Tagged > Do women propose |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14991 Views Psychology Forum |
Exactly. I'm not against the freedom to choose. I'm not arguing about that either. I'm arguing about whether or not it is justifiable for women to undergo pain on a daily basis for the... |
How do we know?
60 Posts • 16507 Views Philosophy Forum |
yes. good questions.
i like the original post so ill get to that one last. first i'll deal with the adam and eve dilema. First, i think that it is important to read the bible passage in genesis.... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38009 Views Psychology Forum |
In many instances victims are blamed which is why our local women's center provides legal advocates to support them through the court proceedings. For example, the questioning in court may addres... |
JokesSome slightly dirty fun...
2 Posts • 9150 Views Jokes & Games |
Q: What is better than winning a medal at the Special Olympics?
A: Not being retarded
Q: What's blue and fucks old people?
A: Hypothermia
Q: What is the definition of "making love&qu... |
Movie ReviewThe Da Vinci Code
11 Posts • 3482 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I have seen the film twice. Enjoyed it twice. The film opens your mind to the possibility of a spiritualism that includes women and is based on Christianity. I can see how that would upset orthodoxy.... |
IslamContradictions in the Quran
62 Posts • 17121 Views Religion Forum |
what i see in islam nothing but pure satisfaction for one's pleasures it gives credit to many issues to man and in return just discharge women from the whole procedure of this satisfaction it eve... |
Gender PsychologyGirls Suck
16 Posts • 34883 Views Psychology Forum |
i think people are usually like this - competitive and manipulative. women may be worse but people are like this |
I would like an opinion on this letter
9 Posts • 3327 Views Talk Talk |
Where are the women of this board?
Two guys have given their opinions.
How about a few opinions from some woman. |
189 Posts • 73083 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I disrespect women who have sex with dogs more. They are everywhere, there are forums and groups ons ites like myspace or others where alot of young and attractive chicks talk about their bestiality e... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51788 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i think prostitution is illegal becase the government hasn't yet found a way to tax it (same thing for weed :p ) and to protect women from diseases. but my opinion is its their body if they want... |
26 Posts • 7983 Views Philosophy Forum |
A glob of flesh has less right to live then the cow that made your hamburger. The government has no right to be poking its head it women's wombs. There is seperation of church and state in this c... |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29862 Views Jokes & Games |
if the government wasnt a twisted system based on lies and falsehoods then we would be a perfect country with nothing wrong with it, then all other countries would get jealous and invade us, they will... |
Emotions & FeelingsEuphoria
17 Posts • 7816 Views Psychology Forum |
i once had one too brother iwas at my house watchin porn when i left to my ss car [its better than any of your fucken cars] :p and i was driving and fornicating when i got pulled over by a women cop b... |
13 Posts • 4600 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If calling you a hypocrit hurts your feelings, I can't really help that. Hell, did you know that you being a women, not wearing a head covering, you would probably be offending the entire country... |
10 Posts • 3487 Views Talk Talk |
Sounds awesome. I bet he is a cutie. When are the other 2 due? How old is your step-daughter and how did you end up with her. I mean I am not trying to be nosey or anything but most of the time women... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16869 Views Psychology Forum |
Women could be granted the highest positions in government. Isn't it possible?
This is currently the case in Canada though few realise it. And the presence of a woman doesn't seem to make... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38009 Views Psychology Forum |
"Is he going to pick someone wearing jeans and a tshirt? Or will he pick someone wearing a mini skirt?"
Actually, the criminal mind is not always about dress. But they can pick somone dre... |
Reality & MetaphysicsHow did we start using time?
8 Posts • 9025 Views Philosophy Forum |
To my knowlede -
Which is limited as this medium...
Time was first recorded by women...
Yes Women were the first recorded Mathmaticians...!*eek*
Bone s were found near the bodies and homes... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12764 Views Talk Talk |
I suppose there is some truth to the statement that a girl who is more of a tomboy does tend to have a more athletic physique, my gf for example has more solidly built legs than most of the other girl... |
Perfect Mate
17 Posts • 9138 Views Talk Talk |
My perfect mate IS my wife.
She is beautiful, smart, sexy, and I can talk to her about absolutely anything. She is my best friend. I cannot live without her, and CAN live with her.
We have so many s... |
JokesMen vs. Women
4 Posts • 5775 Views Jokes & Games |
My advice to women - If he gets jealous of other men looking at you, run away.
My advice to my brothers - If she does not like her father, there is a good chance she will not like you.
I was mar... |
"It's not all relative"
12 Posts • 3648 Views Philosophy Forum |
What about man being the protector-breadwinner and women being the child-raiser? Can I say that a "true man" should hold his emotions in in order to survive and ensure the survival of his fa... |
SpiritualityRight or Wrong - Good or Bad - Righteous or Evil
8 Posts • 3642 Views Religion Forum |
What is it all about.
Did we really do something wrong or did we really do something right or did we just imagine it. We think we know the differance, most of us agree. But then most of thought sla... |
Just For FunSarcastic Horoscopes
20 Posts • 49639 Views Talk Talk |
According to the dictionary:
A bitch is a female dog.
A slut is someone who's considered promiscuous.
But if you want to add your bitter, twisted opinion of women in there, that's fine.... |
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesThe AIDS Thread
0 Posts • 1251 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Not kidding, I've fucked about 1,000 different women including anal. Some were prostitutes and I didn't use a condom AND, in two cases, there was blood on my dick.
Got tested recently. No... |