Tagged > Beautiful places |
2 Posts • 3420 Views Psychology Forum |
Somewhere in the world there is a child
Whom like us desires many things
But unlike you and I
This boy has different dreams
When he sleeps at night
He dreams of having enough food and water
He... |
And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 12016 Views Talk Talk |
The Shaman replied, "I want an eye from the most beautiful cat in the country, 10 old shillings, 8 frogs legs and a sample of your hair". "What??!!" shouted Fred Al Gor with utter... |
BMW or Mercedes?
15 Posts • 19672 Views Talk Talk |
"the only reason they get looks is because everyone knows they are expensive."
BMW is not very expensive. Mercedes is cheap? Ha, thats a laugh. Look at their website, for even the lowest... |
Just For FunEmails from an asshole
3 Posts • 3550 Views Talk Talk |
Dude what a find! These are all funny but this one in particular is so simple and subtle.
From Me to ********@gmail.com
RE: Clydesdale horse needs caring owners:
Hey there!
Your horse looks... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeIs there a path to wisdom?
12 Posts • 3445 Views Philosophy Forum |
If we learn from our mistakes, then surely I ought to be one of the most learned folks on the planet. But all I've seemed to learn is that "He hath not wisdom who considereth himself wise.&q... |
Relationships & Loveboyfriends that lie
17 Posts • 5965 Views Psychology Forum |
Can you honestly tell me that at the point you were either in the situation or decided im going to cheat you didn't think or feel it was wrong if the answer to this is yes then you're a sociopath.... |
Intelligence, Memory & Brain4a.m. Terror
6 Posts • 2818 Views Psychology Forum |
That's really weird that you post this.
It seems that now that I've read this, I'm recalling feeling the exact same way during these hours... (when I'm usually still awake)... |
Emotions & FeelingsEuphoria
17 Posts • 7816 Views Psychology Forum |
Euphoria. I have felt true euphoria. It's such a beautiful feeling inside. It's like going near a fire after spending hours outside in the bitter cold. The feeling comes on gradually, but on... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31953 Views Psychology Forum |
Post what you think represents the archetypal cute girl for you. Not nescessarily what you find hot or sexy, but more simply the type of girl you find physically beautiful and would like to go out wit... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38014 Views Psychology Forum |
So Decius, if a person has a mansion, and a beautiful yard, they are indeed setting themselves up for robbery, because they are showing their wealth, and therefor, are not victims when the robber (who... |
Random QuestionsWhat's your favorite word?
54 Posts • 25308 Views Talk Talk |
Tristan posted: "ethereal ,because it's the word that comes to mind when i see any thing that personifys beauty to me." I have to agree with Tristan but I would lean more toward aether.... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25414 Views Psychology Forum |
I tried suicide twice,
and honestly looking back,
if I had succeeded,
I would hope people thought I was a cop-out.
We all suffer, life .. the ones who end it are the ones who take the "easy... |
Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15041 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm drawn to women constantly.
My best friend I want to suck her face off half the time because she's the most darling and lovely creature I've ever come into contact.
And though... |
Human Nature & EmotionThat Logic is the path to Emotion
0 Posts • 905 Views Philosophy Forum |
An attempt to share your experience hoping to generate some sort of empathic joy, regardless of your notion of probable failure? Implying you believe love can change things, and that the acceptance of... |
Mental IllnessMental Disorders and Psychology
14 Posts • 8041 Views Psychology Forum |
Ya, for me, the confusing stuff came from having been abused in various ways I was then left to my own devices, I lived with my grandparents who only required I go to school, otherwise I sat in my roo... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25216 Views Talk Talk |
13-14 sounds about right.... that was when i was waaaay in to everything i could get my grubby little hands on.
ever play Galarians? the first one was so great, filled with scary foes, tense music... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160018 Views Talk Talk |
Im starting to doubt my religion, i believe there may be a God, or there may not be, i think that we are too small, too insignificant within to the universe to believe that it was all designed special... |
Song LyricsMad World
22 Posts • 9562 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A girl asked a boy if she was pretty.
He said no.
She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever.
He said no.
She then asked him if he would cry if she walked away.
He again said no.
She had... |
Age relevency on CC
23 Posts • 7199 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have not found a forum where it is ok to talk religion and politics, most places its tabo or its strickly politics or religion.
Here we have freedom, I've looked, and I've not found a f... |
Relationships & LoveLove or Ownership
1 Posts • 2250 Views Psychology Forum |
Love or Ownership
Found in a newsletter called 'Inner Whispers': JEALOUSY - 'A process which occurs when one is actually dissatisfied with his or her own creations...'
I'm guessing this means th... |
BooksThoughts on Fifty Shades of Grey?
5 Posts • 9759 Views Talk Talk |
I haven't read the book, but I've read a thorough synopsis of the plot. What interests me and is pretty much the only reason I would read this book is because of all the 'I have it'... |
populations in ecosystems
17 Posts • 6061 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^the joke cannot be understood...will never be understood, as yet I don't even know the reason for all this laughter... but the mere contradiction that man has placed between life and death is a... |
Religion & HumanityGrand Religious Theories
16 Posts • 6111 Views Religion Forum |
**applause** Exactly what i was looking for. Beautiful, thank you very much. So, then, what are your ideas, based on this, of things like death or reincarnation. Do you die and return to this spiritua... |
Movie ReviewTotal Eclipse
8 Posts • 6977 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Btw, do you have problems with viruses while downloading through torrent? i'm having big trouble with it even though i have a security wall. Any advices?
No, I don't really have too much... |
Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15041 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't think the men that ARE attracted to men are afraid to admit it, they are the ones that are Gay...<being sarcastic>.
But seriously, it is very taboo to be a man and find other men a... |