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Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Eric Haney, a retired command sergeant major of the U.S. Army, was a founding member of Delta Force, the military's elite covert counter-terrorist unit has fighting words for Bush. http://www....
THREAD Religion
2 Posts • 2737 Views
Talk Talk
That is a very personal, and for some a very important question, firstly, you should do what makes you happiest and proves least guilt ridden unless you are willing to fight stereotypes and any reprec...
THREAD Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9334 Views
Religion Forum
To imagine a world without religion or war will seem very boring – what then will you spend your energy on? The fact is that we have all been heavily invested in pain – taking a stance for it or...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57909 Views
Religion Forum
I made a nice long reply and lost it. I'm a bit annoyed so I'll be briefer. *angry* " But the blanket statement that scientists are telling the truth and Priests are not is ludacrou...
THREAD SpiritualityIn any Spiritual Text is there a way to give up Free Will?
5 Posts • 3144 Views
Religion Forum
Hey Vamp.... Well... as I have come to grasp... the Free Will of Humanity is the actual difference that God Makes between mankind and all other of the Creation... it is sooooooo important in fact i...
THREAD ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21069 Views
Religion Forum
Indeed, nothing is conclusive, there are still many unknown factors and known factors of uncalculatability, by these I refer to such things as not scientifically knowing the origins and full workings,...
THREAD War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7560 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Terrorism –The Unexamined Moral Issue by Bradley Smith Let's define what we're talking about. "Terrorism" is the intentional killing of innocent, unarmed civilians to gain a politica...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55466 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yes conway, that was my point. To learn from mistakes. I also stated happiness and sadness are of equal importance. ..and that it was foolish to incorporate one over the other in a philosophy of li...
THREAD ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8825 Views
Religion Forum
^^sweet lady don't get all emotional...:)...I know jesus was crucified, and he died for the same reasons I typed up earlier, he came here and denounced the practices of the present church and mad...
THREAD Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16980 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah, it is currently beleived that the fabric of space time is frozen. I personelly beleve that there is no 'tense' in time, only 'now'(whatever that means) It is beleived that ti...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views
Religion Forum
Please do not call God what you did-for me and you. I love God and I would feel way bad if I did not express that I wish people did not swear about him. I love the guy, and he even loves those who sw...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64057 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood, Unfortunately our discussion has deteriorated to the point you have adopted ad hominems and mockery as your argument. What I said about perspective went right over your head. Quo...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107406 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Marijuana should be legal period. It has been proven to have no long term affects and is the less dangerous drug out there. Now how bad is it really? It will cause some short term memory loss but this...
THREAD SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13771 Views
Religion Forum
We do not know the entire history of biological enitities that have existed on this planet, it is fine to say that humans are the most developed to our knowledge, not as an absolute of past or even pr...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views
Religion Forum
i wanted to respond on an old post here by angel of death, when they said god is most logical and that "it is more logical than the infinite universes etc." What is more logical, saying g...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12269 Views
Religion Forum
The beauty of Free will is just that, freedom. We are free to commit sins, we are free to make our own theories, We are free to choose whom we follow. It does say God is a jealous God. He Himself...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42276 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Everything is energy and every energy form vibrates at a certain frequency. Ideas, emotions, colours, musical notes, stars, plants, sounds all do this. So when I say ideas resonate with me it me...
THREAD ConspiracyAre ANONYMOUS....activist or terrorist???
2 Posts • 3969 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
THIS IS THE MESSAGE ON THE ABOVE VIDEO............... Dear brothers and sisters. Now is the time to open your eyes! In a stunning move that has civil libertarians stuttering with disbelief, the...
THREAD Life & DeathSolve mystery of life through meditation
3 Posts • 2406 Views
Philosophy Forum
Majority of the people in the world are unaware of their goal in life. In other words, they have no idea why they came into world and what is the aim of their life. The truth behind this unknown myste...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107406 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Why is alcohol legal, why is marijuana not? I offhand want to say that in my entire life I have been pretty frequently exsposed to some form of drug or another, and in the cases of marijuana and al...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8933 Views
Religion Forum
Religion evolves much more solwly than religion, and as thus, the religious set of rules do not always apply in today's world. Maybe you meant science. I believe that science has not evolve...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAn answer
31 Posts • 9551 Views
Religion Forum
heyjme1: that is not an answer; just reasons. The problem I see is that religion can only be fixed or further destructed. I don't think mainstream religions can further advance in providing valid...
112 Posts • 27056 Views
Talk Talk
I think it was Dreamer who threw in a link http://loveandwar.prob Them people made me angry. A couple glasses of wine and I'm ok. I don't know how it happens, I suspect it...
THREAD Why do people "care" about what others d
1 Posts • 2953 Views
Philosophy Forum
What i dont understand is why a person, can believe so strongly in something or against something, that they will go though extrodinary lengths to makesure noone does it, or everyone believes it? im m...
THREAD Life & DeathThe Value of Human Life
1 Posts • 2174 Views
Philosophy Forum
It is important that we speculate on the point of our existence and evaluate what we do because if we get these ideas sufficiently misconceived we could end up in dire straits. One thing that seems...
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