Tagged > Beautiful places |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24731 Views Religion Forum |
Look everyone-
Nick is a toothless dragon... because....
HE is the one that claimed that HE had a mark on his face... now he is claiming that WE added the cheek to the list of places to look for... |
suicide with heartbreak?
16 Posts • 12047 Views Talk Talk |
I was once in this phase...don't even think about suicide, its not a good way out of anything. It's gonna burn your heart and soul alot in the coming days, months, possibly even years...I ca... |
Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3500 Views Psychology Forum |
well i love the world, i love life, but its hard to live in this world happily because of the presence of other annoying humans, stupid people who expect too much from you
If all you did was live h... |
1 Posts • 2586 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
My beautiful winter is over,
gone is the snow.
Through white carpet winks clover,
spring is here I know.
Sparkling snow crystals gone,
in eyes of azure and gold.
Never to hear a... |
GovernmentAre nations allowed to atone for past mistakes?
6 Posts • 3543 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Take our mone with us and fend for ourselves. Then we will watch to se who stands up for the under dogs of the world."
Because the US stands for the underdogs of the world? Oh, please, are... |
13 Posts • 3725 Views Philosophy Forum |
Interesting...It would be nice that I could believe that such contact was possible. It's would be nice to imagine a world that is perfect and beautiful. Once again, however, I realize that I know... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67570 Views Philosophy Forum |
We have to widen our view and stop having such norrow vision, sure it all sounds great for developed countires with fertile soil like the UK and USA, but then think of how places like Africa would sur... |
Life & DeathThe meaning of life?
15 Posts • 4516 Views Philosophy Forum |
i dont have the best grammer lol and i cant spell very well but here it is.
ok i was talking to my friends the other night and we were talking about theories. Ones like this and religion and after... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36750 Views Philosophy Forum |
i didn't read shadow of neo's huge long post, yet, but i saw MiT's comment about colors and i'd have to say i think about that a lot too. it comes and goes but it's always the... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49754 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Liberate the frozen rose with your breath;
part the clouds with the point of your finger;
shatter the lock of this heart with a smile-
This is what she does to me.
Through song and story she light... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20630 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't think that your view is wrong at all. I think you have an amazing perspective on your heart and the world around you.
Listen to me.
What you seek is beautiful and pure. You could s... |
Where me and my true love will never meet again...
2 Posts • 4885 Views Talk Talk |
Its five in the morning, and im so ill, I cant sleep, but all i can do is listen to this song, its making me feel so sad, its so beautiful.
Please listen to it. At this moment in time i dont want an... |
Random QuestionsWhats your favorite song
81 Posts • 18727 Views Talk Talk |
I don't have a favorite but these are my top songs:
1.Sweet Child of Mine by Guns N' Roses and just about anything else by them
2.Break Me by Jewel
3. Jessy's Girl
4. Hotel Calif... |
Best cars
17 Posts • 10013 Views Talk Talk |
Supercars must have something about them. They need speed, torque, handling, braking, beauty and something extra that makes them stand out. American dodges and chevvys are fine but they dont handle. B... |
Creative MusingsDeja-Vu you never knew?
5 Posts • 2536 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Absolutely! At the very least, it would distract me from my "trembling point of view too used to despairing to allow itself to look up with hope".
And in case, you're wondering, my f... |
Religion & HumanityReligion?
21 Posts • 7196 Views Religion Forum |
Thank you all for responding.
Also my reason for asking about your views on me being without a religion is cause I see how jusgamental some people can be.
Depending on everything someone has... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Hard Working Paradox
10 Posts • 4228 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm part of program called desination imagination the idea behind this program is to promote growth of the mind and a lot of thinking outside the box activty's.
We have a saying that we a... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13193 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"And I don't think the US brainwashing technique is better because they haven't yet been able to convince their own men to blow themselves up in public places in hopes that maybe one in... |
The Element of Frequency…
1 Posts • 1959 Views Philosophy Forum |
The Element of Frequency…
Possibly the most important and used elements involved with perception is the element of ‘Frequency'…
Ligh t, and Sound are two things that are completel... |
Religion & HumanityAllegorical or Literal?
21 Posts • 7199 Views Religion Forum |
ExplodingGopher said:I must agree with you that scripture should only be looked at as a series of parables intended to teach morality.
But, if Scripture conveys what actually happened in time, should... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8622 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I spent the day in the countryside where i called it a home just a year ago. The first thing i did is go to the woods and pick some fresh spring grass to my rabbit Godot. I drifted so far that i forgo... |
Religion & HumanityWhy can we do wrong
23 Posts • 6521 Views Religion Forum |
If you had all the power in the universe and knew everything, would you want to create a robot? I wouldn't, I would create something worthy, something complex and beautiful, maybe something to ke... |
70 Posts • 22671 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Yeah the first time I saw her was at the BIG DAY OUT which is a huge gig that many overseas and local artists perform in this huge area in every state in Australia and she was there. WOW she was SO se... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39610 Views Philosophy Forum |
Iron. I fully comprehend the difference between true morality and religion. Before whatever it is we want to call "me talking to Jesus" I learned much about many different religions in the s... |
6 Posts • 3531 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"this really isn't intended to be a real big debate about evolution, but more along the lines of wouldn't it be sweet if sometime in the near future (on the bigger scale of time) if hum... |