ChristianityWhat is faith: Why Christianity?
23 Posts • 8006 Views Religion Forum |
Since we cant discuss the previous topic, I will raise what emerged from the "what makes people so angry about the Christian faith?" post.
The argument you raised is on faith! You misunde... |
War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4285 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Very valid. Its true the US could be more democratic. Ultimately, the US is 'democratic enough", it could be more, and should be more (by making sure Bush's election can't happen t... |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10439 Views Philosophy Forum |
rancid, youre right. mostly in the end the list no longer applies. i guess my whole problem here isnt really about who wants what from somebody. i just hate seeing people together who are so obviously... |
ConspiracyConspiracy Confessions
29 Posts • 11237 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
no its not already in the hands of a few men - in fact we are living in a time when more people have power than any other time in history and they are forced to compete and challenge each other to pro... |
Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27347 Views Philosophy Forum |
Politeness exists so that humans can coexist with everyone, manners and politeness comes along with some similar points of society, it's there to keep order and stop chaos.
Without politeness... |
ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12481 Views Religion Forum |
stereotyping IS wrong...but you cant alleviate the responsibility that people have for their own actions.
I dont doubt you've "turned the other cheek."
there are all different w... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24306 Views Religion Forum |
just because i cant answer that doesnt make the given answer right. tell me people, whats wrong with not knowing.
Good Answer :)
"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder." |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301373 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
LOL.george bush.and i love that shark one.
this is my favorite book series,and favorite book out of the series.i already posted this in the book disscusion catigory,but there are probably some peop... |
Top 10 People you wouldn't mind seeing dead
0 Posts • 3832 Views Talk Talk |
1.Anybody who thinks they are better than most
2. Sara jessica parker
3.people who do whatever you tell them too.
4.My latin teacher
5. My old algebra teacher
6.My latin teacher
7,8,9. My latin... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132102 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm somewhat shy, so I waited for the hullabaloo to settle down before posting.
Two-years ago my favorite uncle told me about VHEMT because he was worried I'd get pregnant while away at coll... |
I'm kind of sad
19 Posts • 5671 Views Talk Talk |
I've been on here for a while now, I stopped posting as much though because when I first came here, I was using it mainly as an outlet for my depression that stemmed from the VERY rough break up... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46417 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
"Well, what are we to think when militant homosexuals seek to lower the age of consensual sexual intercourse between homosexual men and young boys to the age of 14 (as they did in Hawaii in 1993)... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57960 Views Religion Forum |
Some good points there. I think the way I tackle things is on a higher level at the moment than helping a person out on the street. Yes, I could and would call that selfish while I sit here and spout... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 123035 Views Religion Forum |
I found it
the Bit with Judas first the Bible
Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to the decision to put Jesus to death. They bound him, led him away an... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132102 Views Philosophy Forum |
PROLOGUE (Wooly Bully):
The question that 'ChrisD' asks is phrased as a personal question to Wooly Bully.
But, the answers by Wooly Bully will be in the context of the imminent threat of
Glob... |
93 Posts • 25452 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"Since there is an obvious difference in the conception of clones and regular human beings, who's to say something isnt lost in the different forms of conception? Physically nothing appears... |
I like girls!
24 Posts • 8091 Views Talk Talk |
"queers spread (std's) aids..."
Everyone spreads that, you should be more concerned of where is came from.
"it's god's way of saying this is wrong"
STD'... |
The Hardest Question?
110 Posts • 42977 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey everybody sup?.....I want to find out what people think is the hardest question there is to answer. It can be about anything. When we get in some hard questions...let's try to answer them...c... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43098 Views Religion Forum |
Homosexuality used to be illegal too... People are trying to make it legal so when it becomes legal what will you think of it? |
Habits & BehaviorThoughts, anyone?
4 Posts • 4422 Views Psychology Forum |
i have to admit, that my experience of learning to discard what others think is very similar to that of Decius's. Although i'm one of those people who is soft altogether, and i can't st... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17398 Views Religion Forum |
You would think, but look what happened.
Everything you just said, was speculation, assumption, and flat out wrong.
Everyday people fight for different sides of equally witnessed and accounted e... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17380 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
a perfect but yet almost impossible goverment to establish would be one with, the liberty of a republic, a say in wat goes on in a democracy, communisms way of saving resources, the way a fasict gover... |
Politics: How They Corrupt Education
14 Posts • 7244 Views Talk Talk |
True, true Brann, Jake.
We should be pissed off at this crap (that we let them get away with no doubt). This is one of the reasons why I want to teach, I'm not so greedy as to worry alot about t... |
GovernmentGovernmental Reform
8 Posts • 4004 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Right on IMF, reformation of government is long overdue. It is about time we speak out & set the processes into motion to return the government to serving the people.*grin*
http://www.capt aincyni... |
IslamContradictions in the Quran
62 Posts • 17141 Views Religion Forum |
well, no it's not vague at all, if at every page every single concept was explained again and again, it would take an eternity! By the 'judgement' it is reffering to the last day, when... |