Dream World
5 Posts • 3543 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
no prob, i particularly like that "my eyes have been severed..." line... it made me squint *lol* "staining the heart..." another good one. keep em comin' :) |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Good point - and I am getting more involved. I attended my first community meeting. But I HAVE to vote against Mr. Bush. I can't let him be president again. I can't be for sure if Mr. Bush i... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40999 Views Religion Forum |
"This is obviously something that can't be proven or disproven."
It can and has been proven that evolution happens. It has not been determined if God is behind it.
Its up to you to... |
11 Posts • 9488 Views Psychology Forum |
Good points here. I think that tiny word 'hope' is the solution to depression, and by that note, maybe events that lead one to see the lack of hope causes depression. |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So, we hate him because he is a dolt. Is that good enough reason, that is, assuming that you have the power to reason.
Hate is an awefully strong word.
http://www.thenoflame zone.net |
Friends, or so you thought
8 Posts • 3634 Views Talk Talk |
Are you sure these "friends" weren't trying to help you? Did they get betrayed somehow? Is there any other extenuating circumstances involved? I can't blame you "I" would... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33945 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ah, I think I see, devil's advocate, I see no problem with wanting people to be good to people, I just can't say that that is what American foreign policy or even national policy prescribes. |
16 Posts • 6947 Views Talk Talk |
I can hold a pretty good grudge, although I hide it well and forgive the person, I will hold a deep grudge that won't come out 'till I've been drinking...*cool* |
Emotions & FeelingsHeartbreak and Suicide
15 Posts • 14711 Views Psychology Forum |
dude, kill yourself...
your pain is forever.
these "new-found" friends are only posponing your end.
If you wish to die, do it. Because love is as good as any reason to kill yourself... |
Burroughs, Gysin and cut-ups
1 Posts • 2507 Views Philosophy Forum |
Does anyone have any interesting thoughts on Burroughs and Gysin's theory of cut-ups? I'm realy interested in it and thought it would be good to see it from another perspective. Thankyou |
Tay Zonday
1 Posts • 1969 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I love this guy. Made famous with Chocolate Rain, but a lot of his other songs are quite good.
1. Say No To Nightmares
2. Chocolate Rain
3. Internet Dream |
Backing into a parking spot
5 Posts • 10911 Views Talk Talk |
The only time that going forwards into a space is a good idea, is if you are going to have to load something large into the back of your car and can't easily get at the back of it otherwise. Ever... |
GodWhy human beings?
25 Posts • 7097 Views Philosophy Forum |
good point here.
well all people believe in some kind of superior power and we humans are the production of this source. but even if some people don't believe in god the relativity still exists... |
15 Posts • 5607 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Those are interesting ideas. But before I go that further, I would like to know your opinion on matter and energy. That is, do you think that matter and energy conversion is a good candidate for true... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12648 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
defend Saddam
Where and when did I defend Saddam.
Mr. Bush is the Commander In Chief, and I'm a tax paying citizen of The United States of America. Mr. Bush works for me. I expect him to do... |
GodWhy say 'life doesnt matter' without god
19 Posts • 8637 Views Philosophy Forum |
actually maybe my analogy didint work.. becasue playing our life form as we know it compared with playing a vdeio game we get pleasure from succeeding.. so if die before succeed can be pissed but goal... |
41 Posts • 32752 Views Talk Talk |
Ya know what boomstick SOCCER IS NOT A GIRL'S SPORT!!!! Plus fyi, you don't ONLY run, kick, and trip people! If ya want to be good, ya gotta have skills. You say football is the way to go? I... |
7 Posts • 3098 Views Religion Forum |
Good point Sorceress. I guess im trying to say. If men wrote the bible. The same men who did these things. Like Elijah.
How do we know that there not lying about anything?
How do you know there... |
Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24975 Views Philosophy Forum |
So what then of the people that do good their entire lives and get crapped on everytime they think that they are getting ahead? I know people like this. Are they paying their debt from a previous life... |
Music VideosA Good Song
3 Posts • 3533 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
You might not of heard of it, but i think this song is strangly calming, and relaxing.. if you get a chance download "Like Humans Do" by David Byrne.. |
16 Posts • 4986 Views Talk Talk |
Thanks :)
The pessimist in me (which is most of me) is wondering about the likely imminent "one step back," but I'll get over it and hopefully through this process learn how to live... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91142 Views Philosophy Forum |
I do think we have free will, because, you know how everything that happens is supposed to "teach us a lesson"? Well, if we didn't have free will, what good would teaching us lessons be... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77265 Views Psychology Forum |
I was in class tonight, and a lady asks if her name is on the roll call after she says "here". How in the fuck would he know your name if it was not on the list? Furthermore, she asked "... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16245 Views Religion Forum |
.Computers require an input. It requires us to think. I believe that computers could be a good asset
but to much of anything can be harmful.
A balance between physical & mental & the spiri... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36245 Views Religion Forum |
You have made several very good points in this thread and I also agree that there are still some very stubborn people out there that do not and actually can not believe in God our Heavenly Father.... |