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Tagged > Daily tasker
THREAD God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10016 Views
Religion Forum
Hi all ! im new to this forum and thought will chek out this religon forum first. Never act on a feeling. Feelings are unstable and change from day to day, you must test things for yourself eth...
THREAD Marijuana Decriminalized?
6 Posts • 2394 Views
Talk Talk
Hemp is not pot. Legal Pot verses Illegal Pot... Its simple the more legal pot is, the more money America stands to lose for funding illegal activity. The more illegal pot is the more aven...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhat Is Wrong With Being A Slut
37 Posts • 15039 Views
Psychology Forum
*LOL* Sorry, Awakenedwrath about stealing the spot-light and pouring water over your parade. I certainly did not intentionally want to do it on purpose. Well, going back to your subject... on noth...
THREAD Society & SociologyLife and Decisions
9 Posts • 3114 Views
Psychology Forum
Gary can't blame George for his shitty walking. Is George supposed to read off a list of all the potential things Gary could trip over? New trees are falling over on the path every day... new roc...
THREAD War & TerrorismIraq = Terrorism?
0 Posts • 3769 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Why did America go to war in Iraq? there was no smoking gun which was surprising considering the propaganda machines grip on the media. Why probly to plaquate people like tanker who can only be satisf...
THREAD War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12125 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What did they die for so some capitalist could mke money, so the US can play lil' Tin God? So excuse the HELL out of me if I get angery with ppl who are so caught up in some holier than thou, we...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsPositive change vs negative change
1 Posts • 27380 Views
Psychology Forum
Positive and Negative It's hard some days to stay positive, especially when having a 'bad' day. It is hard to stay positive when things seem tough, whether financially, emotionally or physically....
THREAD Inspiration for change!
4 Posts • 2296 Views
Philosophy Forum
Positive and Negative It's hard some days to stay positive, especially when having a 'bad' day. It is hard to stay positive when things seem tough, whether financially, emotionally or physically....
THREAD PerceptionI Find Myself Here
20 Posts • 7363 Views
Psychology Forum
As I was reading this, Im pretty much thinking and going through the exact same things right now. But I started "maturing" a little younger, at around 16, when I was introduced to one of my...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39728 Views
Science & Technology Forum
sorry I was trying to imply there could be several ways to induce deja vu, not only brain malfunction. I understand it like this....your brain can pick up signals (much like a radio). "Aether&qu...
THREAD DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14232 Views
Psychology Forum
Ya know what's weird. My lucid dreaming is becoming more complex every time I dream..When I get woken up in the morning it's because I'll be in one senario and then I'll just r...
THREAD SocietyWhats Happened To Us?
19 Posts • 7054 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
there is no news that is not bad news... or so it seems- I agree with what you have observed. I was thinking abou this the other day- I guess it comes down to who decides what is and is not "news...
THREAD Jesus' Blood
3 Posts • 3002 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
(thought you'd appreciate this one christian dude) love and light -Sorceress How Great How great is the love that he bestows How wonderful his spirit How glorious the light that glows a...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Conscious and Unconscious Duality
13 Posts • 3614 Views
Psychology Forum
I just looked up a little on lucid dreams and also the phenomena of people who dream they are awake. This may be interesting to you Sorceress. A false awakening is an event in which someone dream...
THREAD BiologyBan peanut butter in schools?
3 Posts • 3190 Views
Science & Technology Forum
My daughter is allergic to peanuts, actually she's allergic to all nuts except coconut and I know it is hard for people to understand, but unlike most other childhood allergies, this one is poten...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51779 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It's no more human traffic than the work place, just because sex isn't involved does not make it less of a meat market. As long as entertainment and luxury is an industry, than so is sex...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17729 Views
Philosophy Forum
if say you find a person one day in a seemingly completely random place, feel as if you have met them before, prior to exchanging a single word; speak to them and find them saying exactly what you are...
THREAD Sociological Conundrum
0 Posts • 1956 Views
Philosophy Forum
In the beginning my entire family would set out in search of more food/supplies. during that time if a person wants to join and use my resources i would require them to look for food and do anything e...
THREAD GovernmentPower of the people
8 Posts • 2515 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It is only those that purposefully face the horrors of the world and retain their idealism that become true spiritual leaders. Does the problem come from the fact that politicians face horrors on a...
THREAD Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6305 Views
Talk Talk
Why are we allowed to give guns, bombs, WMD's, money, intelligence, sanctuary from war crimes, etc. to all these, well, war criminals? Oh look, a war is starting between two crazy people or ju...
THREAD Societya society at eachother's throats.
18 Posts • 6527 Views
Philosophy Forum
What I don't understand is why people seem to block out rational thought when they are angry One mistake people often make is in thinking that anger is necessary to accomplish goals. Emotions in...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25399 Views
Psychology Forum
PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT I SEEK NO PITY-JUST UNDERSTANDING: AS DIFFICULT AS IT MAY BE. Have you ever felt like, you know, that you know, what you know? This statement has allowed me to see people and t...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25116 Views
Religion Forum
I was adopted at 2 and raised in a strict Southern Baptist family in a rural town in the heart of the U.S. My family and I attended church every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday nights. I...
THREAD Song LyricsMad World
22 Posts • 9556 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
All around me are familiar faces Worn out places Worn out faces Bright and early for the daily races Going no where Going no where Their tears are filling up their glasses No expression...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49735 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Wierd, I just opened up a journal I wrote five years ago and the page I opened to was titled 'duality' How many days before I sleep? How many miles, the question goes Allow myself a mom...
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