ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12478 Views Religion Forum |
'Who is the fool, the one who does not find out if info is true, or the one who does?'
Define truth. Are you speaking Fundie Xian truth, or the truth of everyone else?
'..... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
why is it that men, no matter how deeply they love their woman, can never stop lusting after a playboy bunny ?
why is it explained away as a genetic hardwiring - that is condoned and well accpeted... |
5 Posts • 3233 Views Art Forum |
As some may have noted I tend to like understanding aspects of technology especially older technologies . . . their advent in society is directly related to use of such technology but to a large exten... |
ElectionsSchwarzenegger for president?
19 Posts • 6993 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So if a baby born here but raised elsewhere, can they come back and run? And if a baby if born elsewhere but raised but is instantly brought and raised here, it makes that much difference?
The othe... |
Religion & HumanityWhat defines good or evil?
33 Posts • 10279 Views Religion Forum |
The point was not so much what elements are feminine and which masculine, it was to illustrate the point that the universe is masculine and feminine which is neither good nor evil. It was only there t... |
Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views Psychology Forum |
I surmise that the use of pigeonholing in this regard serves a very beneficial service in that it helps to "wedge" your empathy away from the other person.
Also, using insults can ofte... |
TechnologyCalling All Techies
11 Posts • 3237 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I have a technical problem. I have a HP Photosmart Digital Camera M415. The other day I had taken a picture in my house and a huge flash went off. When I looked at the picture on the screen it was flo... |
PoetryMy poem
14 Posts • 3595 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
how could they not care
life so sweet
so short
to see a spirit shrivel in the darkness
to cringe away from those who pity
to hold your pride and dignity close
for no others to shred
in anger or... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49767 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
A familiar image, I know that face.
A smile that seems like a lifetime ago.
Those thoughts that seem like a dream.
An image warped by time,
An array of dark thoughts is emitted by the prism that... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views Religion Forum |
At times I have studied with various Christians Churches (denominations) Most all say we have the Truth, we are the true church yet they have differences in their believes and worship? Jesus rebuked t... |
Atheism & AgnosticismA case for atheism
34 Posts • 10687 Views Religion Forum |
Saying "GOD" as ananswer to how everything is here DOES NOT make anything more clear you could just the samw wonder HOW WAS GOD HERE.. why cant we accept that efrything was just always here... |
Societyutopian society
10 Posts • 9118 Views Philosophy Forum |
i have a question about a book or short story i read in high school.
it was about a utopian society where everyone lived in happy harmony, but only because one helpless child was required to spend it... |
36 Posts • 10488 Views Religion Forum |
Are we experiencing the spirit of the anti christ today?
I think its very possible
Where people get confused on the scriptures is the teaching that the word will live on forever. What they get... |
PoetrySecurity in lies
33 Posts • 9137 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is nothing worse than a heart attack
Been out all night but not once did I lose the fight
I dread the night for all its worth
It doesn't make a saint from a sinner
I just sin and sin
To... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views Religion Forum |
Look everyone-
Nick is a toothless dragon... because....
HE is the one that claimed that HE had a mark on his face... now he is claiming that WE added the cheek to the list of places to look for... |
ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views Religion Forum |
Jesus talks about repentance extensively in the Gospel of Luke but not in the other gospels, never could fully understand that.
You have to realize though that during the terrible things Decius spe... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
I am trying to see where you (Ironwood) is coming from with your understanding of quantum physics, infinity and all that, but I don't know enough about it to understand what you are talking about... |
AnimalsGhost Ants
1 Posts • 4833 Views Science & Technology Forum |
These are Tapinoma melanocephalum, aka Ghost ants, aka 'tramp ants'. They're pretty interesting:
'The ghost ant is thought to be so named because the legs and abdomen of the ins... |
Conscious and Sub-Consciouswhy do i over think?
3 Posts • 6078 Views Psychology Forum |
Are you thinking too much or is it simply you are thinking about the wrong things? If you try not to think you will not succeed: if I command you not to think about elephants, what do you immediately... |
Relationshipsi am confused-i love 2 men
7 Posts • 4850 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
hi-i dont feel any shame-only guilt but it is getting better...thgs were not 100 percent.'no matter how flat u make a pancake it always has 2 sides...'Anyway-I am tired of hanging on the cro... |
Paradise Hotel
24 Posts • 12735 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
At what age do people start to realize T.V. is not reality even when your in the show? I love it, it's hilarious, what a girl won't do to win or a guy for that matter. Of course, these guys... |
GovernmentPresident Bush's Actions Fuel Recovery III
3 Posts • 3297 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
One of the reson for so much voting apathy, it does seem to matter much how you vote. Who ever wins, we get stuck with the same old lies & deciet. May be one of these days, the people will truly r... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Cool! I would vote for the best man, no matter which party.
Let's take John Edwards. He strikes me as a man that has a heart. If he was on his own ticket, I feel he would have much better chan... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15509 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Theory, please re-read my statement. I am simply pointing out that no matter what we do, good or bad, we are affecting human life. If we do not care for the planet, it will recover -- but without us.... |
Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10993 Views Talk Talk |
I was in heavy traffic the other day. And I noticed no matter high tech things may have appeared, we still look like individual cells of blood passing through veins. quite basic. |