PoetryEat the Cook's Brians poem
3 Posts • 2402 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Hey Wolf,
Cool poem. I would love to be a fly on the wall in one of your dreams! You sound like a very interesting person with lots to say about everything. I wonder if such a creative person can k... |
Starter on a neon
10 Posts • 5136 Views Talk Talk |
Some of the way these idiot engineers design these things are just way too fucking difficult. Ever do the spark plugs on a 3.8L Camaro, specifically the right bank, AGGGHHHH, that was a fuckkin pain!*... |
Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22928 Views Psychology Forum |
Thats cool you hit it off. But the thing is, you shouldn't get too attatched and just like, throw yourself at her or n e thing because you can get dissapointed. Oh, heres a tip, tell her she'... |
What can be done?
14 Posts • 3793 Views Philosophy Forum |
philisophical thoughts and speaking requires no real action. just an complex way of understanding what rules should be broken and what rules should be exalted. Then later down the line you hope that s... |
There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9075 Views Philosophy Forum |
that painted a pretty cool picture in my head. I visioned the rest of my life, from that moment on, as frame by frame pictures begining left ending right. My conscous mind holding the remote. |
5 Posts • 2826 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Yeah I love them too. A great progressive/industrial group.Their song "Thrown Away" is my fav after Touched. The background tribal vocals are tops....has a little 'Deep Forest' tou... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15158 Views Psychology Forum |
I dislike hoes. Girl.... I see you every weekend with another man..... can't you keep just one?? *roll*
I hate drunk girls. Girl..... you are wasted. They are all checking out the fact that y... |
Name your Top 10 Movies
45 Posts • 12094 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Godfather I II II
3. Scarface
4. Dances With Wolves
5. Debbie does....oops, I mean Saving Private Ryan
6. Predator
7. Silent Night Deadly Night
8. The Program
9. Fallen
10.... |
Super Hero Clips
13 Posts • 7442 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
It is mainly from various video games, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Punisher, X-Men Legends, etc.
After watching it the first time I realized how much cool computer animation gets missed in video game... |
The crime of Spyware
0 Posts • 1705 Views Talk Talk |
My prob last night was a .bot as well.
My resource is this here, mainly for viruses but catches alot of stuff.
Clicky here
Then click on the "scan now its free."
It will ask you... |
BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11979 Views Talk Talk |
Um....I think you can do better than that Sallinger! Yea I know it's a predictable story (boy meets girl) and a non-brainer plot, but just think of it this way: you can concentrate on all those j... |
About You / Introductionsnear death experiences.
6 Posts • 2575 Views Talk Talk |
In my near death experience i ididn't see my life flash before my eyes, I didn't take Jesus into my heart. I went into this mental state in which I didn't know anything more than I did... |
Be one with the snow
8 Posts • 3145 Views Talk Talk |
skiing for me has always been about being with my family. every year since i was about five weve all gone up to Breckonridge or Winter Park and just been with eachother. things are tough these days th... |
About You / Introductionsnumb-pissed off-angry-depressed
12 Posts • 6538 Views Talk Talk |
you know what helps me i listen to some extremely aggressive music or destroy public property in creative ways but their is some pretty cool blogs out their that have some fucked up points of view tha... |
EconomyN.C. Man Robs Bank of $1 to Get Health Care in Jail
0 Posts • 425 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
AMAZING Isnt it? I work with domestic violence victims/survivors...one main reason women stay is so they do not lose health ins. then if they do get out,injured and not dead....then spousal abuse is c... |
Arts on UGN! Submit your works!
75 Posts • 19678 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Minefields, I'm really loving the warm feeling you put into that piece It makes me feel relaxed without actually having the 'cool color scheme'
~Is that a contour picture?
Summit,... |
Intelectual Conversation VS Intelectual Masterbation
4 Posts • 3595 Views Talk Talk |
The day before you posted this thread AW, I was thinking the same thing and wondering what thread to discuss my concerns in.
I totally agree that one of the things making CC less fun is people who... |
16 Posts • 6949 Views Talk Talk |
I can hold a pretty good grudge, although I hide it well and forgive the person, I will hold a deep grudge that won't come out 'till I've been drinking...*cool* |
myspace peoples
19 Posts • 7588 Views Talk Talk |
this is true but I've actually reunited with old friends from grade school and some new 'friends' that were in my school that I didn't even know existed through myspace it's p... |
GamesInteractive buddy
100 Posts • 88942 Views Jokes & Games |
make your buddy say what ever you want him to say.... replace the wasabe..... lol.... with what ever you want.... don't deleat the quotation marks.... or anything else... just the text.... that i... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5996 Views Philosophy Forum |
You guys really think that children of such a young age that can't grasp basic concepts should be exposed to what ever they want.
I see more innocent children express greater understanding of... |
112 Posts • 27057 Views Talk Talk |
I've noticed now that posts include the year in them- which seems to be relativly new here- as I remember looking at some posts bewildered as to what year they belong to.
Well any way I think... |
7 Posts • 5588 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I like it - it's cool - what language is it - Even if you don't understand the language, you understand what they're saying, really good. I'm going to put it on my blog.
http://... |
Warm Fuzzy Things...
15 Posts • 4983 Views Talk Talk |
Some things that make me feel good r when u get a phone call from someone u havent talk to in a while:) that makes me feel good*cool* |
Your Pet Peves
15 Posts • 8405 Views Talk Talk |
my worst pet peeve would have to b the squeeky sound of styrophome when pulling it out of a cardboard box
That is an annoyance not a pet peeve.
*cool* |