Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167904 Views Psychology Forum |
Thanks for the hate dude. Not desperate, just loving. Maybe you will see that in these days to come.
And I do not deny that I have been an ass, in any way. If you would like to talk about it, pick yo... |
AliensWhy do people assume Alien lifeforms are smarter than us?
24 Posts • 17393 Views Science & Technology Forum |
People assume alien life form is smarter than us because people believe--and there is substantial proof--that UFOs exist thereby proving that a more intelligent life form built the UFOs.
Personally... |
Gender PsychologyWhat type of women do men want?
3 Posts • 7987 Views Psychology Forum |
I for one don't want a high-fitness, independent, decisive, goal-centred, career-oriented, rational woman.
I want a dependent, submissive, emotional, feminine woman who lets me be in charge.... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThinking It Through
9 Posts • 2947 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think it may be possible animals may use things like simpler language, and more effective body language, such that key instincts are strengthened more easily.
My answer to my own question would p... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59380 Views Philosophy Forum |
Back to the original question, I believe things are right in proportion to how much happiness is spread and so are wrong in proportion to how much pain is spread. But you've got to understand thi... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views Psychology Forum |
I see so much hurt and pain in this world. And it all seems to be caused by ourselves.
But when you listen to anyone who will be totally honest with you (even if they are good or bad.) they will t... |
Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17289 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree with all of the above.
In addition, I think beauty is something, anything, that is pure. To me, beauty is both light and darkness. Seeing 'lights' in someone's eyes is so beautiful. Pure pa... |
Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
Vegeto said...
"Still can't decide on the definition of a slut? I don't think that I would think a woman a slut if she were responsible both with the physical act of sex and sexines... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views Philosophy Forum |
the distinction of the indivuals perception & the majority, a censensus of perception?
Take an autistic person has a wholely different perception of existence, yet I would wonder do they feel th... |
The "Void"
66 Posts • 18766 Views Philosophy Forum |
Wyote I tend to disagree, we create in our minds certain chemicals which relate to emotional well being. We generally associate the lack of the preence of these chemicals as being imbalanced.
So we... |
Music VideosTears for Fears: Mad World
0 Posts • 2105 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
It sounds like you guys are saying, it was original therefore it was better.
Kinda like when people say that Mario the best game ever because it revolutionized games forever.
When inactuallity,... |
Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8617 Views Psychology Forum |
Her final reason for deciding to break up was simply that she no longer wanted to be in a long term relationship, regardless of how she felt about me.
I don't really know how I feel about just... |
hmm, this is silly, jus read it and tel me if it i
4 Posts • 2506 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
do u hav any idea
how it feels 2 b dead
i think i felt the cold when u were gone
my mindz itz running around in pain
not nowing wot 2 think
i try 2 b whole again
but the feeling, itz there
i tr... |
guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6034 Views Talk Talk |
rancid, so you're saying it's better to date someone who is impatient, and after a quick fix, rather than waiting to find that ONE person who deserves you?
Tell me, how many people do you... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views Religion Forum |
The actual death of Christ is not what Christians consider meaningful. The Resurrection is the meaningful event because it allowed the human soul to enter Heaven instead of descending to Hell which is... |
15 Posts • 4701 Views Psychology Forum |
So many people in the world try to get through life by being big, macho, tough guys, totally uncaring and unhurtable. Especialy on the internet.
But I don't think Ive ever been as impressed b... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views Religion Forum |
"you proved yourself wrong. "
Well thank you! I didn't know my emotional statements were that important ;)
An important decision? Obviously it depends on the person, but any decis... |
5 Posts • 3163 Views Talk Talk |
that is a very strange site to behold. find out what sort of a history (if any) of sleepwalking he may have. altho very uncommon, it is possible for a person to appear fully awake and even be rather t... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25012 Views Psychology Forum |
its not the same as being cut tho, it feels different, its more like you are "experiencing" pain, rather than "feeling" it. |
How to love emotionally
10 Posts • 3921 Views Talk Talk |
now that you have gotten yourself in this position, it may be difficult to truly get out. unless you find a trigger of some sort, which would almost definately cause a breakdown in the emotional depar... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32945 Views Philosophy Forum |
Bravo Okcitykid - I'm glad you stepped back and examined the reality of the situation logically instead of letting your emotional views of the war sway you.
Leftwood - you say yo... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21563 Views Religion Forum |
I think people are getting crazier and wierder every day and its all boils down to the mass population of people and it makes people sad and depressed when all you have to worry about is money and whe... |
FuturologyProgression of Humanity
16 Posts • 9320 Views Philosophy Forum |
Initially, I do not feel as if this is an idea that I have concocted intentionally to make myself feel better about the world, but I seem to have this sense of positivity about the progression of mank... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14995 Views Psychology Forum |
Some women feel that they have no talents and that looking hot or good is all they have. So they wake up every morning put that make up on, put on those sexy clothes, grab those heals from the back of... |
BiologyPain and Pleasure…
4 Posts • 2910 Views Science & Technology Forum |
ya I would agree with Sorceress, pain is associated to the body making the mind aware of problems, like the fire is hot or that fall broke my ankle and the corresponding reaction of move your hand fro... |