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Tagged > Biggest food in the word
THREAD ElectionsCountry not mature enough for Ron Paul
0 Posts • 739 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Your point is somewhat valid but not ultimately. But for a reason you were unsure of and noted. In regards to maturity, again somewhat, but americans fear of change and taking responsibility is the...
THREAD SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3581 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ancient people had education right? Ancient wealthy landowners had education. scribes were awarded educational rights because it was a required technical skill to be effective agents of social contro...
THREAD ChristianityBad things by Christian's
5 Posts • 2591 Views
Religion Forum
I'm currently writing a paper on Christian groups and their deeds which are, for lack of a better word, evil (i.e. Ku Klux Clan being a christian group). I am especially interested in any modern...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36722 Views
Philosophy Forum
yo analytical why do you say that's impossible?.... impossible is a word of weakness, never use it me on that one.... thinking of nothing leaves your mind open, therefore you can onl...
THREAD GovernmentSecular Gov't Opinions
18 Posts • 7953 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
hey irish pagan ...i know you love me oh so much *lol* but i'm not gonna post yet cuz i didn't make it all the way through the thread cuz i'm still stuck on the what the word secular me...
THREAD Word GamesPass the word
170 Posts • 39649 Views
Jokes & Games
heyheyhey ya cant just go and start another word. sheesh you could have you used feat heat feet fast peat fear heat use thy mind i would say young one but that only works if we reverse rolls...
THREAD the person above me
299 Posts • 49804 Views
Talk Talk
Expands upon the random capitalization by using no capitalization and making his statement in the usage of unorthodox punctuation at the end of his two-word response, thereby earning my respect and ma...
THREAD The "F" Word???
21 Posts • 6707 Views
Philosophy Forum
the use of the word should determine how it is treated, fuck has come to be used as a swearword, and should be treated as such. many people would now object if you called them "gay" wher...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13251 Views
Religion Forum
730..we must eat to survive. because we can not absorb nutrients simply by laying in a bed of fertilizer or top soil...we must kill. We must pluck fruit from the trees and eat from the land.(includ...
THREAD What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6585 Views
Philosophy Forum
We know for certain when we die that our bodies perish. Unless we freeze them - maybe. And that's food for thought isn't it? Another way of thinking of this is to do experiments. The only...
THREAD I would like an opinion on this letter
9 Posts • 3323 Views
Talk Talk
i meant more of a "crush" type of love... i hate the word love, its so vague.
THREAD DrugsTry Marijuana - you shouldn't like it.
0 Posts • 2571 Views
Psychology Forum
At Decius, You said;" still stand by the general notion that marijuana and most drugs form, most of the time, as a mind numbing experience, or a method of escaping reality not dissimilar to othe...
THREAD Music VideosThe 80's
22 Posts • 5761 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Nostalgia is one of my favorite things, some may think its simply a waste of time, but I'm big on perspectives. Perspectives can change over time given new revelations, including those from newly...
THREAD Comforting an atheist on their deathbed
11 Posts • 6174 Views
Talk Talk
I think many people misunderstand the meaning of 'atheist', I know I once did. People often think that atheists do not have a spiritual or moral side. The term 'atheist' is derived from the word '...
THREAD This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41054 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
BIG news for Superman fans, it seems the long awaited, highly plgued new Superman movie has finally conquered its biggest challenge, finding the new Superman himself, Bryan Singer, the director and ma...
THREAD Time and Absolute Zero
52 Posts • 13592 Views
Philosophy Forum
You're trying to lure me into a debate over semantics. I don't jive like that. You want clarity? By mass I meant substance, physical representation. Everything, even something at absolute...
THREAD BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11614 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Well asumming we evolved from some sort of primate... I'd say we didn't loose much. Our instinct however is to progress/ And because of progress so far we are the best race in my opinion. Ot...
THREAD Society & SociologyOver population and the effects it has on the human psyche.
8 Posts • 12794 Views
Psychology Forum
characteristically Happy people come from overcrowded environments. Sad people come from environments of poverty. Indifferent people come from environments of virtual immobilization (Japan, for exampl...
THREAD Life & DeathLife...
7 Posts • 3188 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ok, maybe I was vague because I did not really have much to add. I prob should have started the thread off with, you are exactly correct. However there is definitely such thing as "fact" wit...
THREAD HistoryAncient Astronaut Theory
0 Posts • 1898 Views
Science & Technology Forum
cool i knew most of that but that of the food machines sounds interesting and i have never heard about it. but it does fall into something about aliens that a read a while back where they say aliens o...
THREAD War & TerrorismIraq War Alternatives
12 Posts • 3985 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"westernizing" Iraq with our technology and allowing the oppressed people to see the better system we employ so they will rise up and their current political powers will lose their power....
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60649 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe that the point of existence is to ascertain as much knowledge as possible When the required amount of 'life experience' is reached then you become enlightened and shed your mortal coil. So...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44039 Views
Philosophy Forum
How do we make this world better? 'Fix it' as it were. We should all make sure that everyone has their needs taken care of before we even think to satisfy our personal wants. If everyone...
THREAD Do we really exist?
31 Posts • 19114 Views
Philosophy Forum
angel of death If you think personality comes from the brain and past experiences why dont you explain this, there ave been people around the world who've had an accident and totally lost the...
THREAD What would you do without rules?
20 Posts • 9472 Views
Philosophy Forum
I would start out by killing all of those people that don't use their blinkers and cut people off!!!!*mad* I think I would aspire to be a drug lord, if I had no consequences. I would use a Al...
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