Life & Deathare u ready to step outside the box? part III
4 Posts • 3386 Views Philosophy Forum |
are we in control?....this is the question, and I am giving u a scenario, one that requires u to step outside the box...to think openly and start fresh.
continuing on :
An emotional purpose hasn... |
Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7271 Views Philosophy Forum |
Don't insult my intelligence. I am not "incapable" of understanding your intentions. Even though you say you hurt people to help them, I still don't think that is what you want. I... |
Relationships & LoveWhat is Love?
9 Posts • 8667 Views Psychology Forum |
Baby Don't Hurt me...
Seriously though. Long time no been here. Can we narrow the definition just a touch. Romantic love? Emotional? Sexual, complex etc. |
Is it?
21 Posts • 6712 Views Talk Talk |
I'd say more along the lines of an emotional human one. I'm not looking for people to start quoting evidence that proves there is a God. Just in your own opinion. Your own views. From your o... |
How far will you go for love?
22 Posts • 5696 Views Talk Talk |
I really agree with decius on this one.
This whole love thing, in order for it to 'function properly', requires both sides to reciprocate that feeling you get deep inside. If one does not... |
i dont know just read it!
3 Posts • 2089 Views Talk Talk |
I know what you mean. I'm an empath, well we all are at some level, and I find that I have a tendancy of attracting people with emotional problems, people who've been hurt in the past, who a... |
GamesWord Association 2
266 Posts • 60814 Views Jokes & Games |
pain |
5 Posts • 14324 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Pain pain pain, man. Sorry for your woe. |
Squares 2
22 Posts • 23739 Views Jokes & Games |
Just got 99! That was a pain.... |
GamesWord Association 2
266 Posts • 60814 Views Jokes & Games |
pain |
Rehab & Addictionhelp me quit it
2 Posts • 2643 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Just stop that's what worked for me.
umm check out stuff on tapping if you think addictions the problem
http://www.captainc ynic.com/article/587/emotional -freedom-technique-eft.htm |
BooksSylvia Browne's "Secrets & Mysteries of the World"
12 Posts • 3529 Views Talk Talk |
You are not forgiven. You are hereby exiled from this site and all administrative powers are to be left in my name. Also, an emotional relief payment of $5000 must be made with a months time. That is... |
RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19217 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Femininity, is when a woman places no emotional barriers or conditions on her inner self. When she simply 'is'.
She then becomes what a man is not. And the more she relaxes into this, th... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotional Intelligence
23 Posts • 6706 Views Philosophy Forum |
your Emotional IQ is 133....Strong in perception....
is that high?....or what? I don't know....honestly i'm not sure, my relationships are aight but i don't know if i'm smart in... |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11273 Views Talk Talk |
I personally have never met a girl that had the power to think as abstractly as I can. Then again, I haven't met any guys that could do it either.
Girls, I find, are more likely to stop thinki... |
About You / IntroductionsPeople!! baaah!
11 Posts • 3508 Views Talk Talk |
I dont know that I have any answers for you other than that I also have asked the same question myself and many other questions beside. I believe what you feel is perfectly normal. I'm 43 now and... |
Children Ruin Lives
25 Posts • 8482 Views Talk Talk |
I can tell none of you have got children.
You talk about them as if they are something you brought from a shop and have been commited to keeping but regret buying.
That's just it. You can... |
Emotions & FeelingsHeartbreak and Suicide
15 Posts • 14713 Views Psychology Forum |
NO. Don't even think about it!! EVER!!! No girl is worth giving up your life. You are such a smart person with a beautiful heart. You have so much to offer. I know how much you love her. You have... |
21 Posts • 10270 Views Philosophy Forum |
To me, it's obvious that hurting and killing is wrong. I see people hurt, and I feel their pain with them. I feel inside myself that to cause another purposeful injury is wrong. Sure, it's a... |
GamesWord Association 2
266 Posts • 60814 Views Jokes & Games |
pain *yuck* |
Is it?
21 Posts • 6712 Views Talk Talk |
For me, it's more of the pain then death itself. |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160031 Views Talk Talk |
i like pain. turns me on. |
DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16752 Views Psychology Forum |
more so even, Patrish. i am pretty sure it has something to do with an emotional attatchement to them more than a physical addiction, i could be wrong tho, but i have friends who have done every drug... |
who should i be with?
3 Posts • 1981 Views Talk Talk |
Well I'm all for monogamy. I should probably declare that from the out. But I have to wonder what's going on here. You fell 'out of love' with your husband and sought romance else... |
ChristianityFamily in Heaven...?
6 Posts • 3375 Views Religion Forum |
Ya, how does one explain or relate to another the feelings of love? Phyical perceptions may vary but being tangible objects, we accept there being but abstracts like emotional being, we are hard press... |