You have to admit the mattress dance is just a dance. And love, with a cursive capital 'L', is merely sleight of hand, doled out by genetic edict to keep DNA flowing. It's all genetics. And beyond that, it's all just zeros and ones. - Nick Sagan
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Tagged > Drugs
THREAD Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22244 Views
Psychology Forum
Rap IS music. Weather you like it or not. Just because you dont like it, doesn't give you the right to declassify it. What defines music? A guitar? I'll give you a rap song with a guitar in...
THREAD Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17714 Views
Psychology Forum
right, so LSD never kills anyone danny? what an absurd thing to write. Drugs are not all they are cracked up to be. I don't pretend to be an angel myself, but when it comes to others asking about...
THREAD DrugsTry Marijuana - you shouldn't like it.
0 Posts • 2571 Views
Psychology Forum
In fact, there are many, if not most, drugs you should like. In my experience, having a seriously grounded understanding of what you are like, and most importantly, valuing your natural characteri...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14374 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Go to it has really great and true info about drugs, writtein by people who have actually experienced them. But drugs are bad, they've gotten me in some deep shit before, I'...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMarijuana,weed,pot,mary-jane...etc
35 Posts • 20574 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
drugs are bad, ive seen some pretty bad $#!t. Messed up, so many ppl wastng away on dope, i dont think marajuana is that bad, but i dont rekomend it. honeslty i made an aoth to myself not to do it. Iv...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs and how they screw you up
10 Posts • 7131 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
drug dealers will put just about anything they can get away with in their drugs, simply to make more money. pcp is expensive, so if thats what you got hold of, somebody wasnt keeping very good track o...
THREAD uplifting adventures
10 Posts • 5122 Views
Talk Talk
i have never tryed any hallucinogenic drugs infact i dont really do drugs but i have nothing against them.. I was talking with a friend about his exsperience while on shrooms and he told me a story ab...
THREAD Paranoia
9 Posts • 3856 Views
Philosophy Forum
when I was 14, I started doing drugs. Long story short, for about 6 months I though all of my druggies friends and I , had this ability to telepathically communicate with one another, but no one could...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16228 Views
Religion Forum
not really, you are just expressing that you will run with something that suits your needs. And trust me, as an agnostic my self, that doesn't tend to suit anyones needs, at least not in the sens...
THREAD Lack of spiritual men
13 Posts • 7300 Views
Philosophy Forum
Meditation and spirituality do not have to be wedded with a sober lifestyle. The Beat Generation(who were mostly men) drank beer and used concentrated substances and were intensely spiritual. Drugs ar...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrug Use, yay nay wrong or okay?
19 Posts • 6390 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
"when you're high you just feel 'carefree' " i have done very little, got smashed a couple of times.. no real drugs though, and i just have a qeustion. what if im care free...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMy drug
5 Posts • 2777 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Lying is not a drug, it is a choice. Drugs change your consciousness. The drug DXM changes your consciousness, but does lying? When you lie, you are completely aware of what you are doing unlike with...
THREAD DrugsTry Marijuana - you shouldn't like it.
0 Posts • 2571 Views
Psychology Forum
I was going to write a large reply to this thread until i read Hobbes comments. Think you hit the nail on the head there mate. Decius your shared experiences with drugs seem very thickle. Its all m...
THREAD DrugsThe timeless infatuation with drugs
4 Posts • 3831 Views
Psychology Forum
I used to enjoy smoking a dube here and there...but now i smoke practically every day. I dont know if its just because the people i chill with smoke alot or if its more just a matter of personal addic...
THREAD SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6185 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Of course it shouldn't be illegal. But there are drugs less deserving of being illegal that are, and some that are more deserving of being illegal, and aren't, so I'm pretty apathetic t...
THREAD SocietyArguments for the prohibition of drugs
22 Posts • 9130 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The 'War on Drugs' provides a significant amount of income to the police, prison and court systems. It provides a good speech stump for politicians. It allows us to feel good, Christian, and...
THREAD SocietyEnd the war on drugs now!!!!!!
7 Posts • 3909 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The war on drugs officially started back in the 1930's. Nixon created the DEA. Reagan with his "Just say no" slogan, massed an all out assault against recreational drug use. Here...
THREAD Life & DeathLife for people in their 20's
19 Posts • 6176 Views
Philosophy Forum
i am also not 20 but i have experienced my sudden realization of possibilities this summer. the first time i ever tried shrooms. regardless of what people say about drugs i believe that drugs in moder...
THREAD Finding Out What I Believe
5 Posts • 2521 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm not sure how to say this... But will give it a go. You may want to research a little more on LSD... Not that there are any safe drugs really (even alcohol is not that great)... My thin...
THREAD SocietyArguments for the prohibition of drugs
22 Posts • 9130 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
THX:" I am not so sure that I can agree with you. In argument 2 you suggest that it is fiscally efficient to use a blanket enforcement. I do not think that the billions of dollars we have spent o...
THREAD How do we know?
60 Posts • 16490 Views
Philosophy Forum
*roll* mmmmmmmmm i wunder. seriously tho, have u ever thot about this: what if u see the color blue. and u call it blue. and someone else sees blue in there head, n they call it blue, but its not the...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMy drug
5 Posts • 2777 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
A drug is an outside substance coming into your body. I would not tell a child that when they are utterly lost in their imagination that they are under a drug, because imagination is a normal part of...
THREAD Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22244 Views
Psychology Forum
joelb wrote: Rap IS music. Weather you like it or not. Just because you dont like it, doesn't give you the right to declassify it. What defines music? A guitar? I'll give you a rap song with...
THREAD DrugsBoyfriend on drugs
5 Posts • 3948 Views
Psychology Forum
The important thing to remember with drugs is that people react differently, even with alcohol. It also affects people differently on a day to day basis. My advice for her is to support him off the dr...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
When I logged on a banner ad of news showed that The God of the World has overruled states rights by enforcing the ban on "medical uses of marijuana". Well, I guess bush knows better than th...
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