Anime Music Videos
10 Posts • 5102 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Samurai Champloo: A quarky anime with totally awesome sword fighting. Pretty good storyline too. |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18457 Views Talk Talk |
*lol* good one Wyote.
'The Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.' G. Bush. |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7018 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Yeah. Im really liking it. You have a great way of keeping the reader in suspense.
I do not know why you said you felt intimidated in your other post on writing?
You're really good. |
Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4312 Views Talk Talk |
Fair play to the guy who wrote the poem, its quite good and is probably helping him come to terms with the events. However, im unsympathetic and so my reply may have seemed a bit cold. |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
it brings out more truth.
why is it that anything we view as wrong or bad always outways things that are good or right?
even though they might have the same measurable affect on what or whomeevr it... |
93 Posts • 25439 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The title speaks for itself people, what do you think? good? bad? I'm particularly interested in the Stem Cell research side of things. |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87304 Views Psychology Forum |
By man did you mean only man, as if you think women aren't good enough to understand you! How dare you.
Ah semantics :D
Oh and context, there's a concept that takes a healthy beating. |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views Philosophy Forum |
You made a lot of good points. I especially liked your solution to the problem which is so basic and so simple and yet people will never get it. Actually caring about what you do. Improvement of anyth... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25221 Views Talk Talk |
i know, but when my freinds talk about games, they say halo1 was the good ol' days, and i'm like, what about vectorman, and teenage mutant ninja turtles.*lol* |
SocietyCanadian's Feelin the Love
11 Posts • 3581 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dammit, I didn't, how was that?
It sounded pretty tense,
That skit he did about the LET'S GO: IRAN was awesome, oh man what a good laugh can do when you're in the shits.
:D |
Gears of War
10 Posts • 2578 Views Talk Talk |
The halo series was all well and good, but basically it could have been a number of other games, say for example the unreal series, there wasn't anything majorly new in it's ideas or way of... |
GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8572 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This question made me feel strange.
It feels good to think on this.
Why do people work? What are their motivations for it? That alone probably shapes a man's view of the world in such a way... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5470 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.census.gov/foreign- trade/balance/c5700.html
Th at site lists the trade balances between the United States and China when you go to the store you are buying things on credit from China. Th... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16249 Views Religion Forum |
Religion was THE 'civilizing' factor and precursor to government. It is present in its myriad forms in all cultures. We are nothing if not consistant. Each religion was formed based on the n... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42428 Views Religion Forum |
I have trouble thinking an all good God would decide it was right to make us suffer for our ancestor's mistakes.
Dumbteen - I agree. I think this who original sin thing was crafted up by men... |
13 Posts • 7112 Views Philosophy Forum |
weltanschauung> 'the desire to have no desire is a desire in itself' you are absolutely right. Though is a 'goal' the same as 'desire'?
epicrus> your attitude m... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7957 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
>>>You don't react to something years after the act.
I agree. Clinton was a horrible President and should have reacted. By failing to do so he only emboldened our enemies, which lead... |
9 Posts • 4081 Views Philosophy Forum |
here's something that's been bugging me for a very long time, just kind of in the back of my head.
the question is, what is order? what i mean is, how can it truly be defined? a lot of peop... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39617 Views Philosophy Forum |
I see prophet, your proof of point I do not, but then you did not provide a point to be proven.
In such a chosen name a see the prideful fool of his own accounting.
There is much wisdom in what... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30272 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I have gone over many different types of government and social structures and have come to the conclusion that there currently is no perfect government system, yet. If it did exist then we would be li... |
War & TerrorismIraq = Terrorism?
0 Posts • 3769 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Come now, Decius. While I don't think the article sheds a shining beacon of light on the Al Qaeda - Iraq link, it does say a bit more than "a possible Al-Qaeda member was invited to some Ira... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29208 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't mean that capitalist societies in nature are the most succesful. Oh, well then I missed the point of the comparison.
Excuse me, the USSR and China are extremely abundant in resources. Ch... |
Spiritualitypeople that lose faith
5 Posts • 3229 Views Religion Forum |
People will lose their faith in a god they believed in deep down inside themselves for years when they see/experience disasters like the quake in Haiti. Bad things do happen all the time but the earth... |
IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 77116 Views Religion Forum |
I would say that the women wear the headress to protect herself. Being raped would be bad, but dishonoring your family could mean death.
I heard this very disturbing story on NPR. A fifteen year ol... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167904 Views Psychology Forum |
I've thought about too many things i wish i could keep myself from thinking about.. i guess that's the paradox gift/curse of a thoughtful open mind, the shit ain't all good:( |