God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42452 Views Religion Forum |
If i were god i cud not have stop 9/11 cus it will go against the freewill of the terrorist who chose to perform them horrible acts but i will be there with open arms welcoming all the new believers t... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18708 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think its important to see that eventhough America portrays itself as the most democratic and free country in the world, this county cause 70% of the world pollution yet it only posseses around 5% o... |
15 Posts • 9238 Views Talk Talk |
Ya know what, I agree with you. Many people today end up in divorce, no metter how long they've been together. It's worse if they have kids, because it doesn't exactly create the best h... |
BooksThoughts on Fifty Shades of Grey?
5 Posts • 9760 Views Talk Talk |
I think it is the hype and marketing that causes this trash to sell, not it's literary merit, character development or story arc. It is unfortunate that some people think this is what a relations... |
Personal Thoughts
22 Posts • 7305 Views Talk Talk |
i agree, if coarse it happens, love knows no boundaries. but the chances are extreme small. people do get old in the sense there way of thinking changes and they look at life differently becasue of th... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12136 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
cturtle - Yeah I've heard about that a lot. It's been happening around Maine, where I live, recently. Apparently the restaraunts just let people take the oil since it costs more money to dis... |
we only have what we will
30 Posts • 5822 Views Philosophy Forum |
Crime will always be there. There is no peace to war. Someone will always be richer than another. Politicians get corrupted with power. Religion imposes questionable beliefs on people. Societies as a... |
13 Posts • 11834 Views Talk Talk |
Hmm, I can see why some people dont like harleys, but in the end, who is gonna look cooler ?
A big guy with a beard chugging along on a very loud cruiser, or a random Power-Ranger on an overly fas... |
New Year's resolutions
11 Posts • 3102 Views Talk Talk |
get a little more focused in school
meditate more, get to know my faith
treat everyone with respect
learn to talk about personal things with people
get 10 women pregnant in 10 small town, unde rth... |
189 Posts • 73147 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
That's what I was trying to express when the thread was started, and guide people away from the hate and anger that is automatic, concerning this topic. The media is largely to blame for creating... |
Is It Possible To Not Judge Someone?
20 Posts • 15901 Views Philosophy Forum |
In that respect, that tends to deal with people's moods or context of thought.
Everyone has and does things that are wrong, we are all guilty of lying and whatever else and everybody tends to... |
ScriptsSunday: a one act
8 Posts • 3266 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Since a couple people have asked...
I do have a few other pieces on here. I have a story entitled Anatomy of Death and a longer one act (24 pages) in five scenes called the Game of Ethics posted un... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64108 Views Religion Forum |
pigments seem to develope to filter ultraviolet radition, fair skinned people seem to be indigenous to higher altitudes.
We had an albino horse in Montana, we painted the area around his eyes with bo... |
20 Posts • 6371 Views Talk Talk |
i feel very sorry for those people incappable of keeping themselves in line. which is sadly a large portion of society. i am not sure if the military teaches you to enjoy punishment, or if those who e... |
Rehab & Addictionshould marijuana be ligalized?
15 Posts • 5373 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Not trying to swing the argument with the picture are you? :P
Nah im totally on ur side. People dont seem to understand that Marijuana is less harmful than smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. I d... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62781 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
http://news.bbc.co.uk/ 1/hi/world/middle_east/1559151 .stm
In case people hadn't seen any videos or heard much about this.
(Not to mention how an... |
Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9278 Views Religion Forum |
Thanks Pete, you're right it is, except that some christians believe that some people will go to hell for not believing the correct things and my wires tell me that this is not true and apperantl... |
70 Posts • 22693 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
awwww not fair! *throws a tantrum* *lol*
ive gotten a lot of flak over the years for being a Green Day fan, im not sure what the problem is.... im glad people on here are more umm whats the word..... |
About You / IntroductionsWyote
0 Posts • 715 Views Talk Talk |
lol wow! I hope I don't develope a huge ego from all this attention I've been getting lately. I didn't intend to discredit other people's opinions with my previous post.
â€Å... |
6 Posts • 4075 Views Talk Talk |
As a teen speaking, work it out. Don't keep all your feelings bottled up or sooner or later, boom....that's alll, folks. Just be honest, and hopefully, if he knows what's good for him,... |
23 Posts • 26634 Views Philosophy Forum |
Altruism ends up being a desirable state of mind because irrespective of it being selfish, it is inherently good for the whole. It is therefore in society's programming to look positively at peop... |
Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10996 Views Talk Talk |
I was at a hellogoodbye concert in the park on MSU's campus and I just noticed as people get in to larger crowds they stop acting like human and behave like animals. ex. I had two girls in front... |
God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13392 Views Religion Forum |
hmmm...why be so naive about the billions of other people who don't believe in your belief system.
As I said before- If one is close minded and is incapable to compare different mainstream re... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 123033 Views Religion Forum |
I believe in and pray to God simply because it gives comfort and hope and the feeling that there is something else out there supporting me. I often doubt God's existence, but for some reason I ju... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42022 Views Religion Forum |
You guys ever think about what it would mean to tell the only two people who ever existed up to that point that if they eat an apple they will die?
They can have no idea what death is. Nor understa... |