Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24193 Views Religion Forum |
the bible says that one day every knee will bow and every tounge will confess so you beileve what you want to but when judgement day comes its the pepole who dont believe that will have to awnser to g... |
ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views Religion Forum |
A: Whoah! Slow down. I'm only fifteen and even I know that you don't need arithmetic to understand the trinity. The trinity is simply this: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spir... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12204 Views Religion Forum |
I don't Hate christianity, or any other religion in the world...yet I'm not an atheist....I feel sorry for those in a relgion tho.:(
If you don't believe in God, it's easier for... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 16997 Views Religion Forum |
"And hence, allows the enslavement of everyone else."
Actually not - you should look into it.
"You are ignoring the other 1500 years in which the Church constantly was the justifi... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40438 Views Religion Forum |
Every action has infinite consequences or infinte rewards.
The heart knows the truth:
---------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------
Romans 2:15 w... |
Reality & MetaphysicsTruth, reality and the meling pot
13 Posts • 2976 Views Philosophy Forum |
3. "Wisdom. This is the ability to know when to stop and when to start."
Take relativity. Had Einstein know what he would his voyage would have predominantly ben used for he would have k... |
I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8214 Views Talk Talk |
Yes but we can't always be independent , that leads to loneliness and confusion, we are social beings. There is nothing wrong with being dependent occasionally. Everyone needs to be encouraged an... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36583 Views Philosophy Forum |
The reality lies in the tides of the ocean and the pull of the moon, knowing that all things will never happen once and that everything is on its own axis. whether or not there is only one dimension t... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41866 Views Religion Forum |
The only evil is in perspective, stems from judgement, and is a lack of self respect and respect for other things in a perceived less develpomental stage or jealosuy of things more advanced.
but a... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63868 Views Religion Forum |
Strongclad - Why do I have to believe what you believe? Will it help you believe what you believe? Do you need my belief to believe it?
I believe what I believe. I have said what I believe. I have... |
God in ReligionProving God Existence
30 Posts • 7066 Views Religion Forum |
Im inclined to think that as long as ppl believe then for them yes god exists.Without belief god has no purpose. |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 24937 Views Psychology Forum |
how did you come across this belief that dreams can give messages about the future. |
PoetrySecret poems
21 Posts • 14487 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I don't know if my poetry is good or ot so plz tell me how you think of my poetry.....here it goes....
I am war I am pain I am all you ever slain I am tears in your eye's i am guilt i am... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63868 Views Religion Forum |
quote---If you do believe there is a difference between God and nature, could you explain the distinctions between the two
god is reality, nature is simply the means to create. Nature is part of re... |
Excerp: Depleted Uranium: Learn & Say No
14 Posts • 4627 Views Talk Talk |
http://thunderbay.indymedia.or g/uploads/rokke.28.ram
http:/ /sf.indymedia.org/uploads/rokk etwo28rm.ram
http://sf.indyme dia.org/uploads/rokkethree28.r am
http://www.indybay.org/upl oads/rokkefour28.ram... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 22941 Views Philosophy Forum |
To say we are not part of an infinite entity is to say that something can exist other than an infinite entity, the thing about infinity is that it doesn't leave room for anything else. All things... |
35 Posts • 25134 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
LMFAO...very true lynnie. Sex can also be two different things to the two having it. For example to one it can be passionate and loving and to the other it can just be a quickie and lies and so on and... |
SpiritualityCan the Supernatural be taken seriously?
32 Posts • 9633 Views Religion Forum |
you have no ability to comprehend its mechanisms in a form of discussion
I have comprehended the mechanisms regardless if I disagree with 'logical reductionism'. It seems you have limited a... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 42862 Views Religion Forum |
not in spite of their mistakes, but because of their mistakes. Love imperfection if you wish to love humans.
But you admit they made mistakes that is judgement. You cannot love someone until you ha... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57756 Views Religion Forum |
"Ego is a human frailty and not a virtue nor a representation of God in us. Demons believe that Christ died, but they also reject Him and have already been condemned to eternal damnation. They ar... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15087 Views Psychology Forum |
Hedgehog, this is for you whenever you may get around to discussing this with me.
Apparently we can have intent without emotion.
When I asked the person who proposed this, to explain this logica... |
War & TerrorismA Conservative Reviews "Fahrenheit 9/11"
30 Posts • 8546 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
hmm i watched bowling for comumbine last night and i liked the movie but then just a few minutes ago i found out that there is a lot of lies in the movie ..... so yeah i don't even know what to b... |
Gender Psychologywhy do guys lie???
21 Posts • 10658 Views Psychology Forum |
It's not that men lie, it's that everyone lies at some point. You should always go with your instincts , don't be too nice and easy to forgive, though it's ok to forgive but that d... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20434 Views Psychology Forum |
i think the real problem lies in varying abilities to empathize. if it were unquestioned, constant and perpetual there would still be varying degrees... |
God in ReligionGOD
23 Posts • 8865 Views Religion Forum |
The problem lies in people. Religion would be great if there were no people to screw it up. |