Tagged > Church of scientology |
 32yrs • F
falier is the mother of all succsae |
Human relationship with the 'Higher Power'
19 Posts • 5893 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sorry if this is no were near right but doesn't this sound a lot like Scientology? Idk just a thought because I was actually skimming around the net and came across that. It sounds a lot like wha... |
ChristianityA wrong reason to go to church?
15 Posts • 10508 Views Religion Forum |
The church just tries to control people by saying it is wrong for people to go to church for social reasons. I believe church is a waste of time just sitting in the pew listening to one man speak his... |
4 Posts • 3726 Views Religion Forum |
I am a liberal Christian, and I have grown to hate church because nobody understands me or discusses things from a perspective I can benefit from. Is there anything I can do, or should I quit going to... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18260 Views Religion Forum |
As I recall - I think the Greek Orthodox church believes it is the first church, older than the Roman Catholic church, but I don't believe em. |
Human relationship with the 'Higher Power'
19 Posts • 5893 Views Philosophy Forum |
blahhh, my bad. I just did a quick dictionary search online of scientology and must have misinterpreted the definition ^___^; |
ChristianityA wrong reason to go to church?
15 Posts • 10508 Views Religion Forum |
You didn't go to church for the wrong reasons. A lot of people find themselves there for many reasons. Whatever your reasons are for getting there I'm sure won't be the reason you go to... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views Religion Forum |
Forbidden in the church - 1Co 1:10
Condemned in the church - 1Co 1:11-13; 11:18
Unbecoming in the church - 1Co 12:24,25
Unity of Christ - 1Co 1:13; 12... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views Religion Forum |
Yep that is a new age thing.
If you ever get a chance to go to Rome (I complements of the U.S. Navy), visit the catacombs. There you will learn about a church that existed before the Roman Catholic... |
Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19559 Views Religion Forum |
How is intelligent design science? Intelligent design is being promoted by the same people who, a few decades ago, were pushing for creationism to be taught in schools. These people also belong to som... |
Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15794 Views Religion Forum |
I agree. We dont want the Church running the state! That is not what the Church is there for. The Church is ment to be a moral voice to the state.
Problems come when we detach the Church (i.e. Abso... |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7773 Views Religion Forum |
religions may have begun using the same tricks as scientology has, but they no longer do, and therefore the issue is resolved, people now follow them of their own volition. |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views Religion Forum |
read several books, including the encyclopedia that states over and over the first church was Catholic.
I would take another look at those books. The Roman Catholic Church is not "the first&q... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18260 Views Religion Forum |
theory - man is bad but church is good. Goodness will overtake evil and leave only good church. Interesting.
It's called Roman Catholic because it started in Rome. The church did not start in... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views Religion Forum |
Patrish is correct about the Catholic Church being the one true Church. The original. Jesus Himself said, ..."upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail agains... |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7773 Views Religion Forum |
Lying to people to get their money isn't just unethical - it's illegal.
It's called fraud.
Unless it's a religion doing it. Religion has the unique right to lie about wha... |
 48yrs • M
"Don't Judge Me" |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7773 Views Religion Forum |
Also, on the other hand the cult of scientologists, is another story. Thats another group that makes things up as they go.
Which is the normal pro quo of cults.
Which is what Catholics do as w... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views Religion Forum |
The historian who led the tour claimed that one of the roman ceasors converted to christianity and created the roman catholic church, being its first pope. The roman church however teaches that Peter... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views Religion Forum |
My answer:
http://www.captaincynic.co m/thread.php3/thrdid=15679-u-f rmid=17
The Catholic church is the oldest organized Christian church, but it was not always. What happened to the christians b... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15607 Views Religion Forum |
I have spent many years trying to find the TRUE religion. I think the TRUE church has been taken up already. It happened just before the creation of the Catholic church. But it's just a theory. I... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17381 Views Religion Forum |
DID you or did YOU NOT say the Catholics COULD NOT explain the catacombs???
I hope that the Catholic church can explain the catacombs, they own them and refuse to fully open them up to the public f... |
Life & DeathMy Theory on Life
8 Posts • 3641 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, all my life until this day Ive when to Roman Catholic Church. They speak latin/english and I go every sunday with my family. I dont really like it anymore since I have these thoughts. My parents... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views Religion Forum |
patri, I noted a commonly touted misconception in another thread. The First Church was at Jerusalem. Others were established as Christainity spread, there are several others prior to Rome.
Although C... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18260 Views Religion Forum |
It's called Roman Catholic because it started in Rome. The church did not start in Rome.
Did you perhaps NOT read what I gave?
The split off from the eastern church...also in Rome...was or... |