's my fear of humiliating myself that makes me feel like I have to find the weak... |
Health ProductsHoneywell 17000 True HEPA Air Purifier: Remedied My Allergy Symptoms
3 Posts • 33736 Views Product Reviews |
USA: price ranges between $129 - $179 USD
Canada: price ranges between $150 - $200 CAD
Background: I am extremely sensitive to dust. I moved into an apartment that had tiling instead of ca... |